Birth Stories

Chelsea Accepts the Unexpected Turn to C-Section With Grace

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up around 3 am with what I thought was major gas, realized about hour later gas doesn't come in timed intervals lol. Walked around the house awhile, and my water broke around 5 am.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    For me, it was being in the hospital and having to do everything their way. I had GD, Strep B, and my membranes had ruptured (hello, obstacles), so I was hooked to an IV, fetal monitor, wasn't allowed to move around til doc approved, plus my doc tried to push pitocin within an hour of my admittance (despite knowing I was going natural & was making great progress)! All good things are worth the challenge though, right?

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I did a lot of meditation, yoga, continued to exercise, and was overall very determined to have a natural birth from the get go. I also made sure my husband knew my desire for an unmedicated birth, and prepared him to help me through it. Acupuncture, massage, and chiro work were valuable yet pampering things I did for myself as well.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Well, that it ended in a C-section. 12 hours of labor, almost four hours of pushing (strong willed), finally ended with giving in and trying Pitocin with no luck (just a lot more pain lol), my doctor's encouraging words, "Well, we may get his head out, but his shoulders may get stuck, then we're screwed", and singing the paperwork for the surgery. Surprisingly, I was incredibly calm, didn't get angry, simply, "Let go and let God".

  • I was incredibly calm, didn't get angry, simply, "Let go and let God". Try not to be too hard on yourself or feel like a failure if things go differently than you hoped. It happens exactly the way it is supposed to happen.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I found laying on the floor on my side to be surprisingly comfy. During contractions I had my husband press super hard on the acupressure point to the side of the knee (my massage therapist showed me), I covered my eyes with my hand and pressed into my temples, and breathed. Just got into the zone big time. I also left the TV on, for some reason that added some normalcy to the hospital room; I liked the background noise.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I liked pushing best in a squat to the side of the bed, but they kept making me get back into that God-awful bed to push. Was seriously most uncomfortable thing ever. And made me do the traditional kneess way up, I couldn't breathe though and didn't feel strong in that position.
    To answer the question though, on an operating room table. Freezing cold and shaking (yet happy and calm, mentally it was a great birth lol).

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I had the entire vision of my husband catching him then placing him on my chest right away, but he was taken so they could stitch me up (I now know I still could have requested for them to put him onto my chest and stay with me, but I didn't know then).
    About 45 minutes after he arrived, I went back to my room and got to hold him. It felt strange, think because there was no actual birth process, but it was also very calming and special. It was a weird mix of feelings, a lot of relief I remember.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Know your options! I didn't have any friends with babies around me, so I was flying by the seat of my pants. Interview your doctor, I would get a midwife if I ever have another baby actually. Find a mama group or center and go talk to ladies who have done it!
    Then set your intentions, prepare,and focus. And try not to be too hard on yourself or feel like a failure if things go differently than you hoped. It happens exactly the way it is supposed to happen.

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