Birth Stories

A Lot Of Mental Preparation Helped Lisa Achieve Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke at 4 am at 38w5d. Contractions hadn't begun, so I paged our midwife to let her know, and we went to her office that morning at 9 am for a NST. Baby was doing perfectly, but we discussed my "window" of time before infection risk increases (they were comfortable giving me 24 hours after my water broke to go into labor). At my midwife's recommendation, I went home and cooked up some eggs in castor oil to help get things started, to avoid unnecessary medical interventions. I ate my eggs at 1 pm, and 45 minutes later I was having consistent contractions that felt like stronger Braxton Hicks. That's when I knew it was go time!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Not knowing how far along I was, or realizing that I was in transition. For me, my labor lasted 5 hours from beginning to end, and only about 2 of those hours were uncomfortable. I was so certain I was in it for the long haul, it being my first birth, that I labored at home up until my body started pushing, which resulted in a very uncomfortable--and very fast!--ride to the hospital. That was probably the most difficult point, trying to breathe through and control my pushing reflex in the car.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I did a LOT of mental preparation: I read Ina May's books, took the Mama Natural birth course, and listening to a lot of audio books on natural birthing, hypnobirthing, birth affirmations, etc., in order to get myself in the right mental state ahead of time. I also ate my dates religiously, took a high-quality collagen powder supplement, and took RRL capsules. In total, I firmly believe all of these things added up to make for such a fast, smooth, and beautiful birth!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That it was so fast and so manageable! I napped through my first hour or so of contractions, had a visitor stop by, walked and chatted with my husband through the second hour...

    When my contractions really picked up the last two hours, it was still completely manageable given that when they were over they were over. Your body gives you short bursts of rest and recovery, which were hugely helpful, especially since my contractions were consistently about 2 minutes apart from the start.

  • Prepare yourself mentally, not just physically! Absorb all the information and stories you can on natural birthing and affirm that your body has been beautifully designed to do this. Give in to the process and let your body do what it already knows how to do.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My husband massaged my neck and shoulders while our doula rubbed my lower back and sides. This was so soothing to me and helped me to give in to my body's power more easily.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?


  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was in so much shock that it was all over and he was on my chest! I think in my birth video I said something like "oh my gosh, I just had a baby!", completely exasperated and in a half-whispered disbelief. There he was! Eyes open and searching, a little cry forming at his mouth. I will never forget that moment; so surreal.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare yourself mentally, not just physically! Absorb all the information and stories you can on natural birthing and affirm that your body has been beautifully designed to do this. Give in to the process and let your body do what it already knows how to do.

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