Birth Stories

Having A Natural-Friendly Birth Team Helped Leanne During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After more than 2 weeks of prodromal labor and 3 days past my due date, I was DONE being pregnant. I saw my midwife at 10:45am and was STILL 4-5cm and 70% effaced. Around lunch time I’d been cramping but nothing substantial - just the same I’d experienced the past several weeks. I ate my lunch in bed while my 5 year old watched a show. I wanted nothing more than to be comfortable in my bed with my kids. But I couldn’t get comfortable…

    I told my husband I was going to take a bath because I felt off. I knew that if I took a bath and felt fine, I could rest. But if things didn’t slow down in the bath, we should probably start timing things or something. I got in the bath and downloaded a contraction-timing app. I timed 3 contractions in the bath - each about 45 seconds long and 3 minutes apart. I decided it was probably time to start moving towards getting out of the house. While in the bath I had to go to the bathroom and thought I'd much rather pee in the tub than get out to use the bathroom and have another contraction. That was a pretty good indicator that it was time to go!

    I got out of the bath and told my husband what was going on. Contractions were sending me to my knees and were still about 45 seconds long and 3-4 minutes apart. Things were definitely feeling different. I couldn’t answer his questions but thankfully he knew just what to do. He called our dear friend and she came right over. His mom was about 90 minutes away but I suspected we didn't have time to wait for her. I said goodbye to our son (our daughter was napping), hugged our friend, and we were in the car just before 2pm.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The contractions were so intense. The pain was almost unmanageable and I couldn't get comfortable no matter what position I tried. I was able to labor in the tub with my first son but there wasn't a tub available this time. My legs cramped and I wasn't comfortable through contractions no matter what I tried. I was convinced that I couldn't handle things but there was no other option. This labor was so fast and intense.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    We did Centering Pregnancy with our midwife group. Every appointment (monthly and then twice a month) we met with a midwife and other couples due the same month as us. It was incredibly helpful. We discussed labor, infant care, contraception, pain management, pregnancy, and everything else! It was so helpful to know there were other women going through the same things I was at the same time.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    This labor was so fast and that was surprising. It was also surprising that I wasn't sure I was in labor even when I was 3 days overdue, 4-5cm dilated, and contracting. I still wasn't sure it was the real thing and this was my second labor!

  • Choose a team that will support your decisions. Help your partner understand what you want and why you want it. Your partner will be your biggest advocate so it is important for he/she to know what it is you're going for and why it is important to you.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    With my first labor I had a playlist on my phone that was like 12 hours long. This time I created a very short playlist of 8 songs and listened to them leading up to my labor to help me calm down and focus. I had one song on that list that became my anthem. It reminded me of why I was in pain and that the pain was worth something. It helped me calm down and focus on birthing my baby. My husband knew to put that song on repeat when I needed it. In labor, my midwife and nurses were humming and singing along during my labor.

    It was also so helpful having a natural-friendly birth team that was supportive of my decisions. My midwife encouraged me and told me that my body was created for this and I could do it. The nurses counted, encouraged me to breathe, and told me he was almost here. My husband knew what I needed and knew that I could do it. There was never a doubt in his mind, even when I doubted. They worked at least as hard as I did!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on my back. It isn't ideal, but it was how I was most comfortable. I tried several other positions, but ultimately felt the most secure on my back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Incredible relief. He was perfect and beautiful.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Choose a team that will support your decisions. Help your partner understand what you want and why you want it. Your partner will be your biggest advocate so it is important for he/she to know what it is you're going for and why it is important to you. If they won't read the books you're reading, share what you've learned. Direct them to this website or sign them up for the emails. The more they understand that natural birth is normal and other people are doing it the more they can be supportive of you!

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