Birth Stories

Hypnobirthing Tapes And Guided Meditation Helped Rose During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up around 3 am with contractions 10 mins apart. By 7 am they were 3-4 mins apart and lasting a minute. It became very intense at this point and I knew I was in labor!!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    We were planning a home birth but by the time my midwife and her assistant got there I was in my own head and my body was not connected. The pain became unbearable and I asked to be transferred for pain management options. I got to the hospital/birth center and was very close to giving birth. I used nitrous oxide as a natural pain relief strategy. I felt that it didn't help and made me feel claustrophobic. But really, I was glad to have it. It was the most painful and intense moment imaginable. It's easy to forget about it afterwards, but seriously in that moment the pain was all I could manage. It was actually a little traumatizing.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    You cannot prepare for what's about to happen!! It really is that intense! I tore a little and kind of wish that I had done perineal massage because the healing afterwards is very painful as well. I was happy that I had options. My midwife was amazing and made sure that I clearly understood what my transfer was going to look like. I also had an incredible support group including my husband, my Mom, my midwife and her team. Without them the experience would have been more fearful

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Your body takes over, and you have NO control! It's so extreme, nothing can ever compare. I asked my Mom to pray for me as I became more afraid.
    After your baby is born, you feel so powerful and animalistic. Your motherhood takes hold and you just know what to do. It's absolutely incredible. Even though the actual process of birthing a baby is absolute hell, the healing and bonding time afterwards is indescribable. It's magical and beautiful and the most rewarding experience of my life.

  • Prepare all you want!!! But until you've already had a baby you cannot mentally prepare for the pain.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Screaming at the top of my lungs, squeezing with my hands, and using the nitrous oxide.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my knees leaning into the back of the hospital bed. I preferred being on my knees and leaning into pillows during contractions.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Absolutely amazing!! There is nothing like it. We didn't know the gender and the first thing my husband said to me when he caught her was "it's Jackie!!!" Letting me know our baby girl was born. She was also born with a ton of hair which is kind of surprising but very cute!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare all you want!!! But until you've already had a baby you cannot mentally prepare for the pain. I tried many different things including hypno tapes and guided meditation, breathing exercises and squats upon squats. It is so much more than what you think it's going to be. I wish someone had told me that just once. But it's really easy to forget once the baby is born!! I'm writing this after 4 days, so it's still very fresh in my memory.

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