Birth Stories

Mama Natural Birth Course And Self-Care Was The Most Helpful Thing Lauren Did During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Due to our 2 vessel cord and concern for this, our midwife recommended a scheduled induction at 39 Weeks and 3 Days; this was not how I’d envisioned the start of our first birth but it was the safest option to get our girl here! After breaking my water at 10 AM and walking the halls/stairs at the hospital for 3 hours with no regular contractions, pitocin was advised to help labor progress along. It took about 2-3 hours before contractions became more intense and regular.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    For me, it was simply the physical exhaustion of active labor for 10 hours (even though I know this is not very long especially for first time mamas) which made pushing harder than I anticipated. I was able to breathe and utilize coping strategies throughout contractions but the physical act of pushing was intense and I think this was largely due to my weakness/fatigue. Luckily, my support team (amazing husband and incredible midwife) got me through it!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Definitely the Mama Natural Birthing Course but also self-care during pregnancy, the boring things like eating as healthy as possible (with splurges of course), exercising regularly including yoga/stretching, drinking TONS of water and sleeping more.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised to deliver in the hospital bed on my back! I could NOT tolerate contractions while in the bed at all, we mostly used the peanut birthing ball and “all fours” position but when it came time to push, this wasn’t cutting it. My midwife encouraged me to try pushing on my back and that did the trick!

  • IN. CRED. IBLE. Can’t put into words the feeling I had when my midwife said “Lauren, reach down and grab your baby girl!” I will never forget that moment and am so grateful I was able to experience it fully.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Several -
    Pressure. My husband and midwife would apply pressure to my hip bones which helped to open my pelvic inlet as she began to descend, this was a huge help.
    Heat. We used a microwaveable heating pad for pain during “back labor.”
    Distraction/Movement. I couldn’t be still between contractions, I had to be moving whether it was walking or bouncing on the birthing ball.
    Positive Reinforcement. I kept repeating “This will be worth it, this will be worth it.”

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back in the hospital bed. We did not use stirrups, my husband and one of our nurses held my feet up higher so that I could push against the least amount of resistance.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    IN. CRED. IBLE. Can’t put into words the feeling I had when my midwife said “Lauren, reach down and grab your baby girl!” I will never forget that moment and am so grateful I was able to experience it fully.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    Too many ways to count! My husband and I learned so much through the course and I even listened back a second time closer to her due date. I am so thankful for finding this class and your book!

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