Birth Stories

Olivia's Cesarean Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When I felt like I was having tight pains like period cramps, and I had been drinking lots of water so I knew i want just dehydrated, I thought it was contractions. I talked to my midwife and she said I was in labor :)

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    How long mt labor lasted, it lasted 36 hours, but unfortunately I ended up getting the epidural, even though I didn't want that originally I was so tired and then my son didn't move down so I was dilated at an 8 for 4 hours:/ so I ended up having a c-section, which wasn't at all my plan but things weren't moving along and he needed to come out. But now I have a healthy happy baby boy?

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Walk a lot, even while I was in early labor I walked around at the mall. It got hard towards the end of the night and we had to go home because the contractions started getting stronger. But definitely walking and drinking lots and lots of water through the day

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That it didn't go at all how I planned. My plan was no meds at all and a vaginal birth, But I ended up having a c section and getting the epidural. I also only expected maybe around a 10-20 hour labor, but it ended up lasting 36. Even though it didn't go as planned, I am proud that I lasted 34 hours without pain meds. And that I was strong and tried to be positive throughout the changes in my birth plans.

  • You CAN do it, people try to say it's to much pain and um you can't handle it but trust me momma you ARE strong and you CAN do it!! You have to be positive and stick to your decision of going natural, don't let others scare you, God made us to have children and he made your body special so it could handle it?? You've got this momma?❤
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing techniques, I did deep breaths through my nose exhale through my mouth. And changing positions as uncomfortable as it may be. Being in the yoga ball was a good one.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Lying down, because I ended up having a c section.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    When I heard him cry for the first time I couldn't believe that after all this wait he was here and that he was mine it was so real now and I cried and cried cause I was so happy, holding him was so so special and I felt nothing but overwhelming love for him. I've never felt so much love for a human then I did when I heard and held him for the first time??

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You CAN do it, people try to say it's to much pain and um you can't handle it but trust me momma you ARE strong and you CAN do it!! You have to be positive and stick to your decision of going natural, don't let others scare you, God made us to have children and he made your body special so it could handle it?? You've got this momma?❤

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