Birth Stories

Reading And Watching Positive Birth Stories Helped Amber Achieve Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I knew the contractions were "real" and that I was going to be having her probably within the next 48 hours, but I didn't believe I was actually having her that evening until about 30 minutes before she was here! I didn't realize how close they were until I started timing them and was more concerned with not arriving too early (and having to come home) or making my family drive out unnecessarily early. :)

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    In all honesty, I've read so many unmedicated birth stories over the years that "going natural" isn't even a distinction I notice nor was it a consideration in my mind when it came to my births. I knew what kind of birth I wanted and picked the location and birth team that would let me do my thing, provide support if needed, and watch over the medical aspects (temp, bp, baby hr, placenta whole, etc) in the least invasive manner so I could focus on working with my body and baby.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    With my first birth I prepared with the HypnoBabies childbirth program (which is awesome and I recommend to everyone. Solid birth prep course!), but I think reading and watching TONS of positive birth stories as well as practicing yoga for a couple years beforehand is what actually helped me the Most since I knew how to *instinctively* breathe through discomfort. Without planning it, I ended up using strong (ujayyi) breath to move the pressure downward, working With my body. Positive affirmations about the health and strength of my body and safety of my baby were also wonderful.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That she came before we could even head to the birth center! My body started pushing and went to see if I could tell if I was dilated but felt her head instead! The next contraction her head was in my hand, and the next one she was out!
    I remember feeling so glad I wouldn't have to labor through the night like I was expecting and I was all done already! :)

  • I was still on a high and didn't want to go to sleep. So Baby Girl and I just looked at each other while she nursed and marveled she was really here.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I experimented with a lot of different things with each contraction early on. I tested out walking through them, being on all fours (heck no!) sitting on the ball....But what worked best for me was standing (sometimes swaying I think) and strong breathing the pressure down from my ribs all the way to my thighs since I was feeling it mostly in my lower back and upper legs. I also listened to birthing day affirmations until they became distracting and I needed to focus on my breath.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my knees!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It actually didn't sink in until later. Because she came so quickly (before midwives arrived) I was thinking more about her color, if she was crying, rooting, removing the cord from her neck, etc, then I was thinking about my body- blood loss, checking how I was feeling (if I needed a drink, when I needed a bite of fig bar, etc)
    It was after the midwives left (hours later) and after everyone had gone to sleep (by then it was 2 am) I was still on a high and didn't want to go to sleep. So Baby Girl and I just looked at each other while she nursed and marveled she was really here.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    All. The. Positive. Birth. Stories. Each birth and body is so different so reading and watching many different experiences will help you feel more flexible and ready for however it'll will be for you and your baby.
    Then hunt for a birth class that feels like it matches you. There are SO many and lots of different coping strategies. You don't know what will work best for you, so fill your arsenal. :) Some focus on your fierce strength and some focus more on relaxing and remaining calm...whatever you feel will benefit you most! I would encourage attending classes (not the generic hospital class ;) with your birth partner so you're on the same page and can have discussions about options and make decisions together. And they'll feel more prepared to be there for you with encouraging words and hip squeezes, but also with the belief in You that you can do it.

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