Birth Stories

Reading Positive Birth Stories And Birth Videos Helped Stephanie During Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I started to have mild contractions the day after my stretch and sweep. The contractions eventually got closer together but weren’t painful, but I decided (albeit against my original plan to labor at home as long as possible) to head to the hospital at about 6 am the day after my due date. I was 4 cm and 70% effaced so they had me walk around for a while to see if it would progress. I did progress but after discussions with my OB, we decided to break my water. I was determined not to have any interventions so he explained this would be done natural during a cervical check and shouldn’t lead to interventions unless of course I didn’t progress at all.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing was sticking to my guns when a resident at the hospital offered pitocin twice when she felt my contractions hadn’t progressed quickly enough after my water broke. I knew things were progressing as they should and had done my research and was able to not give in.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The most helpful thing that I did was read only positive birth stories (many from this site, so thank you!!) and watched natural birth videos. When people wanted to tell me about their bad experience or an anecdotal story, I simply did not listen. It was very important to keep my mind in a positive state because many people thought I was crazy to want to go natural.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    My husband was my absolute rock and knew exactly what I needed and when. I knew he would be helpful but he went above and beyond and experiencing labor together definitely made our love/bond even stronger. I also WAY over packed and prepared for the hospital. I brought so many things and was ready to use many different distraction methods to help get through labor but didn’t need any of it. Pushing was a nice break from contractions. I was amazed that our bodies give us longer breaks between contractions when pushing because we would never have enough strength to push if our contractions stayed right on top of each other like they are right before it is time to push.

  • Do your research. Read all the positive birth stories you can get your hands on. Make sure your partner is on board with your plans. Know you can do this and if labor takes a different course than you planned, roll with it because once your healthy baby is on your arms, nothing else matters!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I bounced on an exercise ball the majority of my labor. I went in the shower for a bit and my husband sprayed water on my stomach in a circular motion but for me I felt my best naked, bouncing on the exercise ball with my husband lightly rubbing my back. I really got in to this beautiful zone, and when I decided to try and change positions and it didn’t work, I’d go back to the ball and get back in my zone. I also had meditation/spa-like music playing on my cell phone the entire labor. I had planned to listen to birth affirmations but in the moment, the woman’s voice bothered me so I stuck to one without any talking. The nurse at the hospital said it was one of the most beautiful and peaceful births she’s ever been a part of.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered lying on my back with my husband and a nurse holding my knees up. My OB told me that if I was able to listen to his direction and stop pushing when I had to, I’d be able to deliver without tearing and he was absolutely right!!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Like nothing I have ever experienced in my entire life. I was on such a high. He was perfect and I’m beyond blessed to be his mama. I immediately forgot about any of the pain and felt so incredibly proud that I was able to delivery naturally in a hospital setting, when so many people had their doubts.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research. Read all the positive birth stories you can get your hands on. Make sure your partner is on board with your plans. Know you can do this and if labor takes a different course than you planned, roll with it because once your healthy baby is on your arms, nothing else matters!

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