Birth Stories

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Eating Dates And Labor Day Tea Helped Hannah During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I awoke to my water randomly breaking at 4:24 a.m., two days past my due date. Mild contractions started within that next half hour.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    How mind blowingly quickly it all happened and how overwhelmed I was with not having time to wrap my head around the pain or how rushed the birthing room was. There was meconium in the amniotic fluid, and I let myself get too worried and distracted by that to fully focus on working thru contractions. Had I been able to focus and not be so scared in the moment, I could have dealt much better.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    My entire labor and delivery lasted a few minutes shy of 3 hours from the time my water broke to baby's arrival. Baby was out with one contraction and 2 pushes. I attribute that to drinking 4 cups of red raspberry leaf tea + 6 dates daily in that last month. I also had the labor day tea for the last 3 days before labor. My previous labors lasted much longer and I had not done those 3 things!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How quickly it all happened! I had SEVERAL plans for coping with my pain and contractions, but didn't get to use a single one! Since my water broke before arrival, my hospital didn't allow me to get out of bed due to possible cord prolapse. I was forced to labor on on my back for 2 hours, and the pain during transition was excruciating while in that position. So all my pain management plans went straight out of the window!

  • Be mentally prepared above all else. Dealing with the pain is very much mind over matter. Yes it hurts, but it is nothing you are incapable of. You just have to be able to focus and get your fears under control. It was easy to let the fear become overwhelming for me, but having my Mama and the nurses reassure me that I could indeed do it, was the most helpful thing.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My only option was to breathe thru the contractions. My Mama at my side was the best relief I had. She helped me to SLOWLY breathe thru each contraction and let me know when the monitor showed it began to taper off. I also kept my eyes closed to try and focus better.

    In my pain management arsenal, I had planned on: birthing ball, walking, hip movement, showering, essential oils, massager and heating pad for back. Sadly tho I never got to use these strategies!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    The only position I was allowed to at the time- on my back with holding my legs back. Baby thankfully descended and delivered quickly.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    He was taken away immediately because of the meconium in amniotic fluid. I also still had my eyes closed for probably the first few minutes, I was literally in shock. I had transitioned so quickly, my body was shaking and tingly from the adrenaline, and I was so nauseous. It was however instant relief from the pain!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Be mentally prepared above all else. Dealing with the pain is very much mind over matter. Yes it hurts, but it is nothing you are incapable of. You just have to be able to focus and get your fears under control. It was easy to let the fear become overwhelming for me, but having my Mama and the nurses reassure me that I could indeed do it, was the most helpful thing.

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