Birth Stories

Researching The Pros And Cons Of Delivering In Birth Center Vs Hospital Birth Helped Madison Achieve Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had really intense Braxton Hicks contractions, so at first I assumed that’s what I was feeling! After sitting in the bathtub for about an hour with no relief, I had my husband start timing my contractions. Once we realized they were consistent and consistently getting closer together and stronger, we knew it was go time!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I got a lot of pushback and skeptisicm from people- mostly acquaintances who didn’t even know me very well! People would say things like “oh, you think you’ll go natural, but once you start feeling those contractions, you will beg for an epidural!” I would get so frustrated with people speaking such negativity into something I was really excited about! As they walked away, I would just say a little prayer, rebuking the need for an epidural, and asking for strength and peace about having this baby in the setting I truly believed God led me to!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I actually, up until 35 weeks, was planning on delivering in a hospital with an OB. I had only actually met our OB 1 time, and our hospital had no other options to deliver except on your back in the bed. I had no peace about that, and eventually got online to see if there were other options for me. I totally stumbled upon a Christian based birthing center right by my house! The midwife was so kind and I felt so much peace about having my baby there.

    The most helpful thing I did was researching the pros and cons of delivering in a birth center vs a hospital and the pros and cons of using a midwife vs an obstetrician.

    The most relaxing this I did to prepare was creating a birthing playlist! My church had just released a bunch of new worship songs that really spoke to me, with lyrics like “I trust Your heart, You know where to lead me”, and “Now You stand victorious in this place” which I needed to hear not only in preparing for birth, but during the birth as well!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    My baby was HUGE! I knew we were going to have a big baby, and he was a week late, but at 10lbs 4oz, we had a record setter at the birth center! I pushed for 3 hours, ended up with a small episiotomy and ended up with the Hulk’s kid! But it was awesome.

    Also, not that I thought so in the moment, but right afterwards I remember thinking “yeah, I could do this again...”

  • Mama, you can do it. Your body was designed just for this, and it knows exactly what to do. Trust your body. Know that wimps and wussies like me have done this and are okay! Women throughout history have done this, and decided to do it again- multiple times!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The bath! I’m a bath-junkie anyway, but man oh man did I love the bathtub at the birth center! I labored there for about 2-3 hours. My sweet mother in law had to keep putting cold washcloths on my forehead and the back of my neck though, to cool me off!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I tried every position in the books! But at about hour 2 of pushing, my midwife suggested me laying on my back, pulling my knees towards my head. Then, in realizing how big my baby’s head was, she needed easy access to try and maneuver him around and assist the process. So even though I chose a birth center because I didn’t really want to deliver on my back, I did. And I’m glad I did- I’m sure in a hospital, they would not have let me push for that long and would have tried to pressure me into a C-Section.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    The most overwhelming joy. I can’t even describe it with actual words. It was just love. All that pain and uncomfortableness of labor, the morning sickness, inability to have a glass of wine with my friends, waddling down the hallways was so worth it just for that moment. I didn’t even know what gender the baby was when I first held him- I literally knew nothing except that I loved it more than life itself.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Mama, you can do it. Your body was designed just for this, and it knows exactly what to do. Trust your body. Know that wimps and wussies like me have done this and are okay! Women throughout history have done this, and decided to do it again- multiple times! Sane people don’t willingly subject themselves to torture over and over again, so clearly, it’s not *that* bad. And it all fades away as soon as you see the tiny person that just came out of you.

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