Birth Stories

Spending The Majority Of Her Pregnancy Preparing Herself Mentally For Natural Childbirth Helped Emily During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had been feeling "off" all day - nauseous and very tired. I woke up from a nap and realized my then normal and nightly Braxton Hicks were actually becoming somewhat crampy. I payed close attention for a few hours and they were coming in almost regular intervals about every 8 minutes. The contractions were not particularly painful, but I knew I was finally in labor!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I was very prepared mentally for a natural birth and I was so excited to feel and experience and endure this primal act. It was not challenging at all to labor at home for the majority of my time, or to refuse pain medication or interventions. My midwife and I were very much "in tune" with each other and I knew all my needs and wishes would be met, so there was no challenge there. Honestly, it was challenging to wait for active labor! My early labor lasted a full 24 hours, and during this time I was only moderately in pain even though my contractions were 5 minutes apart for the entire span of a day. I had a large birthing group at my house helping me along and I think I would have rather progressed for most of early labor alone. I found myself anxious for the "real" labor to begin so everyone had something to do, and it was hard to truly find time to rest during early labor even though I knew I should be saving my strength.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I spent the majority of my pregnancy preparing myself mentally for natural childbirth and surrounded myself with and interacted with many many strong empowered women who shared their stories and advice with me. I avoided or ignored the "horror stories" acquaintances felt they must share, and I also took the time when this happened to share my birth plans with the people who thought I was crazy to plan for a natural birth. It was so so helpful to me to speak my birth plan as much as possible because it not only empowered me but also educated others. I also took a wonderful 8 week birth class with an incredibly qualified and experienced mentor. I'd say, though, that the most helpful thing I did was to prepare everyone else that would be present at the birth. I chose a variety of people in my life who would serve different physical and emotional roles during my labor, and everyone knew my wishes, what was important to me, and that their number one job was to encourage me and remind me that I was strong and powerful and could do it!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I didn't realize when I had started pushing or that transition would be so hard! I labored at home so long that I arrived at the hospital 100% effaced and 7cm with a bulging bag of waters. I walked for a half hour while my midwife prepared the tub so I could get some relief in the water, and as soon as I hit the water my own water broke. After this, I entered transition and everything about my calm and relaxed labor changed. Before I knew it my deep breathing and moans turned to low low bellowing and I felt a very different need to bear down with each contraction. Counter pressure and massage no longer helped at all, and I knew I was at a point in labor when I had to do this myself. But I didn't realize that I was actually pushing! I thought I was just helping baby through my pelvis, rather than the fact that he was already almost crowning and I was so close to giving birth. The most exciting and surprising part that no one told me about what feeling every part of my baby leave me as I finally gave birth- I remember feeling his shoulder pop out, his hips side through, and even his feet.

  • Natural birth is not something you can try to do the day you go into labor. You must prepare yourself mentally, telling yourself throughout your entire pregnancy that you can do this, your body was made to do this, and that there is nothing to fear. Educate yourself so you feel strong in your beliefs and decisions and empower your mind and spirit with people who believe in you.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Counter pressure by my birth team worked more than any other strategy once I was in active labor and the contractions were much more painful. My birth team took turns squeezing my hips or pressing on my sacrum through the contractions and it brought instant relief in a way that allowed me to breathe through them rather than tense up. I also found that moving was absolutely necessary as laying down made the contractions much much worse.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I spent half of pushing squatting in the water, and the other half through crowning on my knees with my arms at the top of a raise bed. When I pushed him out, I flipped over at the last minute and did my final two pushes on my side.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    i just wanted to see his face! I'd spent so much time thinking about what he'd look like that I immediately held him up off my chest to get a good look at him! I felt so powerful and proud of myself to have brought him into the world the way I wanted, and everyone there was so excited it was definitely a moment of pure joy for the entire room.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Natural birth is not something you can try to do the day you go into labor. You must prepare yourself mentally, telling yourself throughout your entire pregnancy that you can do this, your body was made to do this, and that there is nothing to fear. Educate yourself so you feel strong in your beliefs and decisions and empower your mind and spirit with people who believe in you.

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