Birth Stories

Taking Birthing Classes Helped Ayla Achieve Her First Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    8:15 AM on November 11. I woke up at 5:15 with increasingly strong contractions. I had been having them all week long every evening but they would go away over night. When they woke me up in the morning I could tell they were different !

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Honestly, I thought people were kidding about all the hormones that make it bearable but I really understand now! The most challenging part was right before pushing. I began to tell my husband that I couldn’t do it but my midwife put her hands on my back and said “you can and you will.” So I believed her.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I doodled a lot of Bible verses and napped as many days as I could before labor set in. My husband and I and my birth team prayed for wisdom and strength and peace. And I organized our whole house 7,000 times before she came! And we took a birthing class that taught us many helpful coping strategies like how to breathe and massage and distractions.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that the most painful parts were over so quickly. And that they weren’t as painful as I had anticipated! I was even able to fall asleep in between contractions. The hormones that make our bodies capable of tolerating birth don’t just make it tolerable- I was so at peace it was strangely enjoyable. My husband stayed right by my side and because of his encouragement, my midwife’s guidance and peace from the Holy Spirit we got our girl in less than 12 hours!

  • Even if you think you can’t do it or you have a VERY low pain tolerance (like me) you should try anyways! I think you will be surprised at what your God-given body is capable of. You were made for it.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing through contractions and making low pitch sounds really helped. And that birthing pool surprised me with how much relief it provided. And encouragement from my team was very necessary.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I pushed on my side in my bed even though I labored in water but baby was delivered on my hands and knees in a “runner’s lunge”.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was shocking! My birth team told me to pick her up and talk to her and I had a moment that I was like “who me?”. After such a long wait, I was amazed that our daughter was actually waiting for me to hold her! She was so wide-eyed and alert. Most amazing moment of our lives.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Even if you think you can’t do it or you have a VERY low pain tolerance (like me) you should try anyways! I think you will be surprised at what your God-given body is capable of. You were made for it. Your body provides the endorphins and oxytocin that you need and birth can be so empowering. I wasn’t sure that I could do it but I was so proud that we did it!

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