Birth Stories

Taking Mama Natural Birth Course And Online Classes Helped Natasha During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had some cramping and bleeding. So I went to see my doctor and he examined me and said I was 2 cm. He was concerned about the bleeding and said I’d there was any more I’d need to go into the hospital. This was NOT the start I was hoping for and I was only 36wks along. Later that week I had a heavy bleed and had to go straight into hospital. I was 3 cm by this stage and Baby was down and ready to go.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Keeping control of your mind. During transition I panicked ... but with the help of my husband and midwife they quickly grounded me and reminded me that this was supposed to happen and it meant baby was close! I think mentally more than physically I had to be strong.. keep my thoughts calm and positive. Really believe I could do it and trust my body was doing the right thing.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    This course for sure! During my panic moment I could see Maura’s face saying “Isn’t the female body amazing?!”
    Through these online classes I really felt spurred on and confident. I felt informed about my choices and strong in my decision making on the day - and this was due to your classes.
    When our son was born we both felt this overwhelming urge to want to contact Mama Natural and be like “We did it!!!! we actually did it!!”

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I had to be induced with a very small amount of drug through an IV which upset me. My OBGYN also broke my waters manually so it wasn’t the start I was hoping for. I really didn’t want to be hooked up to the IV or strapped to machines... but I was bleeding and the risk to baby was too great. And I wasn’t doing anything to risk his health!

    I had heard terrible things about being induced .. long, painful labours...
    Surprisingly I needed only a very small amount of drug to kick my body into gear and four hours later my son was born with no other drug or intervention.

  • I felt prepared and confident. I felt connected with my body. I felt on the same page as my husband and he knew exactly what I wanted because we had watched the classes together. We were both informed and ready.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Moving around. Deep breathing Id learnt from yoga. Music (sound) and essential oils (smell) to distract me. Heat back and massage on my back. Ice cold water between contractions.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was standing and squatting and moving the whole labor. I was adamant to deliver that way but surprising I ended up on my back delivering.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Shock. Completely surreal. Had I really just done that? Was he really here? Was he all ours to keep?

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    I felt prepared and confident. I felt connected with my body. I felt on the same page as my husband and he knew exactly what I wanted because we had watched the classes together. We were both informed and ready.

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