Birth Stories

Taking Mama Natural Birth Course Helped Abbie During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    We were induce, but I definitely began having contractions the night we got induced from the Foley catheter.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Our birth didn't go as planned since we got induced, but the most challenging thing about going natural even with an induction was the intensity of the contractions from the pitocin. Once they started pitocin, it only took about an hour before I felt like I was in transition. I definitely didn't get to experience a slow start to labor. Everything happened very quickly and it didn't take too long before o felt contractions right on top of the other. Additionally, I was started on magnesium sulfate to manage my preeclampsia. Right about when I was ready to get an epidural, the midwife checked me and was shocked to find I was 9.5 cm! Pushing felt much better than contractions because I could feel the baby moving through my body, but the magnesium made me feel very hot and very out of it. Additionally, because I had to have pitocin and magnesium, I had to finish laboring and pushing in bed which was challenging.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Taking the birth course definitely helped my husband and I prepare for labor and made us feel much more comfortable with the whole process. We had plans to use a lot of pain relief strategies, like the shower and birthing ball, but because labor was so quick and intense I spent the whole time in the rocking chair or the bed. We really didn't use any of the strategies we talked about. One strategy I did use throughout the whole process which helped tremendously was really focusing on keeping my hands and mouth relaxed. I'm confident that is one key reason why I was able to labor with no epidural despite having pitocin and magnesium. I think it may have also contributed to me dilating very quickly. Both the OB and the midwife were shocked at how quickly everything progressed even with such a tiny amount of pitocin. In fact, the midwife had the OB double check because she couldn't believe it!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised at how quickly my baby was born once I started pushing. I'm sure some of that had to do with the pitocin but I only pushed for about an hour or two. He was so warm and sticky when they put him on my chest. I'll never forget the feel and smell of him with all his vernix!

  • They were particularly helpful for my husband who had even less of an idea of what to expect. We hope that for the next baby we can try out some of the strategies from the course.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The only real strategy I was able to use was focusing on relaxing through the contractions. I made sure my hands and jaw were relaxed and tried to make low vocalizations. Rocking in the rocking chair helped me through the contractions as well. I kept my eyes closed for the majority of my labor because I was trying to stay calm and focused. It really helped me get almost into a meditative state.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on my side in bed. The midwife kept asking me to turn on my back so I could pull my legs apart and open up my pelvis more but every time I would try and turn over I would get extreme back pain. We compromised by me staying on my side and pushing by holding my top leg and bearing down as if I was doing a crunch.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt so surreal to hold my son! We didn't find out gender so he was a sweet surprise. My husband announced that he was a boy to the room. I'll never forget how warm and sticky he was from all the vernix. He was nice and pink and screaming!

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    While we didn't end up using the pain relief strategies, all of the positive birth stories were extremely helpful in making us feel more at ease with the whole process. I think they were particularly helpful for my husband who had even less of an idea of what to expect. We hope that for the next baby we can try out some of the strategies from the course.

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