Birth Stories

Warm Water With Lavender Essential Oils On It Helped Grace Achieve Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    About 2:30 pm when we were leaving the grocery store and contractions moved to 8-10 minutes apart.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    In transition I just became exhausted and really doubted whether I could finish naturally. It was around 8pm, and I hadn't eaten since breakfast which was about 12 hours earlier.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I had a week off of work before going into labor. I used this time to clean my house, prepare some food, and enjoy time with my older children. This allowed me to rest mentally, knowing that I had done what I needed to before this new baby arrived.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    My contractions stalled and almost stopped for an hour and a half in the late afternoon. I had taken a nap while my older children were napping, and did not expect things to almost stop as I was already around 5 cm dilated and things seemed to be progressing nicely. As soon as my Mom came and got the kids, around 5 pm, contractions started back and were immediately more intense than before.

  • Do what works for you. You know you best, and I know me best. Give yourself grace, and know that in the moment you may need/want something different than you expected, and that's okay! Ask for help if/when you need it. And eat something every couple hours! Even if it's just a couple bites and you're not sure if it will stay down. You need it!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Laboring in the bathtub really helped me relax. My lower back felt so tight and very tired about halfway through labor. The warm water helped me let all of that go. I added lavender essential oil to the water, and that certainly helped as well! Frequent position changes while in the water also helped baby continue descending.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Soon after my water broke, I felt the need to get out of the water. I was very tired and wanted to lay down to rest as I knew baby was close. I played down in the bed on my left side, and the very next contraction I felt my body bearing down to push baby out. She was born less than 10 minutes later in that side lying position. I did not bear down and "push." My body pushed baby out on its own. This allowed things to happen gently enough that I only had a superficial tear and my recovery was so much easier compared to my second birth when I had a 2nd degree tear!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    There were so many emotions flooding through me at the same time when I first held baby! Relief that labor was done and baby was here safe and healthy. Elation that I did it! And we were all okay! Lol. Joy and love that you just can't explain. Such a strong connection, like you never ever want to be separated from this baby.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do what works for you. You know you best, and I know me best. Give yourself grace, and know that in the moment you may need/want something different than you expected, and that's okay! Ask for help if/when you need it. And eat something every couple hours! Even if it's just a couple bites and you're not sure if it will stay down. You need it!

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