1 Week Old Baby Development

Welcome to the world, little one! Exciting stuff is happening—poop, colostrum, and even some sleep.

  • 1 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    The 4th Trimester

    The first week earthside has finally arrived! Some consider this the start of the “fourth trimester,” aka the first three months of your baby’s life on land.

    Your baby will most likely sleep a ton, eat a ton, and poop a ton. Baby will be in a “newborn haze” as baby adjusts to bright light, fluctuations of temperature, open space, and all sorts of new sounds, smells, and sights.

    Speaking of sights, between your colostrum and baby’s poop (once baby passed the meconium), don’t be surprised if you see lots of yellow this week.


    One thing you might not see much of? A precious thing called sleep. Though most babies up to 12 weeks old sleep as many as 18 hours a day and can’t be awake for more than an hour at a time, unfortunately, this sleep might not come when you want it to! There will be days where all you’re doing is swaddling, rocking, and soothing baby to sleep, only to have them wake again. And there will be days you get a nice, long stretch of peace and quiet.

    If baby's having trouble, remember: The womb is loud and active, and some babies need this environment “recreated” as they make their transition to life on the “outside.” Baby-carrying, rocking, light bouncing, vibrating chairs, and/or swings can all help to recreate the movement, while a noisemaker or the Shusher can recreate the loud noises. Other babies will have no trouble sleeping and basically get up to get and get a diaper change before conking out again. There is no “normal” when it comes to newborn sleep patterns.

    Bathing, Umbilical Cord Care, and How Many Poopy Diapers?

    Baby may get his first bath this week! If his umbilical cord stump is still in place, “bathing” may consist of lightly spritzing baby with warm water, rather than submerging in a tub. (Check out how to care for umbilical cord naturally here.)

    You may also be wondering how many dirty diapers baby should have per day and how often baby should eat.

    Newborn diaper output chart


    Breastfeeding has so many benefits, but the truth is it's hard. The root cause of breastfeeding difficulties vary, from the more complex—hormonal imbalance or glandular tissue issues—to more simple and easy to remedy problems, like an incorrect latch, tongue tie, lip tie, engorgement, and overactive letdown

    No matter what's causing it, when you're having problems breastfeeding, it’s natural to panic. But it’ll only make things worse! Breathe deeply and remember that everything will be OK. And be sure to see a lactation consultant as soon as possible. They can help you identify and remedy any problems right from the start. 

    This is an exciting time, filled with lots of growth and emotions (from both baby and mama!) Embrace this special time with your little one, and enjoy the ride!

    1 week old baby Mairin Rae Mama Natural Baby Tracker

    Reader photo of 1 week old baby Mairin Rae.

  • You at 1 Week Postpartum 👩

    Congratulations, mama! You did it! You’ve lived the past 10 months with a baby growing inside your belly, and now you are holding your little one in your arms for the very first time. No matter how your birth unfolded, know that you did your best for you and your baby—pat yourself on the back! (And if you’re having a hard time forgiving yourself because your birth didn’t unfold how you wished, see this post.)

    You may feel completely overwhelmed—this is completely normal. After birth, your life will never be the same and everyone is navigating this huge change. Biologically, your hormones have taken a major hit, too, so don’t be surprised if you have some moments of sadness, anger, joy, bliss, confusion, and disorientation. The emotional roller coaster is part of the postpartum process as your body tries to balance and find its new normal.

    Practicing regular skin-to-skin can really help boost your natural endorphins and the love hormone, oxytocin. Another great practice is breastfeeding, which is probably at the top of your agenda. For some moms, breastfeeding comes easy. But for many mothers, breastfeeding is very challenging for at least the first six weeks. (It will get easier, I promise!) In the meantime, practice these breastfeeding tips and don’t hesitate to reach out to an IBC Lactation Consultant.

    It’s now time to rest and recover from delivery as you dive into your new role as Mama!

  • Genevieve’s Week 1 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • 1 Week Old Baby Reader Story 💡

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  • Try This With Your 1 Week Old Baby

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