30 Week Old Baby Development

No more purees—finger food is fun and has real benefits. Plus, what nobody tells you about being a mother.

  • 30 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    Did you know that gross motor development—rolling, sitting, etc.—tends to occur easier and faster for most babies? It takes a lot more skill and work to use develop fine motor skills—picking up small objects or holding a spoon. However, now is the time that those small muscles are strengthening and beginning to shine! You can support this fine motor development at home by providing small, soft items of food for baby to grasp and eat. (Check out my baby-led weaning cookbook for some great ideas.) Here are a few suggestions for finger foods that can help support fine motor development:

    • Steamed green peas
    • Cut up blueberries
    • Very soft pear slices
    • Avocado spears

    Finger foods not only help support your little one’s fine motor skills, but they’re also a great way to introduce new foods to baby! With the growing development of fine motor skills, now is also a great time to start introducing some fun art activities! Art media can be a great way to put their fine motor skills to work, as they grasp onto the materials with their hands and fingers. Think large paint brushes dipped into non-toxic paint or just plain old water. Strip baby down to their diaper, lay down a big piece of butcher paper, and watch the magic unfold.

    30 week old baby Gianna Casey Mama Natural Baby Tracker

    Reader photo of 30 week old baby Gianna Casey.

  • You at 30 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    Since becoming a mother, have you been bombarded with advice from other mamas? Some of this advice may be unwanted, or may even be advice that you don’t totally agree with. So how do you deal? A lot of mamas find that the second you become pregnant, people want to give you all the advice and tell you all the stories. While some of these words of wisdom may be full of insight, this may not be true of all advice given. It’s important to filter out what you know is not right for you. Remember: Everyone has different styles of parenting and all kids are unique. You will click with some mamas easily, while others may not be a match made in heaven. Don’t be afraid to be upfront with those who push unwanted or unnecessary advice on you. You can politely explain that you do things a different way, and you would be happy to share that with them if they are interested in hearing. It’s no secret that everyone has different ways of looking at the world, and parenting is no exception. Just take a deep breath, and move on from the unwanted words and advice! Remember mama, in-laws are no exception to this rule! :)

  • Genevieve’s Week 30 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • 30 Week Old Baby Reader Story 💡

  • Hot Topics for Week 30 🔥

  • Try This With Your 30 Week Old Baby

    • Place all safe cookware (such as tupperware, wooden spoons, etc) on lowers shelves of the kitchen—this is a great way for baby to interact and explore while you fix a snack/meal

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