31 Week Old Baby Development

We’ve got a stage-five clinger! Find out how to ease separation anxiety. Plus, the low-down on parenting disagreements.

  • 31 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    If baby is still displaying signs of stranger anxiety, try not to worry too much. As she becomes more cognitively aware of her environment and primary caregivers, she understands that separation is a real thing. She isn’t yet sure if she can trust unfamiliar faces when you’re gone. It can take a few weeks, but this phase will pass.

    In the meantime, your baby may just need a little extra TLC. here are some things you can try to help her through it:

    • Reassure: If your baby seems scared or upset, gently reassure them.
    • Don’t rush: Don’t rush the process—baby may need some time to see that everything is ok. If you need to, schedule extra time so you don’t have to rush out of the house while baby is upset.
    • Be patient: Never coax baby into a situation they aren’t comfortable with. Remember that this is just a phase, and while it may be inconvenient, it’s important to validate her feelings. This too shall pass.
    31 week old baby Mama Natural Baby Tracker
  • You at 31 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    It’s been almost 8 months of getting used to this whole parenting thing. You may be noticing that there are some differences in parenting styles between you and your partner. So how do you handle these differences? While it may be frustrating that you may not always see eye-to-eye on everything, there are effective ways to make these differences work.

    • Choose your battles wisely: Think about what you differ on—and whether or not it’s worth arguing over. In other words, don’t sweat the small stuff!
    • Talk it out: Holding in feelings of anger or frustration over your differences will only make things worse. Communication is key in keeping a healthy relationship (both as marital partners and parents!).
    • The couple that reads together, stays together: Try reading up on some parenting books together. Get a feel for what you may agree and disagree on, and go from there. Knowledge is power—learn together!
    • Be understanding: Take a deep breath, and know that everyone is doing the best they can, with what they know and understand. We’re all coming from a place of love, right?!
    • Get help: Sometimes we need to talk to an impartial party to work through our differences. There's nothing wrong with that! Find a local couples counselor who you can see to get through any tough spots. If finances are tight, some church pastors or marriage mentors can help out, too!

    Many mamas find that parenting styles are something they never really discussed or thought about prior to baby’s arrival. It’s a learning process. You don’t really know what kind of a parent you are going to be until you’re knee deep in baby spit up! As long as you are open with your partner and grateful to be going through this process with someone by your side, you can get through anything!

  • Genevieve’s Week 31 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • Hot Topics for Week 31 🔥

  • Try This With Your 31 Week Old Baby

    • Test your child's problem solving skills and fine motor ability by presenting an additional toy when both hands are full. Wait to see if they will drop one toy, in place of the additional toy
    • Note any small objects baby may be able to grasp now (crumbs on floor, etc) and eliminate them

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