36 Week Old Baby Development

You’re right on the cusp of having a walking, talking toddler. How’s that babyproofing coming?

  • 36 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    Big things are happening this week, in many areas of development. He might be standing and cruising around furniture, and he may be getting more curious about letting go, standing independently for a few seconds at a time—woo hoo! His confidence is soaring, and he might even be preparing to take his first steps. Take a look at our sweet Paloma for a closer look at the stages of walking.

    Along with these big leaps in gross motor development, you may notice that he is responding to cues and tasks you give him more and more now. This is not only a sign that his receptive language is blooming, but his social development is shining bright too! Here are some things to look out for:

    • When you’re reading a book together, see if he uses the small muscles in his hands and fingers to attempt to turn the page.
    • When he’s holding onto a toy, sit next to him and ask him and hold out your hand. See if he hands you the toy (some babies will hand it to you without letting go, and that’s okay!).
    • Sit a few inches away from him. Call his name and tell him to come to you. See if he will crawl his way over to you after you give him this command.

    He’s come a long way to get to where he is now! And you’re right on the cusp of having a walking, talking toddler! How’s that baby proofing coming along, mama? :)

    36 week old baby Mama Natural Baby Tracker
  • You at 36 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    At this point, many mamas feel so ready to get back to their pre-pregnancy body. Our theory on that: It takes nine months to put on the weight, give it nine months to even start thinking about taking it off. If you feel ready, now may be a good time to step up your exercise game. There are some great ways to incorporate exercise with your little one in tow—something that’s great for them, too! (Get mama moving, get baby outdoors!)

    • Check out this 10 minute fat-blasting playground workout
    • Find a mama exercise group. There are so many groups out there where mamas get together to fit some exercise into their day. Some do stroller walks; others do group dancing while babywearing.
    • Keep healthy food stocked! Don’t forget that to maintain a healthy weight, it’s 80 percent what you eat. Keep that fridge stocked with the healthy goods!

    Remember mama, your body gained weight for a good reason—to sustain life within. If you want to dig deeper as to why your body gained the weight it did during pregnancy, check out this article on the truth about pregnancy weight gain. Don’t burn yourself out too fast. Keep your exercise slow and manageable. With healthy eating and moderate exercise, your body will shift back to a healthy figure, all in due time. Here’s my experience (and some tips!) on how I lost the baby weight.

  • Genevieve’s Week 36 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • Hot Topics for Week 36 🔥

  • Try This With Your 36 Week Old Baby

    • Test your baby's understanding of simple commands by asking them to crawl/walk to you

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