47 Week Old Baby Development

It’s all about limits, mama. Plus, how to prepare a healthy meal on a budget.

  • 47 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    Around this time you may find yourself really needing to set limits with your little one. Her cognitive development is taking her on a path of problem solving, exploration, and an overall need to figure out the world around her. With the world as her oyster, the boundaries can seem limitless. But that’s where you step in, mama.

    It’s important to allow our children to explore and figure things out (in safe and appropriate ways). But it’s also important to remember that setting limits is just as important, and can actually help our little ones learn in a more effective way. Limits help baby:

    • Feel safe: That’s right! Knowing and understanding the limits and boundaries are so important in helping her feel safe and confident that someone is watching out for her.
    • Deal with uncomfortable feelings: When parents avoid setting limits to dodge the more negative feelings and emotions that come with doing so, it can hinder a child’s ability to understand why and how to deal with the more uncomfortable emotions in life.
    • Builds healthy self-discipline skills: When children are presented with limits, they better understand what it expected of them and can one day grow to learn self-discipline.

    While setting limits can be met with some more harsh reactions of frustration and anger, it’s important to remember what a vital role they play in early childhood. Setting limits early on can help pave the way for better learning and coping skills later in life!

    47 week old baby Mama Natural Baby Tracker
  • You at 47 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    Are you finding that healthy meal planning is taking a toll on your budget? One thing that a lot of mom’s struggle with is keeping the family on a cost-effective and healthy diet. So what’s a mama to do? We’ve got some tips on the many different ways you can eat a healthy, well-balanced meal that won’t bust your budget:

    • Dairy: Leam how to save money on healthy dairy options.
    • Grains: Grains are a staple in many households. Discover how to save some money while keeping your house stocked with the goods.
    • Grass-fed meat: This one is hard for many families, as good quality grass-fed meat can be quite costly. Not to worry—here we cover the many ways you can keep the quality up and the cost down.

    It’s important to know and understand the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to your grocery shopping. Here are some tips for sticking to non-GMO foods, keeping your food real and fresh.

    With the right approach, eating healthy is attainable. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of knowledge and understanding about how to buy the best of the best. As long as you try to stick to real foods and avoid those processed packaged foods, healthy eating on a budget is totally manageable!

  • Genevieve’s Week 47 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • Hot Topics for Week 47 🔥

  • Try This With Your 47 Week Old Baby

    • Give baby choices to minimize frustrations and foster independence (For example, if your baby is beginning to show upset before of during a diaper change, offer them a choice: "Do you want to walk to the diaper changing table, or do you want me to pick you up?"

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