49 Week Old Baby Development

Would you take a look at those chompers?! Plus, are you ready for number two?

  • 49 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    How are those baby teeth coming in, mama? Around this time, she may begin to develop her baby molars (the large bottom teeth in the back). And with these new teeth sprouting up, you may find yourself faced with more restless nights and a baby who is more fussy and clingy than usual. Keep her as comfortable as possible during this teething process, and remember to give these natural teething remedies a try. Also be sure to check out this baby teething chart for a better understanding of when (and what order) teeth usually pop up.

    With all of her big leaps in cognitive and physical development, may come a few regressions as well. This is totally normal, as she adjusts her understanding of the world around her. With all of the changes she is going through, both cognitively and physically, she may find comfort in staying close to her secure base—and that’s you, mama! Take comfort in the fact that this is just another phase. In the meantime, give her the extra cuddles and one-on-one time she’s craving to keep her feeling safe and secure.

    49 week old baby Mama Natural Baby Tracker
  • You at 49 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    If you’re still a breastfeeding mama, you’re now getting closer and closer to breastfeeding a toddler. Check out these top ten signs you're feeding a toddler, to see if you can relate.

    While it may get tricky at times, it’s so worth it. Did you know that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until the age of two? If you’re able to do it , go for it mama. But if that’s just not a feasible goal (and that’s okay!), you may be approaching the weaning process. You can find some tips here on how to easily and naturally wean your toddler.

    At this point some mamas may even find themselves preparing for baby number two! So what do you do if you’re still breastfeeding your first, when a sibling comes along? Here, we’ve laid out some important info about tandem nursing and the many benefits (and potential issues) you can expect while breastfeeding an infant and a toddler at the same time.

    Enjoy these special moments as a breastfeeding mama. And know that no matter how long you decide to breastfeed, you know you are doing what is best for you and your family.

  • Genevieve’s Week 49 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • Hot Topics for Week 49 🔥

  • Try This With Your 49 Week Old Baby

    • Let your child know when you are leaving—choosing to sneak away can be more upsetting and leave the child feeling confused about the situation

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