Baby Fever: When to Give Medicine (and When Not To)

Should you be worried when baby runs a fever? Do you need to give baby medicine? Here’s everything you need to know about baby fever—plus natural remedies.

Should you be worried when baby runs a fever? Do you need to give baby medicine? Here's everything you need to know about baby fever—plus natural remedies.

Nothing can strike fear in a new mom like her child having a raging fever. We just feel so helpless and not sure why it’s happening. Is it teething? A virus, RSV? Or is the baby fever a sign of something else?

But it’s important to remember that immune systems are amazing at fighting off infection, and fevers are a healthy response to an invader. Whether due to a viral or bacterial infection, the rise in temperature can actually kill the bad guys off. (That’s also why sauna therapy is so powerful).

So fevers are generally not something to worry about… in fact, many medical associations have changed their tune about rushing to give a child Tylenol or other fever reducers. But, just like with everything, there are times when a baby fever is serious and needs medical attention.

So let’s unpack when you can baby’s fever run its course and when medicine may be necessary.

What is a normal body temperature?

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that a normal body temperature for babies is between 97 degrees and 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. So if your child is within this window, he/she is fine.

What is a baby fever?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics if a rectal temperature shows 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, that’s considered a baby fever. (Rectal temperatures, while not fun, are the most accurate.)

Babies under 3 months

Fever in a small baby (less than 12 weeks old) is considered much more serious than it is for an older baby. For a baby under 3 months, any fever at all is too high and should be taken seriously. (But more on this later.)

Babies 3 months or older

Many pediatricians agree that a baby fever of 103.5-104 or higher is cause for concern, regardless of other symptoms. Anything less than that means baby’s behavior is more important in gauging seriousness.

If baby has a fever between 100.4 and 103.5 but is acting otherwise normal (plays and drinks as usual), you don’t need to worry.

If baby is acting sick, sluggish, lethargic or has other out-of-the-norm symptoms, the magic numbers for a serious fever becomes:

  • 101+ for babies 3–6 months old,
  • and 103+ for babies older than 6 months

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How to check for a baby fever

Mamas can often tell when a fever is present just by pressing her cheek against baby’s head. You know your baby best, right? Obviously this won’t give you a hard number, but it can help you decide if more assessment is needed. If you sense something is off, or your little one feels warmer than usual, it’s time to reach for the thermometer.

Rectal thermometers are best (I know, really?)

For the most accurate assessment of body temperature, a mercury-free, rectal thermometer (where to buy) is the way to go. (Not the funnest thing for you and especially baby!) But, a rectal thermometer is best for babies 3 months or younger who aren’t moving around much yet. Add some coconut oil for lubricant, and insert into rectum a half inch, just enough to get the metal bulb in. When the thermometer beeps, pull it out and read the temperature.

How to use an oral thermometer (not how you’d think)

If you don’t have a rectal thermometer or baby is too wiggly to try it, you can use a mercury-free, oral thermometer (where to buy) under the armpit.

Place the thermometer under baby’s armpit and hold his arm against his body gently to get the best reading.

Since this method is not as accurate, you have to add 1 degree to the total temperature and may need to err on the side of caution in interpreting the reading.

How about forehead, temple, or ear thermometers?

Of course, these types of thermometers are much easier to use and some moms swear by them. In my experience, however, they can be wildly off—by several degrees—and many doctors don’t recommend them for that very reason.

For example, I’ve tested my ear thermometer (because I want an easy option too!), and one ear read 98 degrees and the other ear read 101?! I still use mine though with my kids because I’m not a stickler about numbers. Instead, I use it to alert me if a fever is probable and then focus on their behavior instead.

My baby has a fever—now what?

Call the doctor immediately if your baby is 12 weeks old or younger and has a temperature of 100.4 F (38 C) or higher. Young babies are at much higher risk of serious infection and should be evaluated right away if they have a fever.

If baby is 3 months or older, has a fever of 100.4 to 103 F, and is drinking fluids and playing normally, you probably don’t need to worry. If the fever persists for 24 hours, gets worse, or baby isn’t getting better, call the doctor. Usually a fever over 103.5 F is reason alone to call the doctor.

Fever symptoms to look out for

If baby is not acting like her normal self, you’ll want to contact your doctor immediately. Some signs to look for include:

  • A pale complexion
  • Lethargic or extra sleepy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bad cough
  • Pulling at ears or other signs of an earache
  • Unusual fussiness
  • Neck pain
  • Vomiting, diarrhea or other symptoms of flu

Remember: Babies 3 months and older with a temperature of 101 or higher, or babies 3–6 months with a temperature of 103 or higher require a call to the doctor.

Can baby fever cause brain damage?

Nope. Despite what great aunt Gertrude says, fever doesn’t cause harm in and of itself. As we mentioned, fever is actually a sign that the body is doing its job fighting the infection.

According to Seattle Children’s Hospital, only a body temperature of more than 108 degrees F can cause brain damage, which doesn’t happen with illness. Fevers caused by infection rarely go above 105 F.

Even febrile seizures, which some children get from fevers, won’t cause any permanent harm (although they certainly aren’t pleasant!)

Safe home remedies to comfort baby

If baby’s fever is within a safe range, you can use natural remedies to make her comfortable and support her body’s ability to fight off the bug. If you’re unsure in any way though, consult your doctor.

  • Nurse or liquids – Breastmilk (or formula) helps keep baby hydrated with fluids and electrolytes. If child is over 6 months, bone broth or this electrolyte drink is critical to keep baby from dehydrating. Children lose water faster than adults through fever.
  • Homeopathy – If you have a trusted homeopathist that can assist you, homeopathic remedies can help. I’ve used Belladonna 30K on Paloma’s high fevers with success. Bryonia Alba is a good remedy for milder fevers with body aches. Check out this great resource for the right homeopathic remedy for your child and always check in with your pediatrician when using these medications.
  • Luke warm baths – Get baby or child into a lukewarm bath for 20 minutes, every hour or two until fever breaks. You can add a 1/2 cup of Epsom salts or magnesium chloride flakes to bath water for added benefit.
  • Bundle child up – Once you take child out of bath, bundle them up with clothes and blankets so he/she can regulate his/her temperature.
  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV) compress – ACV is used in folk medicine as a baby-fever reducer. Soak a washcloth in diluted ACV and apply to the forehead or feet. You can also add a 1/2 cup of it to a warm bath.
  • Lemon socks – Some moms swear by these! Take the juice of 1-2 lemons. Put into pan and add a few cups of water. Bring to a boil. Carefully dunk a pair of ankle length cotton socks into hot lemon water. Let slightly cool then put on child. Add a pair of longer socks on top of the wet lemon ones to keep child warm. Let them wear for 15-20 minutes.
  • Healthy, nourishing foods – If baby is old enough for solids, offer easy-to-digest foods that are high in nutrition. Some ideas are pastured egg yolk with liver, fresh or frozen fruit, and homemade gummies.
  • Snuggles and cuddling – Oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, is released when baby is loved on by mom and dad. Snuggles make everything better!
  • Rest and sleep – There may be nothing better than getting rest and napping when we feel yucky. The same is true for baby. Keep him close so you can monitor him if you’re concerned.

Note: Never use rubbing alcohol to reduce a fever. It can become toxic when absorbed through the skin.

When a baby fever isn’t really a fever

Our body temperature fluctuates throughout the day and night. It tends to be higher in the afternoon or early evening, and lowest in the early morning. For a baby, anything between 97 and 100.4 degrees F is considered a normal variation of body temperature. It may also be as simple as this: is baby overdressed or in an overly warm room? Be on the lookout for other reasons why baby could feel warm.

Bacterial fever vs. viral fever

Believe it or not, treatment relies on knowing whether baby’s fever is viral or bacterial. Typically, fevers occur due to viral infection, such as the flu or common cold. These kinds of fevers tend to subside after 2–3 days. Keep in mind that antibiotics have no effect on viral infections and should be avoided if you’re dealing with a virus.

Bacterial infections, on the other hand, can be more serious. Fever may occur due to a bacterial infection such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, or strep throat. If baby’s fever lasts longer than 3 days or you suspect a bacterial infection, consult your doctor.

Baby fever: When to give medicine

Why reduce a moderate fever if baby is feeling and acting normally? The only reason to treat a baby fever (as long as it’s within the safe ranges explained above) is if baby is uncomfortable. As they say “treat the patient, not the fever.”

So if baby is playing and drinking normally, medication may be unnecessary. But if baby is very fussy and not acting herself, medication can help her feel well enough to rest or get some food or fluid, which is the best way to start feeling better.

A few reminders for baby fever:

  • Consult your doctor about whether OTC medications are OK for your baby.
  • Ibuprofen isn’t recommended for babies under 6 months old, or babies who are vomiting persistently or are dehydrated.
  • Aspirin should never be given to young children.
  • Don’t give medicine more often than recommended or more often than necessary. Don’t wake baby to give medication, because sleep is more important. Often times, one dose gives baby enough relief to sleep well and start to recuperate.
  • Doctors don’t recommend giving OTC cough and cold medicine or aspirin to babies. Stick with ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

When to call the doctor for baby fever

Call the doctor if you’re unsure about any of baby’s symptoms. Definitely call if you notice any of the following:

  • Baby is pale or flushed
  • Baby has fewer wet diapers
  • Any kind of rash
  • Baby has difficulty breathing, even after clearing her nose with a bulb syringe
  • Baby seems sick and her temperature is lower than 97 degrees F. Some small babies get a low temperature when ill
  • Baby is less than 3 months old with a fever of 100.4 or higher, or 3 months or older with a fever of 104 degrees F (or higher)
  • Baby is acting sick and has a fever of 101 or higher for babies 3–6 months old, and 103 or higher for babies older than 6 months

Keep in mind that calling the doctor doesn’t mean you’ll have to bring baby in or that you’ll even have to give medications like fever-reducers or antibiotics. It’s just a chance for you to hear doctor’s advice and decide what you want to do. You can still monitor baby at home if the doctor doesn’t seem concerned.

How about you?

Has your baby ever had a fever? How did you handle? Please share any natural remedies that worked for you!


Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. Great article! The ads are unusually plentiful and make the content jumpy so I keep having to re-establish where I left off reading.

  2. Mama Natural’s article on baby fever is a delightful read! Packed with insightful tips and heartwarming anecdotes, it captures the essence of that overwhelming desire to start a family.

  3. These are the best blogs/articles.
    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ them.
    All of the comments are great. Learn much reading the comments!
    The comments on all your blogs are very informative, interesting and helpful.
    After reading one comment about being careful giving detox baths with Epsom, we have stopped using it.
    Learning of giving an enema also was very helpful. We now give it in our homes.
    Group of moms love this blog. We all agree to avoid giving Tylenol and other OTC junk.
    Let the fever ride — it’s healing and has purpose — but, be aware of when should call/go to doctor.

    Praying is also a wonderful healer!


  4. Is belladonna safe for 6 month old? I know there have been conflicting thoughts

  5. My 1 year old just got over a bad cold. I know a lot about natural remedies for adults, but found myself very unsure of how to help her. ( except by giving her lots of fluids, and rest and snuggles) could you write a post about natural remedies for the common cold for toddlers?

    • Hello ! So my family healing bible I always refer to is Rosemary Gladstars herbal recipes for vibrant health . It’s great has multitudes of useful knowledge and easy to follow recipes as well as dosage guides. I made my baby some syrups like elderberry and a respiratory syrup made of herbs water and local organic honey . Seems to be working so far .

    • Sage, what you did-gave was great.

      Try finding book Prescription For Nutritional Healing.
      Has many home remedies in it. No don’t sell book or get anything recommending it.
      Also, book The ABC Herbal is great.

      I will write a few remedies I have given over the years next time on.


  6. Good information provided.

    I tend not to give meds. Especially OTC stuff.
    Prefer natural home remedies. Including some mentioned on this blog.

    Always talk with your doctor, pediatrician, first.

    Prayers Are over looked these days.
    Praying is healing.


    When get some time I will list some of the remedies I have used in the past.

  7. My 2 yr opd had RSV and i have a 4 mo th old baby i took them both to the hospital after tbey almost chocked on theyre own flem. Hospital tested for RSV and it was positivs so i followed doctors advice and i do a lot of suction w the bulge and give the 2 yr old pedialite f because hes teowing up a lot tylenol and ibeprofun also. But the ba y just suction humidifier and tylenol lots of cuddles and always raise them when theyre sleeping tuck in a blanket or a pillow under babys matress . avoiding suffication. And never laid them flat …. Wish ever1 the best . xoxo

    • Genevieve, love ❤️ I this! thanks for the great information.
      Not only do we learn from you, but enjoy reading your pages and the comments.
      Referred many moms to your article.
      I hardly ever, if ever, give any meds for fevers…especially OTC junk….to reduce a fever. Agree with all you told.
      Good list of home remedies to make comfortable.
      Wish you would have listed giving the enema as one way to make him comfortable. Talk with doctor (holistic). It is a remedy that is easy to administer and works. Naturally. No meds needed. Buy the small reusable rubber enema bulb syringe at most drugstores. Cost only a few dollars.

      When to contact the doctor info you gave is very good.

      Agree, rectal temp taking is more accurate and “the way to go.” Seems to be our ongoing debate amongst us🤔

      Madelyn, don’t think you can return the rectal thermometer. Since your comment is old, guess you either took it back or kept it. I would’ve kept it. If not needed for yours, then would be great to have in the home kit in case another mom may need to use it.
      What’s good to know is rectal temp can be take at any age. It is the most accurate way. Don’t take one day one way and then change to another way the next day. To be accurate, use the same method. Especially if one is sick in your home.
      So, yes, can take rectal older than one yo. I took rectal temps for my three until 5 or 6 years old. Even older when wanted an accurate temp taken.
      Infant and little older taken on table. On towel. On back. Legs held up.
      Toddlers across lap way. Laying on tummy , on towel on lap. Older on bed laying on tummy or side on towel.

      Make sure have everything needed then get the one needing temp taken. Especially have coconut oil or Vaseline on hand. No interruptions.

      Never leave him alone when taking temp!!
      There is nothing to be shamed about or embarrassed about. The child will learn from early on it is best way and doesn’t hurt.

      The enema was mentioned few times in comments. Agree.
      No harmful chemicals given. Natural and always works.
      Consult with doctor before giving any home remedies.
      Not medical advice. Only what I have done and know other moms to do as well.

    • Romaine, bless you and them. Praying both are better now.
      Did both test positive?

      Never know when such things will happen.

      Best to be prepared as much as possible.

      When you say “bulge” I think you meant to say “bulb” ???
      So others learn, I’m sure you were talking of the rubber reusable bulb syringe? (Looks like an enema bulb)
      Make very sure it is cleaned in warm soapy water and rinsed well. Air dry before putting up!
      The blue one you get at the hospital are not worth much. But if that’s all you have then must use it.

  8. Very good reassuring information. Now I can get some sleep!
    Knowledge is powerful and you shared a lot of it!

  9. Hi i m homeopath.i have 3 and half year old girl child.from her birth whenever she has feverish,i always give her homeopathic medicine.and improved very good,i gave her paracetamol syrup with homeopathic medicine when her fever rise above 103 f..realy this is the fact that never subside the fever if ur baby have no any other complain and baby is active and playing good with fever .and during fever always increase liquid like lemon juice,water etc.and during fever if baby has no shibering than never covering them extra clothes,warm clothes or tight clothes.losse and cotton clothes give better response in Fever.

    • Can we gave paracetamol syrup to 7 month old baby.

  10. Just experienced a febrile seizure with my 17 month old daughter. Scariest moment of my life. Fever came on so suddenly overnight that we didn’t have a chance to reduce it naturally. I honestly will probably use Tylenol and motrin in the future. It is safe and effective. You can’t always discount modern medicine.

    • Until you realize you ruined your child’s kidneys

  11. There are some good suggestions in this article.

    However, I’m completely shocked that Epsom salt was suggested. Please don’t put Epsom salt in your baby’s bath. That is a dangerous suggestion. This article suggests 1/2 cup of Epsom salt in a warm bath. There is no directions how much water to mix it with. And no warnings. Epsom salt is magnesium, and that effects muscles like the heart. It can relax muscles, and decreases blood pressure and can cause other issues with the circulatory system depending on dose and person’s body.

    By experience I used to use it. Once It made me so weak that I almost lost consciousness and almost could not climb out of the tub and call for help. It is especially contraindication in individuals with heart issues as well. Magnesium is absorbed into the body through the bath.

    Please be careful.

    • Wow!
      Thank you for letting us know.

    • There are good suggestions on here and great comments given too.

      I had heard from another mom the same thing happened to her! She was doing a bath with Epsom salts added to the water. She got light headed. And had to stop the soaking..

      After reading your comment Pa and hearing from her, I no longer take or give Epasom baths.

      I gave and did them to help with detoxing. I have not personally experienced what you (Pa) and the other mom experienced.

      I now only give cool – tepid plain water baths. And give a tepid or slightly cool water enema.


    • Pa, thanks for telling about experience with Epsom baths.
      I stopped using it after read you comments and Carol A’s comment.
      I never give Tylenol or OTC junk. Prefer natural home remedies.
      I found other things to use for detoxing baths.

    • Pa, we (group of few moms) are thankful that you told of the possible dangers of giving Epsom baths. We always thought it was one of the good ways to assist in detoxing the kids off and on. Or done as needed.
      Since reading your comment, we have stopped giving the Epsom detoxing baths/soaks.
      The comments on here are great. Some blogs you visit people seem to want to put their rude uncalled for remarks. Like on one board a mom told she gave Tylenol and wanted suggestions to detox her 4 and 7 yo b. Few made rude comments about her. Fortunately, such doesn’t happen with those on here.
      Thanks to being made aware of other detoxing methods for the kids on here, we now use various other ways.
      Surprisingly, my three don’t fuss or resist getting an enema now. We now believe it is one of the best detoxing methods. My oldest did complain when he learned no more nice soothing detox baths with Epsom.
      Every home should have a copy of Prescription For Nutritional Healing book on the home. A great home health resource.
      In addition to that book would suggest having herbs also. Especially catnip and chamomile.
      Also, The ABC Herbal book is another good book to have in the home.

      Agree, prayers are a healer.

  12. Hi.
    My Baby Is 9 months and it has only head fever when i check arempet temp it become from 36- 38. but it looks like he is normal and playing but when u teach he is head it is over heat i am worry too much. Thanks

  13. Thank you so much! So much love in this ! Blessings to you ❤️❤️❤️

  14. Your tips are valuable and thanks for sharing it online.

  15. I came down with a cold a few days ago. My symptoms started in the middle of the night with a dry throat that I could not cure. I live in a cold area and have the heat set to 73. I purchased a humidifier and medicine the next day on which I developed a fever and cough. The third day, I had a headache, continued coughing, and a slight runny nose. I washed my hands a lot and wiped everything with bleach. Well, that didn’t work. In the middle of the night, my little one was up. I checked his temperature and it was 100.5. I gave him pedialite and placed a cool rag on his forehead. The only thing that was off about him was the fact that he was up and moaning constantly. It wasn’t like a painful moan, so I wasn’t sure about it. He would not go back to sleep. Every hour I checked on him and took his temperature. It ranged between 100.5 and 101. He’s 7 months old. Throughout the day, he ate and drank the usual amount. We napped a lot more than usual. But his constant moaning while he was awake made me realize that he was uncomfortable when it was accompanied by some crying. At 2pm, his fever was back at 100.5. With all this in mind, I finally decided to give him a dose of little remedies. An hour later, after another nap, his fever broke and has been around 99 since. He played a little before bedtime and fell asleep in my arms before I usually lay him down. He definitely wanted to be closer to me and be held by me more often than normal. As a first time mom and this being the first time he became ill, I think being sick before he caught it prepared me for how to handle the situation. Especially with all the online help I found with the temperature and symptoms to look out for. As well as my mother’s routine with me when I was little and sick. A mother’s intuition is an extremely powerful thing. If you doubt, there’s reason. Thank you for your research and dedication, and thank you for allowing me to comment.

  16. I’m just curious, what source do you have for bundling baby up after a bath? Every doctor I have spoken to so far says ABSOLUTELY DO NOT bundle a ferverish baby because they are unable to regulate their own body temperature and it can cause the fever to rise.

    • I think that’s comment sense… If my baby is hot, there naked pretty much.. I’m doing what I can to keep my baby cool & comfortable.

    • It seems like a great time to do skin to skin.

    • Lindsey, agree. NOT to bundle feverish child.

  17. My friends Mom puts lemon juice on babies, and children to help bring down the fever slightly. I took my babies clothes off and lightly rubbed lemon juice on her and it did work for a little bit. Gave my poor baby some relief.

    • Monique, thanks for your comment. Loved learning of it.
      What lemon juice did the you and the other mom use for the rub dow? Did you dilute it?

      We, group of moms who want to learn natural healing and home remedies, try to learn of various home remedies.

      Of course never give rub down with alcohol. I hear of a mom using that to bring the fever down every so often. Not good to use. As the alcohol is absorbed into the system via skin. Toxic.
      If you don’t have anything to use, plain tepid water (never cold) can help.
      We (a group of moms talk about home remedies all the time) have tried many remedies for our kids. Ages 2 to 10 or so.
      Practicing before one is sick is the best time to learn. Not a good time to learn a remedy for the first time when he is sick.
      We get together and talk about what remedies we have heard about or read about.
      One of ours (4 yo b) seems to be our test patient most of the time. Sometimes another one may be asked by his mom as being the patient.

      He is going to be given a lemon juice rub down. So we all can learn that remedy.

      In our learning sessions we have actually practiced giving detoxing baths, rub downs (given on table, across the lap and on bed), putting rubber sheet on the bed, how to use towels and blanket, wraps, teas, some simple herbal remedies, bandages, taking temperature, how to give treatments and other remedies and treatments. How to prepare the treatment room. All of course ok’d by holistic doctor.

      We decided to learn as much as possible since COVID.
      A former holistic home nurse in our group has taught much. She recently taught the enema. At first there were some sighs by few of the moms. But, they were happy to learn another treatment. How to prepare the room, solution, bulb syringe or bag, and patient ….where to give one. Best time of the day … even how to handle others who may be in the house.

      Preparing the bed or table. Talking to and preparing the patient. Glad she taught it.
      Giving it and post things to do. Such as patient care, talking with the patient before and after giving it and follow up needed. Such as will a follow up one be needed…
      How to make patient notes before, during and after given. If needed, what to tell doctor or nurse.

      I’m going to tell of your lemon juice rub down you told of. Then we can learn preparing the bed or table, preparing the solution and patient, giving it.
      Hope this doesn’t sound stupid. But again much better to practice and learn before giving to a sick patient!

      We feel it is best to be prepared. Have needed items already in the home. God forbid, anytime another situation like lock downs during COVID could happen again. Even worse.

      Now is the time to prepare, practice, stick up and learn!

  18. Nothing scares me more than my babies being sick. Love the natural remedies. I’ve also read that when baby is sick you should try skin on skin, apparently moms temp can help to regulate and bring baby’s temp down. Not sure it works but I always do it.

  19. Hi!

    What about for babies 1 year+? We specifically bought a rectal thermometer while I was pregnant, but have never had to use it (knock on wood!) and my son will be 1 in a few weeks. Is this still necessary for a baby of this age or could we return it and use a regular thermometer/method at this point?


    • IMHO, don’t think can return a rectal thermometer.
      But, could try.

      I would keep it.
      Taking rectal is most accurate way.
      Not hard to do. Get lube out, best not to use Vaseline, get thermometer out, towel.
      Get him and put on back or tummy on table. Or across lap laying on tummy and take temp.
      I always put towel on table or my lap.

      Clean well after taking.

      Can take rectal 1+ yo? I did and know moms who take it that way even for 4 and 5 yo.

  20. Thanks so much for this article; I just wish I had it was available two weeks earlier! My poor baby had a fever, was sluggish, and wouldn’t nurse. She was so hot, it actually hurt for me to hold her. She was like a little furnace! Luckily, her fever broke a day or two later. Just so you know, we used a TempTraq thermometer while she was sick. It is a patch that you stick on your child’s armpit, and then you use an app on your phone to read the temp. It was just awful! I would not recommend it to anyone.


    • You do not recommend the TempTraq?

      • She does not recommend TempTraq.

        What did you use?


    • Poor baby.
      Glad you told not to use TempTraq thermometer!
      I passed on what you told to other moms.

      In my late 60s now. I always took rectal temps. More accurate. Not that hard to do. Basically same today but using digital thermometer. Instead of the glass shake down one.
      Prepared the table, either changing table or kitchen table, by putting towel on table. Got thermometer 🌡 out of closet and lube. First used Vaseline. Then later on used coconut oil instead. Went and got the one needing temp taken. Put on back or laying on tummy on table. Years ago the shake down glass thermometer was used. So first had to shake it down. Took temp for five minutes. Never had a problem.
      Most important: never leave him on table alone!
      Also took many temps across my lap way.
      Cleaned the thermometer after taking temp. Cleaned with alcohol.


      I prefer natural hone remedies. Herbal remedies.

      Brought fevers down by giving tepid bath. Never cold.
      Or, gave enema. Plain tepid water enema. Also gave garlic enema.

      • As always, not giving medical advice. Best for all to consult with doctor, pediatrician, holistic provider before giving any home remedies, enema and for learning proper way to take temps.
        Seems these days OTC stuff is pushed.

        Yes, mine and friend’s of mine, had fevers. I don’t ever remember any mom telling theirs didn’t have a fever
        Knowing fever does some good, the fever wasn’t brought down until it hit 103 or 104.
        Kept him hydrated and comfortable. Rest in bed or couch.
        Seemed most of the time had fevers late at night.
        Taken to doctor if other symptoms were present. Read when to call/take to doctor in this blog. If they n doubt best to call your provider.
        I gave enemas whenever a fever was present. It cooled , hydrated and cleansed toxins. He always felt better after being given an enema.
        When sick in bed the enema was given on the bed. Bed linen pulled down and towel put on bed.
        The enema was also given on a table. Most of the time on kitchen table on a towel. Or given across my lap way while sitting on the couch.
        Prayers are also a good remedy and healing.

        Rectal temperature was always taken in my home and in my neighbor’s homes as well.
        So others may learn some, if sick in bed then taken on the bed. Thermometer kept bedside.
        Another way was taking it when sitting on the couch. That way he could watch tv when having his temp taken.
        Having cartoons on tv while having temp taken across my lap way relaxed him and made the five minutes go by faster.
        Natural remedies was preferred. Such as chamomile tea. Plenty of juice and water.
        Tepid baths given. Never a cold bath! Wet cloths in forehead and even under arms.
        OTC junk was never given.

      • Good article! Learned much.
        Glad you told taking rectal temperature was the best way.
        I agree. My mom and aunt took rectal temperature until we were 6 or so. They also believed rectal was the best way.
        I only take rectal for my three.
        When one of them is sick or I think he has a fever I get the thermometer, towel and lube out. Recently my 5 yo b had a fever. Was sluggish and grouchy.
        I took his temp laying on his tummy on the bed on a towel.
        His fever was 101.
        I prepared an enema in the kitchen sink.
        Put towel on the kitchen table (yes moms gave enemas and took temps on the kitchen table. Many still do).
        Once all prepared I brought him to the table and gave him a cool water enema with the bulb syringe.
        It helped. His fever went down.
        He felt better after getting it.

        Talk with your doctor what is best for you to do.

    • Millason, glad you told of the TempTraq thermometer not being the best method for taking temperatures.
      From your comments, doesn’t sound best to use.

      Such is the reason we talk about and even practice remedies before one is sick. Getting a learning experience when one is sick is not the best time to learn.
      Prepare now. Practice now.
      In our next home remedies get together, will tell not to use I what you used. Also warn of giving Epsom detoxing baths/soaks.

      Don’t know age of yours, but we feel the most reliable way to take temperature is rectal. Practice before the one is ill and not feeling well. Then he will know about the temperature taking beforehand.

      I take it that way well over toddler age.

      There are many non med OTC ways to bring the temperature down.
      Skin on skin, baths, herbal remedies, enemas.

      Talk to your holistic doctor.

  21. My daughter (now 18 months) had her first major fever back in August. We were actually visiting my parents in Florida when she suddenly stopped acting like herself and simply laid down on the couch. She was burning up (I perhaps thought maybe too much sun and sea?), but she didn’t want to nurse and it’s then that we saw she had 4 molars coming in! My poor baby didn’t want to eat, drink, nurse, nothing, we also didn’t have a thermometer, so just to be on the safe side my dad drove us to the emergency room. By then she was acting more herself and cheered up all the elderly patients in the waiting room (no lie, we were the youngest two people there). By the time they saw her it was just 101 F and she also had an ear infection. So, she got antibiotics, and some Tylenol. The next day she was back to running a muck on the beaches of Palm Coast, and of course wanted her booby milk back.

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