Beautycounter Review: My Honest Opinion

There are so many toxic beauty products out there, but luckily, there are other options. Beautycounter makes it easy to choose high-quality natural makeup.

Beautycounter Review My Honest Opinion post by Mama Natural

In recent years, our options for more natural products—cosmetics, toys, cleaning supplies, you name it—have expanded dramatically.

There are tons of companies creating products that not only consider the consumer (that’s YOU!), but also consider the welfare of the people who make them, as well as animals and the environment.

Unfortunately, though, a practice called “greenwashing” is all too prevalent. And this can make it super hard to distinguish truly good, safe, natural beauty products from the ones that only appear to be good for us.

That’s Why I Was So Psyched When I Discovered Beautycounter…

I’ve always tried my very best to use all natural solutions to daily care. (Hey, I don’t even use much soap!) And while things like coconut oil do serve their purpose—it’s a great eye make-up remover!—sometimes mama wants to put on a little lipstick.

But not that yucky stuff from the drugstore with who-knows-what lurking it. (In one study researchers found heavy metals in most lipsticks tested!)

That’s where Beautycounter comes in…

What is Beautycounter?

Beautycounter’s mission: To get safer products in the hands of everyone.

In 2013, Gregg Renfrew founded Beautycounter with the goal of providing more natural and safer alternatives to conventional cosmetics and skincare products.

The company sells over 150 items, from lipstick, to moisturizer, to shampoo, all guaranteed free from more than 1,500 questionable or harmful chemicals, including over 1,400 chemicals banned or restricted in personal care products in other parts of the world like the European Union.

Beautycounter’s list, called the NeverList, includes ingredients like: 

  • Benzalkonium Chloride: A disinfectant used as a preservative that’s often associated with severe skin, eye, and respiratory irritation and allergies.
  • Formaldehyde: A preservative known to be a carcinogen, as well as a neurotoxin.
  • Hydroquinone: A skin-lightening chemical that inhibits melanin production and is linked to cancer, organ toxicity, and skin irritation.
  • Parabens: Preservatives known to be endocrine disruptors.
  • Phthalates: Plastic chemicals that disrupt hormone function and may even cause birth defects.
  • Synthetic flavor or fragrance: Engineered scents and flavoring agents proven to be allergens and hormone disruptors.
  • Plus, so many more…

But is Beautycounter Really Natural and Safe to Use?

Here’s the deal: When we’re talking about cosmetics, nothing is ever really 100 percent all natural. Still, there are some very, very good options out there today.

And, though not entirely organic, natural, or chemical free, Beautycounter is the “fanciest” make-up I’ve found that is still is pretty dang pure. Here’s why:

The NeverList is lengthy

As mentioned above, Beautycounter is free from thousands of ingredients you’ll find in other products—even products that are certified as “safe” by the FDA. They go above and beyond by holding themselves to higher standards.

They perform lengthy ingredient screenings

While many other makeup brands contain really scary things like asbestos and heavy metals, Beautycounter performs what they call “a hazard and risk assessment” on every ingredient considered for inclusion in their formulas. This includes reviewing up-to-date authoritative lists and scientific research on carcinogenicity, developmental toxicity, allergenicity, and potential hormone disruption.

And in cases like heavy metals—something that’s incredibly prevalent on this earth and nearly impossible to avoid—Beautycounter has set “extremely low allowable levels” that are better than US regulations.

Products are manufactured in safe factories

The majority of Beautycounter’s products are manufactured in the United States and Italy, where regulations are stricter than other common manufacturing locations like China.

They never test their products on animals

Beautycounter does not test products on animals.

The one caveat is that because the scientific community at large does conduct a lot of animal testing, research considered by Beautycounter may include animal studies. Here’s what the company says about it:

“We do not believe that finished personal care/cosmetic products should be ever tested on animals, but we will not disregard data that has been previously generated on specific ingredient safety that can provide critical guidance for the overall safety of an ingredient.”

Packaging is sustainable and safe

Beautycounter uses FSC-certified paper for paper packaging and product literature. Plus, product packaging, including shipper boxes and filler paper, is recyclable in most communities in North America.

Beautycounter also rigorously screens every packaging material for potential safety and environmental concerns.

What are the Best Beautycounter Products?

My Honest Beautycounter Review: The Pros

It feels like real, beauty counter makeup

Before my Mama Natural days, I used to buy Lancome and Clinique skincare and makeup (Oh! And MAC lipsticks and pencils!). I loved the luxurious feel of it all and the experience of using it.

Beautycounter is the first more “natural” makeup I’ve used that feels like luxury and actually works. The lipsticks have a true stain… the overnight peels make your skin noticeably clearer. If you like feeling pampered and miss conventional make-up brands, this is the perfect option!

It’s ideal for busy mamas

Let’s face it: As mamas, one of our biggest struggles is time. As much as I want to use only the cleanest, safest products, I don’t have time to do extensive research or read minuscule ingredient labels for every product I bring into my life.

Because of this, I found myself skimping on my beauty routine. Honestly: It was easier to just not be bothered by it. But—real talk—I liked to have days that I look “put together” and nice.

I love the fact that, with Beautycounter, I can just shop and go without feeling like I have to dig deep into research mode. I have faith that the products I am getting are safer for me and the environment.

There are SO many products

Which brings me to my next point—I can get just about anything beauty product I could ever want through Beautycounter. Lipstick and blush? Check. Makeup remover wipes? Check. Moisturizer? Check. Charcoal soap. Done and done.

My Honest Beautycounter Review: The Cons

They aren’t 100% natural

This is probably the biggest for some very naturally-minded mamas. If you like using beet powder as blush or cacao powder as bronzer, Beautycounter is not for you. While I prefer to use coconut oil for eye makeup remover and my konjac sponge instead of facial cleansers, I do like “stronger” products for makeup. I find that DIY or uber-pure makeup brands just don’t cut it for me in terms of performance.

Too many products!

I don’t like wearing a ton of makeup, so some of the products Beautycounter carries seem like overkill to my simple nature. I also felt overwhelmed picking out the right moisturizer for my dry skin, as there are so many to chose from. WOW! I’m sure that I’ll get the hang of it as I try more of the products.

Some products are pricey

While I’m willing to pay more for powerful serums and intensive moisturizers, there are a few products from Beautycounter that seem excessively high in price point for what they are. Namely, the rosewater mist and the facial oils.

More FAQ

Where Can You Buy Beautycounter?

You may wonder why you haven’t seen Beautycounter products at your local beauty supply shop or drugstore. Here’s the deal:


Beautycounter is technically a Multilevel Marketing Company (or MLM). This means that products are largely sold through independent consultants who voluntarily sign up to sell and distribute Beautycounter products.

Direct from website

This is where Beautycounter differs from other MLM companies. In addition to purchasing from other consultants, you do have the option to purchase Beautycounter’s full line of products directly through their website.

But what about Target?

You may have heard you can get Beautycounter products at your local Target. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Beautycounter did sell a limited selection of products at Target, but that was a temporary promotion that sold out quickly. You can no longer get Beautycounter products at Target.

How Long Does Beautycounter Take to Ship?

Beautycounter generally requires 1-2 business days (Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and major holidays) to process orders.

Once processed, orders are shipped Standard Ground and typically delivered within 2-5 business days. Of course, you can pay a premium for 2nd Day or Next Day shipping options.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Beautycounter?

It doesn’t cost anything (except for the cost of the product, of course) to enjoy all of the clean, safe products Beautycounter has to offer.

That said, if you love the company and want to become a Beautycounter consultant, you have to purchase a $98 “Enrollment Kit,” which includes a personalized website, a customized training platform, and more.

How About You?

Have you tried Beautycounter? What are your favorite products? I’m always looking for new recommendations!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. Have you looked at 100% pure? I also look at prettyorganicgirl and mamavation sites they do lots of research and testing. I found 100% pure on both of their sites and have feel good about their makeup. Just curious. I’ll look into crunchi for sure.

  2. I just started using their eye cream and it dries then peels. Ugh ..I can’t stand products that do that. I will be returning it.

  3. Check out W3LL PEOPLE makeup, which is sold at Whole Foods!

    • I have tried many products from W3LL PEOPLE and it’s just not there for me with the quality. It performs poorly, which is a bummer bc they sell that at Target as well and it’s super accessible.

  4. I’ve used Beautycounter for two years and I’ll continue to use it because it performs better than other natural brands (crunchi included) and because BC utilizes such strong science and testing of ingredients and packaging. The countermatch line cleared up my melasma and eczema. I constantly receive compliments on my skin. Glad to see you got your hands on it too, Genevieve! 🙂

    • I love Beautycounter! I have such sensitive skin and the products have been effective and gentle on my skin. I use everything from the makeup, skin care regimen, and shampoo and conditioner. The rigor that goes into making clean products that are top notch and deliver is perfect for me. I am now a consultant because I am so in support of these environmentally friendly, amazing products that can be used by my whole family.

  5. I LOVE BeautyCounter and just became a consultant! Thank you for this review!

  6. Sooo…. From one pyramid scheme (Young Living – Google lawsuits) to another…..

    • I disagree with that. Genevieve has an amazing platform to educate the masses and she’s doing a lot of good by informing people of how toxic the makeup industry is. Everyone needs to know how to be safe when choosing products to have in their homes.

      • True, awareness is great.

        But when there are genuinely natural make up brands why promote one that is nearly ok (and a MLM).

        • There ARE some good natural make up brands out there but I haven’t found a single one that is actually testing their products in the way that Beautycounter does. When I was researching companies, I found that mineral based makeup can contain heavy metals. I discovered Beautycounter from their post that shows they actually test for heavy metals and their levels have to be undetectable to make it to the shelf. They also use a synthetic red because they have not found a natural sourced red color that didn’t contain heavy metals. They also test for bacteria in their products, which again, I have not found another company that actually does this. Other companies use natural preservatives but can’t guarantee it won’t get mold or bacteria in 3 months. It’s just not worth it to me to choose another “natural” brand when they are not doing the work to guarantee their products are actually safe as well as natural.

  7. While I appreciate that Beautycounter is a safer brand than most, I think the standards for ingredients and performance at Crunchi are unparalleled. They do not compromise on high quality ingredients and phenoxyethanol and talc are two that are on their blacklist. Their current line performs as well if not even better than toxic competitors and its ever expanding! Huge game changer for me in skincare and makeup!

    • AGREED!!!! Crunchi is 100% truly toxin-free and is unparalleled. Making the switch to Crunchi was my best decision yet when it comes to cosmetics and skincare.

      • Thank you both for this recommendation!

    • Totally love these comments. Super clean AND committed to eco friendly packaging that is so innovative. Not to mention they are a local Florida company started by two Mamas on a mission to truly make products that are clean and work.

    • I LOVE the Crunchi “blacklist” and their company in general…I found that the makeup just doesn’t have the color pay off long-term (it looks fantastic on application but on me, faded quickly). Any tips on how to make it last longer? I still have all of my makeup from them which is TONS but that’s what brought me to research BC, I wondered if the longevity was there. :/

  8. Hi, I’m curious to know your stance on phenoxyethanol. I saw it’s in some of their products and the environmental working group rates it as a 5 as a potential neurotoxin so I’ve been trying to steer clear of it.

    • Same. It’s an ingredient I avoid as well…

  9. I was wondering if you could expand just a little bit further when you mentioned that beauty counter makeup isn’t 100% natural. I would love to know what you mean by that! Maybe an example or two of those specific ingredients? Thank you so much!

    • For one small example, I noticed their lipstick contains petroleum-based artificial colors and titanium dioxide. I wrote to them asking about it 20 days ago but have not yet received any reply.

  10. First, thank you so much for all your amazing content! I recently found your site when I was looking for resources for my planned natural birth.

    Since you mentioned you are looking for comments and recommendations, I wanted to know if you have looked at Crunchi!? While I absolutely applaud BCs missions for cleanER cosmetics, there are a couple of ingredients they use with questionable safety. So, I went with Crunchi instead and absolutely love the performance with no safety compromise. What are your thoughts?

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