22 Weeks Pregnant

You’ve made it to the Pregnancy Promised Land! Plus, where will baby sleep when he make his debut?

  • 22 Weeks Pregnant Podcast 🎧

  • Baby at 22 Weeks Pregnant 🚼

    Believe it or not, your little bambino is almost a pound in weight and nearly a foot long. KAPOW!

    And she is truly becoming a miniature human, with facial features that are more developed, as well as eyebrows, eyelashes, and even hair on her head! (Could that be the cause of your wicked pregnancy heartburn?!)

    And just like all homo sapiens, your baby may settle into a routine right about now. At this stage of development, babies will find a rhythm between sleep and wakefulness. And it’s often the opposite of yours! My son was Mr. Routine: up with the morning sun, and quiet at night in utero. My daughter? Forgetaboutit! That girl had a rockstar's schedule... up around noon, and partying in my womb till the wee hours of the morning. (Made sleep a bit more challenging for this mama!)

    Funny thing is, my kids' natural rhythm is still pretty similar. Griffin is my early bird, and Paloma would be up late and sleep in every day if I let her. But babies are notorious for having their daytime and nighttime wakefulness flipped, and this usually continues the first few days or weeks after they're born. In other words, get used to it.

    Of course, you've still got 18 or so weeks of pregnancy to enjoy first.

  • You at 22 Weeks Pregnant 🚺

    Ahhhh, the Magic Middle. Have you heard that this is the Pregnancy Promised Land?

    The middle trimester can be magical. You feel good, you have great energy, and you aren’t too big yet. (It gets a little less magical when you have to get up four times a night because your bladder is the size of a dime in the final weeks of pregnancy!)

    The Magic Middle is a great time to finish up any home projects, clean out your closets, organize wedding photos, and prepare the nursery (if that’s your thing).

    This would also be a good time to do some things you’ve always wanted to do, because life as you know it will change dramatically once baby makes her debut. Need some inspiration? Check out this list of 17 things to do before baby arrives.


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