Kids Sleep Quiz: What Kind of Sleeper is Your Child?

Kids sleep quiz! What kind of sleeper is your child? Textbook sleeper? Power napper? Night owl? Take this fun little quiz and find out instantly!

Quiz – what kind of sleeper is your child, by Mama Natural

What kind of sleeper is your child? Take the quiz and find out instantly! Are they textbook sleepers? Power nappers? Night owls? Answer these questions to find out how your kids sleep.

What Kind of Sleeper is Your Child?

1. If your child goes to bed an hour or two later than usual, they will:

2. To get your child to sleep as an infant, you had to:

3. You child dropped his or her naps:

4. A typical nap from your child lasted:

5. When mentioning the word "sleep," your child:

6. Since you’ve had a child, you feel:

7. The hardest thing about raising kids is:

8. The tools you’ve used to help your child sleep include:

9. You sometime fantasize about:

10. How do you feel about having another child?

11. When did your child start sleeping through the night?

12. You wake up at 8 a.m. after sleeping straight through the night. What's your first thought?


Let’s Recap

Want to see all of the different types of sleepers in one place? Get a sneak peek at all of the answers below:

You’re the mama of a sleep super star…

You are one lucky mama! When you’re blessed with a child who loves to sleep, the other demands of parenting seem strangely… manageable. (What, exactly, are other parents always complaining about, you wonder?) Kids just fall asleep when they’re tired, and sleep as long as they need to, right? Easy peasy. LUCKY YOU!

You’re the mama of a textbook sleeper…

Well done, mama! It’s about time you give yourself a real good pat on the back.

Why? Well, for a lot of reasons. But the big one? Your baby is hitting all of their sleep milestones right on schedule. It hasn’t always been perfect, but it hasn’t exactly been devastating either.

And now that your child is more consistent with their sleep routines, it makes it much easier for you get some other stuff done around the house. Sure, baby’s gonna drop that final nap one day, but you know you’ve had a good run. Wahoo!

You’re the mama of a young and restless little one…

Unfortunately, your child may just not require much sleep. Yes, it may seem a cruel twist of fate, but it’s true. And you know what? I can totally relate on this one. My son Griffin just didn’t sleep that much—no matter what we did. The answer? You’re not going to like this, but for us, the answer was plain old acceptance—and a little bit of tart cherry juice!

Despite how hard your kids play throughout the day, they’ll still wake up at the crack of dawn, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. But, hey, at least the kiddos are not cranky from a lack of sleep, right? And you know what else? This biological anomaly will serve them well when they have their own children… amiright?!

You’re the mama of a lil’ insomniac…

Whew, mama! You’ve been on one big roller coaster ride from day one, huh?! Your child definitely needs more sleep, but they’re just not having it.

And I know you’ve tried everything—bargaining, pleading, strategizing, special supplements, cherry juice, etc.—all to no avail.

Personally, you’ve probably lost about six months of sleep over the past year or two. But hang in there! You’ll get a full night’s sleep again one day. I’m sorry to say you just might have to wait about 13 years until they’re a teenager!

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Share Your Results!

What did our fun quiz tell you about your child’s sleeping habits? Was it spot-on? Share your results in the comments below.

More Sleep Resources

Want to learn more about your child’s sleep habits? Check out these articles:

How many hours of sleep do kid’s need? Learn how to create a bedtime routine, get them to stay in bed, and even how to handle sleep during vacation time.

Natural sleep remediesHere are 10 tips to help you get a better night’s sleep (naturally and without any drugs). Tip #9 will surprise you!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. I have 4 Superstar Sleepers. I started by putting them down to sleep in a crib or cradle 50% of the time from when I brought them home. Whether laying them down after they fell asleep in my arms, I didn’t want them to expect or need things to be a certain way to sleep. At night, I nursed them to “top up” right before laying them down. I tried for laying them down awake 50%. When they woke for the first feed of the night, just brought them into bed with me to cosleep the rest of the night. Bam! No lost sleep for Mommy! As they replaced nursing with solids, I replaced dinner first. They naturally slept longer and longer before waking to nurse. As they got to be more active sleepers, I’d put them back in their bed if we were losing sleep cosleeping. My kids sleep anywhere with anything going on whenever they are tired. Bedtime is expected and natural. I can lay any of them down for a nap any time they need it and they’ll fall asleep.

  2. I’m a Mama of 1 Sleep Superstar and 1 Young & Restless 🙂 I wish the second one was born before the first one 🙂 It could have been much easier 🙂

  3. Mine were are all different little people, but slept through the night by 2 1/2 months thanks to Parent Directed Feeding. Don’t just read the out of context quotes, read the whole Babywise book. It is so helpful! It makes for alert well-adjusted and fed babies.

  4. I got textbook sleeper…ha! My oldest is almost 2.5 years old. She doesn’t sleep through the night, still gets out of her bed (where daddy is sleeping with her) to nurse 2-4 times a night. And if she wakes up too early from her nap, she’s an absolute wreck!

  5. Insomniac – yes. Both my younger children are- and expecting to add another bundle to the mix in a couple of months

  6. My case isn’t in here at all. I have an 7 year old that needs 8 hours sleep minimum but wakes up several times in the night. She had never just stayed asleep. Shes a restless sleeper that when she does crawl in with me beats me up in her sleep. I don’t sleep because i’m getting kicked, punched, head butt, and rolled all over.
    She has always been that way. First few days after birth I was complaining on the phone to my mom that my daughter just doesn’t sleep. She didn’t cry either, She just stayed awake looking around. My mom thought it was purely a exaggeration of a new mom. She came by and watched her so I can sheep. I woke up and my mom confessed i was right and she has never seen a new born stay awake as long as she did.
    7 years later im still trying to get her to sleep more than 4 hours straight without waking. Im due with another girl in Nov and i only have a queen size bed, lol

  7. I have one sleep superstar and one restless. The thing they have had in common from day one is that neither one wanted me around as they fell asleep. With my oldest I remember literally running out of the room because only if the transition was super fast would he be fine. My sleep superstar is 16 months. She will come up to me with her blanket and say “done!”, meaning she wants to go to bed. She is quite intense when she is awake though.

  8. I heard from another parent that there is a clock that has a picture of a moon for when it’s night and a sun for when it’s time to get up. I’m thinking about getting this for my daughter but waiting until she has more self control so that I can sleep in and not worry about her getting into things shes not suppose to. She’s getting better lately with the self control.

    • We’ve had AMAZING results with the OK To Wake Owl – – Especially now that Griffin is old enough to really “get” it.

    • If you watch for it, I have seen it quite a few times on

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