Top 10 Breastfeeding Tips (Video)

I thought breastfeeding would be easy. Little did I know! But these breastfeeding tips have helped me succeed.

Top 10 Breastfeeding Tips Video by Mama Natural

Like natural childbirth, I thought that breastfeeding would be a relatively intuitive and empowering experience. Yes, other mamas gave me some breastfeeding tips and told me it might be “difficult,” but frankly, I didn’t believe it. After all, what could come to a mama and baby more naturally?

How wrong I was! That’s why I put together these top 10 breastfeeding tips for you! Be sure to also get my FREE download with 8 essential breastfeeding tools.

The reality is that for most women, breastfeeding takes a lot of patience, observation and work! When my son Griffin was born after a grueling 27 hours of labor, he came out of the womb crying… probably because he was stuck in the canal for three hours.

It took us nearly an hour to get him to latch, and to do so I had to use a nipple shield.

Sigh. This wasn’t the vision I’d had of breastfeeding my newborn

I thought it would be easy. Effortless. Biological. Beautiful. A loving source of nourishment and comfort.

Breastfeeding Got Better Each Day

I got Griffin to latch the next day without the nipple shield. As each day passed, breastfeeding became easier.

Along the way, I’ve talked with other moms, consulted with TWO lactation consultants (who should get extra angel wings for their amazing service to motherhood and all things good), and have the best husband ever who’s helped me at every turn.

As I initially drafted this post, I’d been breastfeeding for 6 weeks. Breastfeeding still had its ups and downs. But I have to say, it got easier.

Now I totally understand why some women switch to formula. Breastfeeding is not for the faint of heart. I ended up breastfeeding Griffin for two years, but after struggling through the first month, I wasn’t sure if I’d make it past month two!

5 Breastfeeding Tips That Made Life Easier For Me

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Need Breastfeeding Help?

Breastfeeding Gets Easier (So Stick With It!) Cheat Sheet

5 Breastfeeding Tips From Bestselling Author Genevieve Howland

These are breastfeeding tips and tricks that have made life easier for me. I hope this helps some new mamas out there who need encouragement (I know I did!).

And if that describes you, check out this post: Breastfeeding Gets Easier (So Stick With It!)

1. Get the Right Latch

This is KEY. If we don’t have the right latch, we end up with really sore and perhaps damaged and cracked nipples. There’s a TON of great resources online that will literally show you what the right latch looks like, but in a nutshell, it’s about getting the lower part of the breast and areola into baby’s mouth so that the nipple hits their high palette, which stimulates sucking.

Latch videos

2. Experiment With Different Breastfeeding Positions

One of the most important of the breastfeeding tips is to get the right latch, as we said in #1. As part of this, experimenting with different breastfeeding positions is key. The Breast Crawl is an excellent and intuitive position for a newborn. They literately will latch themselves! But, we can’t nurse reclining in our bed with baby. From my experience, I’d say that the cross-cradle is the best position for newborns because it offers a ton of support. My little guy needed my hand on his neck to guide him to the nipple, help establish the right latch, and keep him in the right position as he nurses.

I also have heard that the football hold is really helpful for sore nipples and establishing a good latch. The sideline position, which you can do lying down in bed, is nice for tired, sleep-deprived mamas, but it is a bit advanced for some newborns to get the hang of right off the bat.

With my fast milk letdown, we also use the position where I’m laying back, and baby’s body is on top of mine. This way, his head is upright and the milk has to work against gravity, helping slow the flow.

While I tend to rely on cradle hold, I know that rotating positions helps with sore nipples, since baby’s latch will hit different parts of breast depending on the angle.

3. Get Breastfeeding Help Early

Habits form fast, so it’s VITAL to get the latch right at the beginning. (Don’t despair if you didn’t, as babies are adaptable.) Lots of moms can struggle with too fast of a letdown or engorgement, or overproduction of milk, which can be remedied pretty easily! Getting help will benefit you and your baby immensely if you start off on the right foot and can avoid problems like clogged milk ducts.

If you can afford it, I highly recommend hiring a Lactation Consultant. Even if you are breastfeeding just fine, it can be a worthwhile investment. Yes, of the breastfeeding tips, this one will cost you some money. But, think of lactation consultants as Breast Whisperers, experts in the field of palettes, latching, positions, and intake volume. I was AMAZED at how helpful and empowering my consultations were.

If seeing a consultant isn’t possible, check out some of these free resources online:

General breastfeeding sites

  • The international La Leche League website, a phenomenal resource for breastfeeding families.
  • The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is a worldwide organization of physicians dedicated to the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding and human lactation.
  • Awesome site. Created by a lactation consultant and mother of three, this site provides evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting.
  • One of the great advocates for breastfeeding, Dr. Jack Newman’s site has a plethora of breastfeeding including videos, articles and troubleshooting information.

Milk production resources

For those mamas struggling with low milk supply, be sure to check out these tips. Here are also some great sites to check out.

4. Use Breastfeeding Props

A key breastfeeding tip is to stock up on some of the tools that can help us! Some of my favorites include:

  • The Nesting Pillow. OK, this is a pricey nursing pillow, but the most comfortable by far. It literally molds to baby and mama. Love it!
  • The Boppy. The classic nursing pillow… very versatile too!
  • My Breast Friend. Another nursing pillow that’s great if you’re having a hard time getting the latch and positioning right. It’s very firm and you can even nurse while standing up! (with support from your hands, of course).
  • Motherlove Nipple Cream. This stuff is wonder cream for sore nipples, creating a healing “moisture seal” in-between feedings. Made with extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, shea butter, marshmallow root, and calendula, it’s non-toxic and safe for the baby to ingest, so no need to rinse off before feeding.
  • Nursing Pads. At the beginning, while you are establishing your milk supply, nursing mamas tend to leak. Using these pads, you prevent the embarrassing wet ring-around-the-nipple phenomenon.

5. Expect That Breastfeeding Will Be Challenging

Call me twisted, but I find that if I know the worst right off the bat, it helps me to stay positive. It is easier for me to find joy in the small successes along the way and not get discouraged if it doesn’t click right away. I also found that despite the right latch, I did have some tenderness from time to time, and that is perfectly normal. If your soreness persists, your baby may have thrush. You can try this nipple cream, which should reduce thrush symptoms and pain.

6. Be Sure to Burp ‘Em!

If you don’t want your precious milk regurgitated onto the back of your couch, be sure to burp your baby well! This will also help ease painful gas bubbles that often accumulate in baby’s belly, since their digestive system is still so delicate.

7. Get an Eyewitness

My husband was a HUGE help in making sure I got the right latch with Griffin. From his perspective, he could see things that I couldn’t. He also was supportive in terms of getting me water each time I nursed, inserting extra pillows for support, and changing Griffin’s diaper once I finished. He will also be the one who feeds Griffin a bottle at some point, so it’s good for him to get involved early!

8. Use a Breast Pump When Needed

I found pumping at 3 weeks was helpful so I could literally *see* milk coming out of my breast. While not always a good indicator of supply, it did give me—a first-time breastfeeder—some peace of mind that things were working as they should.

I also liked having a bit of milk in the freezer so that if I had to leave town unexpectedly, or God forbid, be hospitalized, my child would have some nourishment on hand. Pumps can also be great to help regulate or increase milk supply if needed. My lactation consultant recommended pumping each breast once a day in the morning when supply is usually higher and baby’s appetite is smaller.

Here’s the best way to warm breast milk.

9. Keep It Pure

For the first month, try to just breastfeed without introducing a bottle or pacifier. This will help to establish a strong breast bond so that the baby doesn’t experience nipple confusion and start preferring artificial nipples. Bottles, especially if not the right kind of nipple, tend to expel milk easier than mom’s breast, so baby may come to prefer the bottle instead of having to work at it getting milk the natural way. While you’ll likely give your baby a bottle sooner or later, the longer he has to get used to latching and expelling milk from the breast the better—think of it like breastfeeding practice for a solid foundation.

10. Think Peaceful Thoughts

When I find myself tensing up while feeding Griffin, I consciously work at relaxing so that the experience is more enjoyable and successful for both of us. Instead of reading or looking at my phone, I often pray for him as he’s lying there. I believe little Griff picks up on this healing energy and feeds better as a result. And it’s especially important to relax while pumping to maximize milk production. So, be sure not to ignore this among all of the breastfeeding tips.

Need Breastfeeding Help?

Breastfeeding Gets Easier (So Stick With It!) Cheat Sheet

Here are more breastfeeding resources:

I hope these top 10 breastfeeding tips were helpful. Now I’d love to hear from you! What breastfeeding tips helped you nurse successfully?

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. The links in #1 aren’t working.

  2. This is by far the BEST breastfeeding guide I have read. I struggled with my supply during the early weeks of breastfeeding and I really wish I would have come across this at the time! I also loved pumping and getting to see the milk come out. It’s hard to tell how much your baby receives and it was good to know she was actually getting milk. Thanks for this!

  3. Thanks for this helpful tips on breastfeeding. You can also have probiotics to take in your daily routine, its believed to be healthy and adds good bacteria. Nice article

  4. Moms I breastfeed on demand my baby and for me is the best!

  5. Just because something comes naturally doesn’t mean it’s also easy to do.
    I breastfed my two kids and now I know it’s not that easy like I thought it would be! Proper preparation is so important! I can recommend an excellent breastfeeding guide titled “How to make breastfeeding pleasant and easy” by Susan Urban. My midwife told me about this guide and she showed me the website with it:
    I have read a lot about breastfeeding and this guide is the best. It includes everything that is important. Made me confident and ready to deal with problems that may occur! In my opinion number one!

    • Very informative and helpful guide. I’m going to recommend it to all moms and moms to be 🙂 great book

    • Good one! Thanks for your recommendation

    • Another vote for Urban’s. I really enjoyed reading it and I just needed it – made me much more confident about being able to breastfeed my baby ( I’m 8 month pregnant now ).

  6. Hi there. I guess one or two advices coincided with those (especially the one from the position of feeding) that I read in the e-book from S. Urban. Did you read this book too?

  7. My favorite nursing pads are the LilyPadz! I stuck to my washable nursing pads so bad I cried every time I took them off. The silicone ones don’t stick and they actually depress the nipple actually PREVENTING leaks! Great tips, thanks for being such an awesome resource

  8. I have a couple things to add to your video that have worked great for me. My little guy often prefers the Biological, or Laid Back, breastfeeding position. I can tell he needs this position if he’s extending his neck back a lot when wanting to latch.
    And the Lacti-cups are awesome for catching the drips, as well as the pouring out from the breast not being used by baby. I have often collected 1-2 oz in these in a 1 hour period! Milk that would be lost in a breast pad!

  9. I didn’t have any problems nursing my first child, it was so easy, comfortable, natural, it wven felt good & enjoyable…not with my second. We did fine in the hospital, but ny time my milk came in, i had sores, and sheElectronic got dehydrated, we had to rush out & buy formula. At 5 days old doc almost put her in the hospital cause she lost too much weight. We had to rush out & buy a pump (Thanks to grandma), switch formula, & see a lactation consultant. Even after seeing her, we just couldn’t get it, baby girl clicks her tongue & causes too much friction. We are still trying to figure it out, but it is getting better. I got a nipple shield, which will hopefully help. Its so frustrating when nursing my first felt great & now I’m struggling to not give up.

  10. Patience and trust yourself. I had cracked nipples for the first 10 weeks of breastfeeding, so bad I used to cry putting my babe on to feed. A lactation consultant helped with attachment and positioning and it slowly got better. Now he’s 10 months and I’m still breastfeeding.

  11. # 5 and # 10. YES. Thank you! I am so frustrated when I hear lactation consultants or other moms saying “if you’re doing it right, it shouldn’t hurt”. Well I constantly thought I was doing it “wrong” because surprise….the first time someone solely relies on your tender nipples and breasts to stay alive doesn’t feel good! It DOES hurt and there’s nothing wrong with a little hurt had I been prepared for it! I was always thinking something was wrong, I stressed, which then made me more tired, which then made BF harder, and the cycle goes on! I wish more people were honest that BF IS hard, it’s not this natural easy, organic thing that’s a breeze. Moms get discouraged so quickly because they thinks they aren’t doing something right because “its hard”. It ended up being amazing which is I think why people say it’s so great…but we shouldn’t forget to mention that it CAN be hard and that it DOES get better so moms have realistic and therefore more attainable expectations. thumbs up!

  12. Hi 🙂
    I understand that breastfeeding is the best . But my friend can not .
    Can you please let us know what babyformulab will you recomend.
    We live in Norway and only iherb is site is sending us Sapelment Amazon will not send to Norway .
    Hope you can help us.
    Thank you so much for all you do here:)?

  13. Although I am not pregnant yet, I have often thought about how much I would love to breastfeed my children when I do start having them. I get nervous about things going wrong, so I really appreciate this information on how to have the best chances of making it work. I like the tip you give of enlisting the help of a lactation specialist early on-even if you aren’t struggling with it. I know that my sister did that and was amazed by how much she was able to help. I will be sure to keep this in mind for when I start having kids!

  14. A big tip that I had to learn on my own with our first child…. pay attention to the direction your nipples face!!! I have scoliosis and my breasts are very uneven, I didn’t pay attention at first and was nursing in the same position on both sides and she was getting a very bad latch on my right side….. once I noticed what was wrong it was an easy fix and we succeeded in breastfeeding!
    Also don’t think that every baby is the same, I struggled A LOT with our first born and hardly none with the second…. can’t wait to see what the third time around holds for us!

  15. I HAVE A QUESTION.. MY BABY IS 6 MONTHS OLD I BEEN EBF but shes starting to get irritable when she eats she kicks alot is this all ok im not sure if shes getting enough …

  16. I totally agree … I just think lots of mom’s get caught up in studying/preparing for the birth and don’t realize that same effort should be put into preparing for breastfeeding. I always tell new mons to read a breastfeeding book before a natural birth book. It is hard shiz for some. I know for me breastfeeding my second was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. We went to 19 months!

  17. very thoughtful post. Especially at the beginning, it is all so stressing. We also learned that when the baby hear specific sounds, he will calm and suck so that lactation will come easier. For example i sing, or more surprisingly when he listens to underwater sounds. that was a revelation!

    He became calm and smiling, and milk came within very short time after that, it was such a relief!

  18. I totally agree except for the breastfeeding consultants. I saw two after the birth of my first and both discouraged me after a grueling 26 hr labor saying I would probably not be able to breastfeed at all because my breasts didn’t grow at all during pregnancy even though both saw the colostrum I produced. Hopefully both were fired because I nursed my first for 3.5 years and am now exclusively bf my 3rd child. I nursed my 2nd for 2 years. It doesn’t make a hill of beans difference what size your breasts are before, during or after baby – you can nurse!

  19. Just 2 out of 5 tips changed my life. I thought my nipples were going to fall off by the second day my baby boy was here but then I found this video and I am eternally grateful!!

    • Aw, this made my day! So glad you’re doing better.

  20. Hi Genevieve,

    I’ve been watching your videos through my second pregnancy and last night was my breastfeeding class. It has left me with the dilemma of whether to buy a breast pump or not. I’m a stay at home mom now but just like you stated in this blog I would like to pump and store if for any reason I cannot feed my baby. My question to you is have you made a video or a blog about what pump you use, breastfeeding in conjunction with pumping and if you’ve need to feed your baby with breast milk that was pumped what bottle did you use or did you use a different method (if there is one) to feed the baby the stored breastmilk?

    • Some insurance companies will give you a breast pump at little or no cost. Call your provider to find out.

  21. How did you get Griffin to latch without the shield? My son is two weeks old, and wouldn’t latch on in the hospital. (Mostly my nipples were the issue, and he was a little lazy) 😉 but now I’m starting to try without the shield, I feel he will benefit from feeding without it and it would be much easier to go without as well. He’s latched a couple times, it doesn’t hurt so I’m assuming its a good latch. But when he’s hungry, he is HUNGRY, which makes working with him very hard because he gets frustrated and just wants to eat! I’d love any tips you, or anyone may have to get rid of the shield!

  22. These are great tips. We used paci from day 1 and no problems there and a bottle at 7 weeks. At 6 weeks my daughter was Successful side latching and at 6 months she now nurses like a toddler. We haven’t had any problems besides a fast let-down and we found stimulating the let-down, draining into a bottle, and then relatch was best for both. At 8 months we are still going and I have never had mastitis, clogged ducts, and never had a latch problem! I feel like was a breeze to get and now I encourage my pregnant friends to breastfeed and 4 have!!!

  23. I have a fast letdown too (it doesnt spray out but my daughter, Autumn, still gets choked 🙁 ) shes 3 wks old (born 5.15, now 7.7 lbs) and I’ve tried laying back – is there something else I could do? Did you express milk? – did Griffin get used to it/better as he got older?

  24. I remember all of the moms saying “breastfeeding is the most wonderful time you’ll get to have with your baby”. NOBODY told me how difficult it would be at the beginning. So, I would’ve appreciated that heads, up. After almost three years of breastfeeding, however, I’d have to say the best tip I can give is stick with it. Like you said, over time it gets so much easier. And don’t EVER let baby feed on an incorrect latch. That will hurt and damage your nipple, baby won’t get enough milk and this will cause frustration and you will be discouraged as well. Don’t hesitate to place your pinky in baby’s mouth and separate him/her from the breast if they’re not latched on correctly. If at first you don’t succeed try try again!

  25. I love all the positive feedback from everyone it’s giving me hope. My baby is 3 weeks but i’m having a little problem with him and need help with it, he’s refusing to breastfeed from me for the past 4 days without any reason and i don’t know what happened because he used to breastfeed before that. I pump and give it to him in a bottle and he takes it, but when i put him in my arms to breastfeed him he starts screaming and gets really fussy and angry and doesn’t want to even try.

    • Try a pediatric chiropractor. He maybe needs to have his neck checked. Even the most natural birth can leave a little one with an issue. My daughter was born at home with her hand up on her face. She wouldn’t nurse from one side at all. A trip to the chiro made all the difference in the world. There are specific Chiros that have an additional 400 credit hours on top of their doctorate to be certified as pediatric. I think you can find a list at

  26. Love the tips. I currently got a 1 week baby boy and latching on is my biggest gripe as he flails his hands (knocking the boob out of his mouth) and screams while on the boob instead of latching. But he does this all to show he wants the boob. So silly lol.

  27. Hi, thanks for all the info. I have a 4 week old daughter, Cara. Breastfed week one, pumped week 2 (due to tongue tie) and have been breastfeeding 2 weeks. Went well in week one, it was taking about 40 minutes to feed her but now she seems very fussy at some feeds and latches on and off loads of times until she becomes frustrated and won’t latch on again. Any advice geatly appreciated as am afraid she is not getting any hind milk now… thanks

  28. I know it’s an old post, but I love this list! I tend to be more on the “natural mom” side of things. I’m surprised you didn’t talk about hand expression in this post. But you might elsewhere on your blog…I just found it. I only use hand expression (and nurse). I think it’s more natural than pumping, more comfortable, greener and more convenient (you aren’t tied to a pump and can stop quickly)! My original motivation was not wanting to purchase an expensive pump. I did buy a single side electric pump and tried it out, but it was slower and more uncomfortable than hand expression.

    • Good point, mama! I hand pump at times although it isn’t as effective for me. I want to try a manual pump for next baby as I think this is a nice in-between solution.

  29. I think I’m in love with you. No, I promise I won’t be a scary stalker. I just love the way you put things. I fell like if we knew eachother in real life we would be friends and I could be a guest speaker on your blog. Again, I promise I’m not a scary stalker.
    this is a great article, another one I will be sharing with my childbirth class.
    I loved your post too about Jenna Elfman. I’m donating milk to another local mama whose baby was born the day after mine. She’s pregnant and lost her supply. It is such an amazing blessing to be able to do, isn’t it? God does work in mysterious and wonderful ways.

  30. I just found your website while searching for a bumbleride giveaway:) I lookforward to reading through your archives once my son is in bed tonight! I just wanted to leave a comment as breastfeeding is something I have become so passionate about. My son was born in a waterbirth nearly 5 months ago and I fully intended for breastfeeding to come just as naturally as giving birth but I was so wrong. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I have a post on my blog about my breastfeeding experience and I plan to write many more. After a nasty battle with thrush, correcting the latch, and discovering lip tie, BFing is still hard for us. I remember crying through that first week and praying that I have at least a month of that bond with my new baby while daydreaming of what it would be like to make it to 3 months. Now we are at 5 months and the time just keeps going by. My hope was to make it to a year or longer, some days I feel that we won’t be able to make
    It and other days I look at how far we have come and know that we can get there. You truly just have to take it one day at a time.
    Regardless, you are one amazing mama and your little one is so lucky!
    I will be praying for you and your son.

    <3, Carrie

  31. hello im two days away from my due date and im expecting a boy i aim to breastfeed for two years bt am worrying more bout doing it in public than anything. I live in enland and my midwife is wanting me to feed formula so i dnt feel i can ask her. He will b my first after quite a few miscarriages so if any one could help me with some tips for public feeding, clothes, bras, covers etc id really appreciate it tnx x x x vk

    • WOW! Vicky… have you had your baby yet? Congrats!
      Breathe deep…. there are tons of breastfeeding tools out there. There are “sheilds,” special bras, and tank tops. If you go to, you can select the types that are ranked most popular. I always trust these because these are people that have tried the products, liked them and then took the time to comment about them. Hope this helps. PLEASE keep me posted on your delivery and breastfeeding. Remember, BREASTFEEDING CAN BE HARD at first. Give it a good 2 weeks to even begin to feel comfortable with it. XO.

      • hello again yes we have a gorgeous little boy he born on due date 16th at 6.30 am weighing 7lbs exactly measurin 32.5cm length, breast feeding is going great he fed straight away for 1hr 15 bt nw his latch is also getting better hes taking more areola instead of just nipple x the birth was fantastic natural no drugs or gas and air no interence physiological 3rd stage and 2 hrs 55 mins in labour just made the hospital. 4o mins of pushing 1 contraction 3 pushes and all of him was out. No stitches or painkillers after x x x x gd nite for nw x x x thanks

  32. I went back to work when my daughter was two months old and I was still exclusive to nursing. My crazy job took me out of the country anywhere from three days to two weeks and having a good pump saved us! It was not easy, I had to pump with a hand pump on the airplane and put my milk on dry ice then explain to customs agents what it was, but it was so worth it! We used the adiri natural nursers when I traveled so she would still nurse when I came home and they seemed to help so she still latched on as soon as I came in from a trip.

  33. WOW! Breastfeeding twins for 2 1/2 years… incredible. Thanks for sharing as this is an inspiration.
    Did you feed them at the same time or individually?

  34. It gets easier with time! I also nursed my first until she was two, even after blistered nipples in the begining from an improper latch. We fixed it ourselves from The Baby Book, Dr Sears as there was no lactation consultant at the hospital on the weekends. My second is three and a half months and it has been smooth sailing. So good that she completely refuses a bottle of breast milk! I love the closeness and knowing im doing my best for them!

    • Hi Serenity… is that your name? What a great one!

      Good to hear that your second one was a breeze. I would think it would just get easier as we, as moms, get the hang of it. Once you experience the right latch, you can never go back again :)… Good bye sore nipples, hello happy baby and mama!

  35. when I gave birth I felt like a champ! it was wonderful and Jerico latched perfectly! until he found my left breast without a perfect nipple for his mouth. 3 days after giving birth I was crying every time he was trying to eat because was so painful! this just lasted 3 days, the lanolin and shields help me a lot! Now he’s 3 months and 1 week old and getting stronger, can’t even imagine stop nursing him! This experience is way beyond anybody can explain! Thank you for your sweet blog!

    • Hi Sathya,

      Thanks for sharing! Perfect latch out the gate is impressive indeed… that lanolin ROCKS for any sensitivity.

      LOVE your child’s name… Jerico :). Stay in touch.

    • Oh, do you have the sleep thing down yet? Since your guy is a little older… just curious if you are in a routine at all which can be tough when nursing.

      • well, I promise that my baby is making me think twice in having another baby, since he was 1 month old he used to sleep from 11:30pm to 4-5:30am and that was amazing, some night he used to sleep all the way until 6-7am, obviously I was the one in pain at that time!.
        this days he’s getting into a different schedule, he starts to get fussy around 9pm so he gets his bath, some songs, nursing time and to bed around 10-ish pm and he will wake up until 5:30am…. on the weekends he wakes up until 7am! and because he sleeps longer during the night in the mornings he eats more often, like every 2 hours in state of the 3-4 hours. he’s awesome! last night he went to sleep before 10! I’m planning in nursing until he’s 1 year old or maybe a little older if I can and he wants, exclusively until he’s 6 months old. Good luck with your baby! I think keeping them very entertain during the day will make them tired, a long session of nursing before going to bed helps a lot!!!

        • Awesome! My baby is actually sleeping quite well too for 7 weeks. Last night he went to bed at 9 pm and slept till 7 am with only one feeding at 3:30 am. That’s manageable for me :).

          The nap thing is a different story. Yesterday was a dream as he took 3 solid 2 hour naps but other days he fights it like crazy! And when he doesn’t get his naps in, he’s not as happy 🙁 and a bit fussy.

          Two steps forward, one step back. I’m hoping he’ll get the hang of it soon!

  36. It definitely will get better. I nursed my first till he was two, and am currently nursing my 2nd .(he’s 11wks) I had a breast reduction 8yrs ago and was told i would never be able to nurse my babies! When i had my first, they told me to just stuff him full of formula but i went to a breastfeeding clinic for help and it was great ! Success! It is tiring at the beginning and you’re exhausted, But it is soooooo worth it in the end! This time I also had problems with the latch and every baby is different. Good luck! I really have enjoyed reading your site!

    • Thanks Amanda! That’s so great that you proved them wrong and can still breastfeed. Love hearing eveyone’s experiences.

      Every baby IS different. Griffin has a higher than average high palette which makes the latching a little trickier but we’re getting the hang of it! I can freak out that he’s not getting enough and then he always gains great weight so I need to chill 🙂

  37. You’ll want to breastfeed for LONGER than a year. Trust me. It does get easier. I started off the same way as you and went on to nurse my first for 2 years and am on month 10 with my 2nd. I would say it took me at least 9 weeks to start to love it. My biggest tip was surrounding myself with people to motivate me–husband, my mom who breastfed 2 babies. They kept me going and kept me away from the formula 🙂 Good Luck!

    • Thanks Melissa for the encouraging words! I do hope to go past 1 year and will be holding onto the 9 week ease;). It really is such a beautiful and nurturing bond when it is working well. I think I’m learning that the key is not to give up!

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