Lullabies for Babies – Best Music for Baby (Including Classical)

One of the best ways to stimulate a very young child is through music. Lullabies for babies is wonderful for their brains and personal development.

Sleeping baby listening to Lullabies for Babies Best Music for Baby including Classical and Christian and Streaming

Since it’s been 5 years since I had a newborn, I’m a little rusty on how to play with babies. One of the best ways to stimulate a very young child is through music. Lullabies for babies, classical music for babies and really any music for babies is wonderful for their brains and personal development.

I reached out to YOU regarding what you thought was the best music for babies and WOW did you deliver!

Here are some of the most popular responses…

Best Music for Babies

There are so many different types of music for baby these days—classical, lullabies, Christian, pop… you name it.

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Lovely Sleepy Baby and the Sea by Raimond Lap
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Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George
Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George by Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson And Friends: Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George by Jack Johnson

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Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George
Overcome by David Nevue
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A Delicate Joy
A Delicate Joy by David Nevue
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Kids World Party
Kids World Party by Putumayo Kids Presents
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The Disney Songbook
The Disney Songbook by Jim Brickman
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Piano Lullabies Baby's Bedtime Favorites
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Mr. Music’s Sing-Along
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Truth Love Creation
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Feeling Good Today!
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Odds & Ends by Andrew & Polly
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Diez Deditos

Best Lullabies for Babies

Lullabies are great for playing during nap time or other quiet periods throughout the day.

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Best Classical Music for Babies

Classical music is another great option for quite times during the day.

Best Christian Music for Babies

Christian music is a great way to reap the benefits of music, but also introduce your baby to your faith from an early age.

Best Pop Music for Babies

If you love pop music, but don’t necessarily want your baby listening to the radio, these are great options.

Streaming Music Playlists for Babies

There are so many ways to listen to music, but streaming is a great option, since you can save and organize playlists, and then access them from just about anywhere in the world. You can also share your playlists with all of your friends and their kids, too!

Apple Music Baby Playlists

Spotify Baby Music Playlists

Pandora Baby Music Playlists

Benefits of Music for Babies

Why do we care what the best music for babies is? Because, music can:

  • Enhance mood (Bye, bye fussy baby?): Classical music is anecdotally connected to reduced stress levels, but studies show that this is true—even during medical procedures.
  • Boost memory: Studies show that students who listen to classical music score better on tests. And guess what? This applies to babies learning about the world, too. (sourcesource) Music training helps improve brain function by creating more connections within the brain. (source)
  • Lower blood pressure: Classical music for babies can even lower blood pressure and relieve pain! (Is baby teething? Pop on Mozart!) (Source)
  • Improve language skills: When baby listens to music, they picks up on the “rhythm, timbral contracts, and melodic contour,” which later help them focus on the syntax and semantics of the language. (source) Basically, music helps baby dissect how language is put together.
  • Improve sleep quality: Classical music can help boost the quality of sleep baby gets. (source) Playing music also masks “house noises” that can disturb a sleeping baby. White noise machines do the same thing, but classical music is a great alternative if you’re traveling.

How About You?

Now I would love to hear from YOU, our readers. What do you think is the best music for babies? Or best lullabies for babies? Or best classical music for babies? Share with us so we can add to our list!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. It’s incredible to observe how lullabies and classical music may aid in a baby’s brain development, and music is a very effective tool for both calming and exciting infants. I recall how soothing it was to play soft music for my child, establishing a tranquil atmosphere for us both. Checking out an honista alternative is a wonderful method to stream and find the greatest music for your baby’s growth and relaxation if you’re looking for a simple approach to explore a variety of baby-friendly music!

  2. Music has such a profound impact on a baby’s development, and lullabies especially classical pieces can be incredibly soothing while also stimulating their growing brains. I remember how comforting it was to play soft melodies for my little one, creating a peaceful atmosphere for sleep and bonding. If you’re looking for a great selection of baby lullabies, classical music, or even curated playlists, Spotify on PC is a fantastic way to explore and stream high-quality music effortlessly. It’s a must-try for any parent wanting to introduce their baby to the magic of music!

  3. Spotify Premium for PC
    revolutionizes music listening. It does so on both desktop and laptop devices. This premium service improves on standard music streaming. It does this by offering exclusive features tailored specifically for PC users.

  4. Lullabies and classical music are indeed wonderful for stimulating a baby’s brain and aiding in their personal development. It’s amazing to see how different types of music, including Christian, lullabies, and even pop, can benefit babies in various ways.

    Spotify offers a great variety of music collections tailored for babies, helping to create the perfect environment for their growth and relaxation. Check out their extensive baby music collection for the best options!

  5. This is great! Thank you.

  6. As well the piano concerto 21 by Mozart.

  7. We really like the lullaby by Trout fishing in America. There other songs are fun too.
    I like the Wombles
    The song Happy by Pharrell Williams is a hot right now.
    And with every diaper change we sing Ladybug picnic by Elisabeth Mitchel

  8. Casper Babypants! He has a ton of fun music for babies and kiddos. He also has 2 albums for sleepy time. ❤!

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