The Best Natural Bubble Bath + DIY Recipes

Bubble baths are so much fun, but the toxic chemicals in conventional soap are not. Here are the best natural bubble bath options, plus some DIY recipes.

Bubble baths are so much fun, but the toxic chemicals in conventional soap are not. Here are natural bubble bath choices, plus some DIY recipes.

I have deprived my children. And I feel terrible.

I’m not talking about depriving them of fast food or candy—I don’t feel bad about that. I’m talking about bubble baths.

There are few things that can compare to the JOY of a bubble bath. I still remember soaking in a big vat of suds in my parent’s laundry tub, sculpting Santa Claus beards on my face and making towers and bubble castles.

My mom used JOY soap for the bubbles, but hey, it was the 80s.

Baby Genevieve holding a bottle of JOY

Why I Don’t Give My Kids Bubble Baths

Same old story: Most of the bubble bath soaps on the market contain some really terrible ingredients… parabens, fragrances, even formaldehyde. Yep.

But should that obstacle stand in the way of a natural mama and her kids’ bath time? Not in my household.

I did some research, tried out a few options, and have some good ones for you listed below. Scroll down even further and you’ll see some DIY options that you can whip together for a safe and sudsy good time.

Safe Bubble Baths

The key is to find a natural bubble bath that actually bubbles.

Don’t be fooled: Many natural bubble bath options are pure but don’t create big or lasting bubbles. You’d be better saving your money and using a simple olive oil bar.

But, thankfully, there are a few super pure formulas on the market that actually get the job done.

Babyganics Extra Gentle Bubble
Babyganics Extra Gentle Bubble

This unscented bubble bath is great for kids with super sensitive skin or eczema. This is a gentle and very safe product that is ranked a "1" on the Skin Deep website, meaning it has the lowest possible toxin rating. It is also the least expensive bubble bath I list in this post at $0.32 per ounce.

If you go with this brand, be sure you pick the unscented variety only, as the scented ones are ranked more like a "3" with more chemicals present.

— Check it out —
Babyganics Extra Gentle Bubble
Honest Company Honest Bubble Bath
Honest Company Bubble Tangerine Dream

I'm not a huge fan of Honest products, as I think they add too many ingredients. But I know they're popular, so wanted to include their bubble bath.

Moms love it because it bubbles well and smells great. It contains some nice soothing ingredients like aloe vera and calendula. It is also contains mostly organic ingredients and is tear free, but it is more expensive at nearly $1.00 per ounce. It also is a "2" on the Skin Deep website, so not quite as safe as the others.

— Check it out —
Honest Company Honest Bubble Bath
Carina Organics Bubble Bath
Carina Organics

This company creates lovely, pure products. This bubble bath is also ranked a "1" on the Skin Deep website, whether that is one of the scented varieties or their unscented kind.

The Carina bubble bath is extra gentle and tear-free formula with certified organic plant, vegetable, flower and tree extracts. I personally love that one of the ingredients is apple cider vinegar 🙂

It is the most expensive of the natural bubble baths I list in this post.

— Check it out —
Carina Organics Bubble Bath
Alaffia - EveryDay Shea
Alaffia – EveryDay Shea – Moisturizing Bubble Bath

I use this bubble bath with my kids and they LOVE IT. It’s certified fair trade, safe for babies and adults, and doesn’t contain harsh or nasty ingredients.

It is a "1" on the Skin Deep website.

The bubble bath is really moisturizing too because it contains shea buttler and essential oils.

It's also the most reasonably priced option on this list, at $0.47 per ounce. I use about 2-3 TB per bath.

— Check it out —
Alaffia - EveryDay Shea

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How to Make Your Own Bubble Bath

Another option is to make your own bubble bath! This is great for the DIY-ers or folks who want to make 100% sure their bubble bath is toxin-free.

Here are a few recipes to try.

Soothing Salt Bubble Bath

The addition of magnesium rich salt gives this bubble bath a soothing and rejuvenating boost. Great for calming kids before bedtime!

  • 1/2 cup epsom salt or magnesium flakes
  • 1/8 cup himalayan pink salt (optional)
  • 1 cup liquid soap
  • 1 tbsp vegetable glycerin
  • 30-50 drops essentail oils

Whisk all ingredients together. Drizzle under running water while filling the bath.

Moisturizing Honey Bubble Bath

The honey and almond oil in this recipe are great for adding moisture to dry skin or flaky skin.

  • 1 cup sweet almond oil
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 3/4 cup liquid Castile soap
  • 30-50 drops essential oils (Lavender works well)

Whisk all ingredients together. Drizzle under running water while filling the bath.

Super Bubble Bath

The egg white in this recipe helps the bubbles hold their shape longer.

  • 1 cup liquid Castile soap
  • 1 egg white
  • 30-50 drops essentail oils

Whisk all ingredients together. Drizzle under running water while filling the bath. For extra foaming power, add a little bit of water and mix with a hand mixer to make foam before adding to the bath.

You can add 1 cup of water to stretch this recipe and make it last longer. It won’t be as bubbly but it will save you money.

Why We Limit Our Kids’ Baths in General

Bubble baths are awesome, but we still limit them to about once per week in our household.

Our skin actually houses good bacteria that shouldn’t be washed away too often. That’s why skin-to-skin touching is so important to newborns who are developing their microbiome.

The “hygiene hypothesis” states that too few exposures to bacteria and pathogens in early childhood may interfere with proper immune system development. Studies have found that too frequent bathing may indeed lead to asthma, eczema and even diabetes and leukemia.

Washing away the natural oils (sebum) on our skin too frequently can cause dry skin or may cause the skin to go into sebum overdrive and actually cause greasy skin.

Also, the natural oils on our skin help to absorb our vitamin D from the sun. Your skin can take up to 48 hours to fully absorb vitamin D through the skin, so washing too frequently may affect healthy vitamin D levels.

Kind of a downer epilogue to a bubble bath post, eh? But, in moderation, bubble baths can be healthy and super fun.

Mommy likes a good bubble bath, too!

You’re never to old to enjoy a good bubble party! I like to add a few drops of Lavender, Peace & Calming, Chamomile or Stress Away essential oil to my baths for added therapeutic effect.

How About You?

Do your kids take bubble baths? What bubble bath do you use? Share with us in the comments below!

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. Skip any recipe for bubble bath using castile soap, or any real-soap soap. Your result will be either no bubbles at all or, if you use enough to overcome water “hardness” (or in softened water), a bath that’s as soapy as dish or laundry water. And if you try mixing actual soap with any magnesium salt (Epsom or chloride) in water, it’ll make an insoluble compound that you might not even be able to get out of the container! (Magnesium soap will mix OK with many soapless liquids that may be labeled as “soap” but aren’t really, such as “lhand soap” or “dish soap”.)

    If may run against your intuition, but commercial bubble bath preparations are designed to foam at concentrations far lower than would be useful as detergents and regardless of water minerals, and therefore are less defatting to skin than an amount of real soap (such as castile) that would make a comparable amount of suds.

  2. People are curious about hot tub lifespan. The lifespan of a hot tub varies depending on the use and care it receives. Generally, a hot tub will last from 5 to 10 years before being replaced with a newer one. Factors that play into the lifespan of a hot tub include temperature, chemicals, frequency of use, and the number of times it heats up. When chemicals are used in a proper balance, the water will stay cleaner for longer periods of time.

  3. Well followed instructions for the honey bubbles an spent all that money for nothing but a milky bath.

  4. Found your site after trying another natural bubble bath recipe without success of bubbles. Made the egg white bubble bath and even whipped it with the mixer before hand. Poured it into the bath With the stream of faucet water and very very little suds. I’m wondering if this is just all we’re going to get or if we’re doing something wrong? Any tips? Thanks!

  5. don’t limit your baths! that’s crazy, baths are the best. Do limit soaps and any other product. I doubt a bath in pure water is going to do you any harm. If you are worried about it go walk around outside in bare feet and stick your hands in the earth to grow some food and then ferment it.

  6. I get bad eczema on contact with any coconut or coconut derivatives, which is in almost everything, especially organic baby stuff. We found Gabriel organics Just Clean Kids works, this brand seems to be free of everything but still organic… we use the shampoo and conditioner but haven’t tried the bubble bath yet. I wish I could just use castille soap but they are always from coconut oils 🙁

  7. Absolute crock of shit and a waste of money.

    Don’t even bother with making the cement like compound this charleton calls Soothing Salt Bubble Bath.

    • You didn’t try using ACTUAL soap in it, did you? That would indeed form a cement-like compound with the magnesium salt. Probably the recipe was meant to use soapless liquid “soap”.

  8. Whats the best natural bath mix to use containing a lavender scent in all your opinions??

  9. What are your thoughts on daily bathing for toddlers but not daily soaping ? Does it still effect the microbiome?

    • Yes I would also like to know. Ours baths every night as part of the routine but we just wash with water. I wonder if this still protects the microbiome?

  10. I just want to say thank you for saying you’re not sorry for depriving your kids of fast food and candy. I think it’s best for our child (who is still a toddler) to stay off of fast food and candy as well; and after taking him on a visit to meet some older relatives they had a serious fit b/c I said no to candy and fast food options. I gave them other choices, and explained why we don’t want him eating that stuff…but for them it was too much. I have literally prevented my kid from enjoying “the best parts about being a child”. It was incredibly hurtful. I’m just glad to know I’m not alone here.

    *also, the recipes look great, I’m in need of a few ingredients but I’ll have to give them a try, thank you for providing them.

    • I limit my almost 2 yo son’s fast food and candy intake too! Mostly because he has so many sensitivities to foods and ends up with nasty, bloody rashes on his bum. He’s also super sensitive to artificial colors and flavors. I gave him straight up gummies once and he was absolutely *pinging* off the walls. He’s high energy, but this was beyond that. My chiro told me that his hyperactivity was controlled well by the diet I had him on. In the end, you wouldn’t go eat fast food and candy all the time. Why would we feed our children all that crap just because it’s part of the “joy of childhood”. For me, it made me a fat child. Not going to subject my boys to that.

  11. Yeah I just tried this one didn’t work at all magnesium just clumped my so didn’t even want to get in it. What a waste of products

    • Me too! I absolutely have frustration towards these bloggers who post things they have never even tried. Post quality content or people will find trustful sources elsewhere. Total waste of product. Not happy!

  12. How much liquid magnesium oil would I add to a babble bath recipe for kids

  13. Love this post and I’ll be checking out some of these brands! However, I wanted to throw in my experience with my baby’s eczema. We waited weeks after his birth for his first bath and then limited baths to weekly. Regardless, his eczema was getting worse and painful. His pediatrician said research is now showing that frequent (daily) baths for children with eczema can wash away any irritants and calm the skin. And that has TOTALLY worked for us! Who’d have thought.

    • Ty so much for this im gunna see if this helps her

    • Just curious if you do this with or without soap? My baby has eczema too and our pediatrician told us to not bathe too frequently. Which we didn’t anyways, it’s always been about once a week.

  14. Love these natural bubble bath recommendations! Do you have any natural bath bomb recommendations for moms that don’t want to DIY them?

  15. How often would you reccomemd showering a 6 year old!? I bathe her everyday after school due to germs but maybe that’s too much!? We use safe products such as acure so I know we are ok there not don’t want to wash away natural oils and affect her vitamin D intake!

    • A good rule of thumb is twice a week until puberty (then more of course). Washing hands is probably enough as far as germs.

  16. HI,



    • You’ve really gotta experiment with your recipe. Add enough for a good, fun foam!

  17. We use Earth Mama Angel Baby. My daughter is allergic to a lot, including almond oil (Burt’s Bees) and coconut! We have used both the lavender and unsented. They are all wonderful! 0

  18. Hi I was just looking and looking on your website and YouTube channels your bath time routine for your kids/babies. What would you wash them? Also what detergent do you use? My almost 5 month old hasn’t had the best skin since she was born. I’m cutting down on bath times but still yet have to find the right baby products for her. Would you also recommend oils? Such as coconut?

  19. Thank you for the info! We give our toddler nightly baths as part of our bedtime routine. Would just a dip in the water (no soap) still be okay or will that cause issues as well? Thanks!

    • It should be fine. Just watch for dry skin.

    • My Little Ones (1 & 2) bathe nearly every night in water only, as most soaps are harsh and unnecessary. Although my daughter likes bubbles (and we’ve gotten carried away with their frequency lately, causing severe dry skin), water-only is the absolute best for the skin. They don’t get shampoo, soap, or any other chemical mess and [usually] have the softest skin, the healthiest hair and are, by far, cleaner than their older siblings, my husband and I, who are a little too mainstream, with our soap and shampoo habits. I can’t recommend water-only baths enough!

      • Hi Heather !
        What do you wash your younger kids hair with ?
        Hair is quite an issue in my family and i would love to have something better than shampoo for my daughter.
        I’d deeply appreciate any help !

        • Hi Mehwish
          Just water rinses off any dirt, build up of sweat etc etc without stripping hair & skin of natural oils…. Someone else I know just used brushing for this purpose and never washed her daughter’s hair with anything, even water, and at 12 she had the most beautiful long wavy hair I have ever seen.

  20. I’m just wondering how much of the mixture you use per bath?

    • Start with a couple tablespoons poured in with the running water. Add more if your kids demand more bubbles!

  21. Me and my kids are total water babies, added bonus is we have the original tub from the 1920’s in our pre-war apartment. It can fit me, my 9 year old, and the baby. I’ve purchased bubble bath from Whole Foods 365 brand. Normally I just pour in whatever baby bath I’m using at the time, I’ve used Burt’s Bees, California Baby, and Tom’s of Maine. I’ll have to try Alaffia’s, I LOVE their products. I use their coconut face wash everyday, it smells like “Rain Bath” which I obviously stopped using years ago, but missed the scent terribly. I’m guilty of taking a soaking bath at least three times a week. Most of the time it’s just a couple drops of geranium oil and that’s it.

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