When Can Babies Have Peanut Butter? (And Why They Should!)

When can babies have peanut butter? Although it’s a very common and dangerous allergen, there’s a compelling reason to introduce peanuts to your baby.

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Peanut allergies are one of the most common food allergies in kids, but new research suggests up to 80 percent of these allergies can be avoided if introduced early. Of course, this begs the question: How early? When can babies have peanut butter?

Let’s discuss:

When Can Babies Have Peanut Butter?

Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, recommend that mothers exclusively breastfeed babies until the age of six months. After that point, solid foods can be introduced, whether you opt for purees or baby-led weaning. Until then, breastfeeding meets all of the nutritional needs for a baby.

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, it’s safe and even encouraged to introduce peanut butter at the six month mark. In fact, waiting to introduce peanut butter can increase your baby’s risk of developing an allergy. (source)

The National Institutes of Health has also issued an addendum to support the most current research on early introduction as a method of preventing peanut allergies. (source)

There’s one caveat. If your baby is at risk for a peanut allergy…

If your baby is at risk for developing a peanut allergy, be sure to check in with your pediatrician before introducing an allergenic food.

Who is at risk?

Babies with eczema are most at risk for developing food allergies. Specifically, up to 40 percent of babies with moderate to severe eczema will develop food allergies. (source) If this sounds like your child, they may benefit from an allergy test prior to early introduction.

Why Is It Important to Give Baby Peanut Butter?

Just as important as when can babies have peanut butter is why should babies have peanut butter. Early introduction to peanut butter can reduce the chance of your baby developing a peanut allergy by up to 80 percent. (source)

About three million Americans have nut allergies, and unfortunately, nut allergies are often serious and rarely outgrown. (source) That means your best chance at preventing a food allergy is early and sustained exposure.

Because whole nuts are a no-go, that leaves just peanut butter as your option for introducing this allergen.

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How to Introduce Peanut Butter Safely

Now that you know when can babies have peanut butter and why it’s so important to have early, there’s one question left to answer: how should you introduce peanuts to a baby?

Consider using a program like Ready, Set, Food!

Do not introduce whole peanuts, either plain or in a trail mix, to babies under four years of agewhole nuts are a choking hazard. Peanut butter spreads, especially chunky versions, can also be a choking hazard. So what’s a mama to do?

A program like Ready, Set, Food! is the safest and easiest way to introduce the top three allergens (peanuts, cow’s milk, and eggs) to your baby.

Simply pour pre-measured packet into a bottle (breast milk or formula), and feed baby as normal. You can use this program for six months, or more, depending on when baby begins regularly eating peanut products.

If you prefer, you can give baby a high-quality smooth organic peanut butter. Just be sure to thin it out. Here are some suggestions:

  • Add a small amount of peanut butter to breast milk or formula, then stir it into oatmeal.
  • Mix a little peanut butter into chicken stock or bone broth.
  • Whip peanut butter and plain whole milk Greek yogurt to make a “dip” for fruit.

Go slow

Introduce only one new food at a time, every 3-5 days. This allows you to pinpoint which food causes a reaction, should a reaction develop).


Continue to offer peanut butter to your baby regularly. Sustained exposure is just as important as early exposure when it comes to preventing allergies. (source)

How to choose a high quality peanut butter once baby is regularly eating solids

Not all peanut butter is created equally. Splurging on a high quality jar is really important.

  • Skip the chunky varieties. Those crunchy peanut pieces may be yummy, but they are a choking hazard for babies under four years of age.
  • Take a hard pass on any conventional jar. Many jars of peanut butter contain sugar, partially hydrogenated oils, and even high fructose corn syrup.

When scanning labels, look for a peanut butter that is:

  • Limited in ingredients: The fewer ingredients the better. (You might even want to try the freshly ground peanut butter you can get at stores like Whole Foods.)
  • Free of any sugar product
  • Organic
  • Non-GMO

This is a great option. It’s organic, made of just peanuts and salt, and tastes great.


Although it can be scary introducing such well-known allergens to your child, remember that the latest research proves that early introduction is is the surest way to prevent food allergies. Just go slow and try to have fun with it! And if you’re apprehensive, try a product like Ready, Set, Food!—it’s the gentlest and safest way to introduce allergens.

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.


  1. “About three million Americans have nut allergies, and unfortunately, nut allergies are often serious and rarely outgrown. That means your best chance at preventing a food allergy is early and sustained exposure.

    Because whole nuts are a no-go, that leaves just peanut butter as your option for introducing this allergen.”

    This irks me. 1) peanuts are not a nut, they are a legume. People that have a peanut allergy can often eat nuts and vice versa, folks who are allergic to tree nuts can often eat peanuts. They are not in the same family/classification. 2) If you’re looking to introduce NUTS, but whole nuts are a no-go, almond butter and cashew butter exist.

    My husband has a peanut allergy but I had quit buying peanut butter years before meeting him because it contains aflatoxins, which are known carcinogens. I plan to give my little on actual nut butters and not that poison. This article should be updated as to not misinform parents. Yes, peanuts are a top allergen. Yes, nuts are a top allergen. They are not the same and introducing your child to peanut butter early does not help them avoid developing nut allergies.

  2. Babies (& adults) should not eat peanut.

    First of all, it is not a health food. It contains self defense plant chemicals/antinutrients like lectins (gut damaging) and oxalates (celluar structure damaging) which are highly inflammatory. And because they have thin shells and are grown in soil, they can easily absorb pesticides/herbicides used by farmers so you can add toxic chemicals like glyphosate to that list. This means there is little to none bioavailability of any nutrients that exist in peanut for human health and instead cause more damage.

    Secondly, the recent guidelines written by the National Institute of Health contain a board of “experts” who are mostly funded by billion dollar corporations/pharmaceuticals like Nestle (candy), Pfizer (drugs), Monsanto (herbicide company) etc. etc. (as seen in the guideline’s list of disclosure of conflict of interest), simply put, are bias in their findings since these corporations need consumers like us to buy their products and make more money.

  3. I agree with the part of this post that recommends not giving peanut butter to babies with eczema, especially bad eczema. They will MOST LIKELY develop a severe peanut allergy because the eczema is the proof of leaky gut.

    Personal experience! I wish I had know 12 years ago not to introduce eggs, nuts, sesame, sunflower to my son. He’s allergic to this day of all of them even after 2 years on GAPS gut healing diet, although not as severe.

  4. There’s a reason peanut butter allergy is an epidemic. Why not talk about the cause, since prevention is the best medicine. Peanut oil is used as an adjuvant in vac. Highly recommend the book “The Peanut Allergy Epidemic” by Heather Fraser.

  5. I didn’t introduce an organic all natural peanut butter until my son was probably three or even four years old. Peanuts in general are not a health food, they often carry some mold in the way they are processed. But I did make my own almond milk before he was one and I used raw almonds from Spain. I breasfed until he was 2.5yrs old. He also started eating almond butter a few months later and I often gave him hemp seeds, sesame seeds and Brazil nuts. I grated the Brazil nuts in lieu of cheese. He never had any cow dairy and we started giving him fresh goat cheese straight form an organic farm when he was 1 mixed in his spinach omelettes. I still don’t give PB often Becuase its not a health food. He doesn’t have any allergies nor has he ever taken any meds. Moving fwd with future children, I would do everything the same and avoid PB for a few years and only stick to healthy nuts.

    • This is very helpful feedback. I was wondering if other nuts would get the same result and why peanuts. Thank you.

  6. It looks like Teddie doesn’t offer peanut butter in the organic version anymore. Any other suggestions?

    • I like to buy the organic peanut butter at Trader Joe’s. It is made from Valencia peanuts grown in very dry areas (New Mexico?) so it doesn’t have aflatoxins like most peanut butters (and most peanuts).

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