Birth Stories

Cass's Husband Supported Her Through Labor

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke before I ever went into labor. My water broke at 6pm and we went to the hospital shortly after that, and worked half the night trying to get labor going naturally.
    (Just an FYI, we live in rural MT so there aren't many options for birthing, but our doctor was down with everything we wanted)

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    My body was the most challenging thing. It did not want to start labor & since my water broke, the hospital had us on a 24 hour time limit. I ended up needing pitocin, which was not what I had planned for, but I responded very quickly. I went from 2cm (or less) to 9.5cm in about 6 hours. This stage of labor was hard, and I was very tired from being up half the night and not eating since 5ish the evening before; so I did have them give me a mild narcotic around the 2-3 hour mark so I could rest. Up to that point I had been practicing breathing, self meditation, and had been receiving massages from my husband. The drug lasted about and hour and a half(or less). It wasn't part of my original plan but I do not regret it. The rest of my labor was au'natural other than the pitocin. Once I hit 9.5 cm they took me to the delivery room where I spent just over one hour pushing and 1.5 hours getting sewn up. (only local anesthesia) My 9 pound baby boy decided to come out throwing elbows (by his face) so he did more damage than anticipated. It was rough but honestly, if I can go through all that, the next one should be cake if I can avoid pitocin.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    My husband & I took a childbirth class and read "What to Expect When You're Expecting"

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How well I actually handled the pain, and the sweet release after the child is born. Everyone talks about it, but i never really believed them. It was like someone flipped a switch, I went from wrecked, not even sure if I could keep pushing, to a relaxed chatty Kathy.

  • I know you can do it! But don't be flustered if something doesn't go as planned, it is childbirth after all, & children have their own plans.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I mainly used breathing techniques, & my husband rubbed my back and hands. Applying pressure to the pressure point between the thumb and forefinger seemed to work well too.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back/half sitting up. Not my preferred positioning but by the time I got to pushing I didn't care how I was. I just NEEDED to push.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing, it was a beautiful natural high, my baby & the post labor hormones, I can't describe it very well but it was awesome.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I know you can do it! But don't be flustered if something doesn't go as planned, it is childbirth after all, & children have their own plans. Do not feel bad if you do end up needing some kind of medication, you know your body, do what YOU need to do. Don't worry about what other "natural" momma's might think, their opinion is useless. All that matters is you and your new healthy baby.

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