Birth Stories

How Frances' Delivery Taught her Acceptance

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was a week and a half past my due date and sent for an ultrasound to check the fluid levels in the amniotic sac. All readings were low enough for my doctor to order an induction to start the birth. I had hired a doula and we had done natural birth classes, where thankfully we also learned a TON about induction and other interventions that could take place. I chose to be induced via Cervical Ripening Balloon (non-hormonal) and it took effect quickly with my waters breaking naturally 3 hours after and labour well on its way.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing for me was coming to terms, mid labour, that I truly had no control beyond breathing and opening. That, despite my intentions for a completely "natural birth", I would in the end experience many interventions starting with induction, leading to internal fetal monitor, and ending with an epidural and forceps delivery. I do not share this to fear monger - but to truly acknowledge that ALL birth is "natural". The method of delivery in no way diminishes the experience of becoming a mother and birthing a child into the world. No matter what happens, it takes courage, love, confidence, trust and above all acceptance to birth a baby. I had labored without any pain medication for 11 hours, and pushed for hours before choosing (with the good help of my doula and doctor) to go ahead with an epidural and forceps. I had to let go of expectations and after the birth I did have some grief about not experiencing the birth as I had hoped to. In the end, I know how things happened were meant to provide a lesson for me in acceptance.

  • frances child birth story delivery taught-acceptance
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    High quality childbirth classes with my husband! Hiring a doula for support when I could not find a midwife. Meditation. Walking hills and stairs. Strength training before becoming pregnant and into my 6th month of pregnancy. Listing all of my fears and creating a list of affirmations to address each fear throughout my pregnancy. Keeping a detailed pregnancy journal.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That no matter what we plan for, another plan may be at work. Our babies, our bodies, our partners are resilient beyond measure. Time becomes abstract and what feels like minutes can in truth be hours while you are in labour :) The highs I felt between contractions were a surprise, too! I turned my doula at one point when I was in transition and exclaimed "I feel AMAZING!" She nodded, "You are definitely in labour land!" was her knowing reply.

  • The highs I felt between contractions were a surprise, too! I turned my doula at one point when I was in transition and exclaimed "I feel AMAZING!" She nodded, "You are definitely in labour land!" was her knowing reply.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My husband providing counter pressure on my hips during contractions. A rolling pin filled with hot water rolled on my low back. Standing & leaning on a wall. Sitting on the toilet. Low moaning.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I had pushed kneeling, squatting, side lying. In the end, I was led to choose a forceps delivery.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was as though I was looking at the universe. It was a relief - she was REAL! I definitely had an epiphanic moment of immediate connection and fierce love.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Read, read, read. And then meditate to check in on how YOU feel. What's in your instinct? Eat nourishing foods, sleep all the time, and love your partner. Be honest about both your fears and your strengths.

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