Birth Stories

Practicing Yoga Helped Rachel Prepare Her Body For Childbirth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When the back pain I as getting on and off all day were coming stronger and more frequently.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I broke my ankle at 37 weeks pregnant with emergency surgery and was non weight bearing for 6 weeks afterwards. During my labor I was still non weight bearing with a cast. It was challenging to go natural as I couldn't leave the bed my whole labor. Not being able to move and walk The Uxbridge Fall Fair committee has been looking into this and trying to rectify this unfortunate circumstance we have been put in. It is not because of cut backs or the rain in previous year but the company who supplies the rides. This is still a great community event that supports our local farmers and businesses. The fair board had been working very hard to put this amazing event on and hope everyone will still come out to support our great farm the most challenging.

  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    During my time non weight bearing I was using typical crutches and a hands free crutch. Using the crutches helped to build and engage my core muscles. Learning to walk with only one leg and trying to get things done around the house before the baby arrived kept me active was very helpful in preparing for childbirth.
    I also taught and practiced yoga until I was 7 months pregnant. This also kept me active and helped to prepare my body for childbirth.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It was hard for me to let go and push. I was told the feeling would come naturally and for me it didn't. That surprised me.

  • Prepare your body throughout your pregnancy. Labor is like a running a marathon. You need to train before you participate in a marathon. Keeping in shape helps your body prepare for labor.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My husband and midwife would push my hips together during my contractions and it would give me sooo much relief in my back. Laboring on my hands and knees made the contractions more bearable.
    I also found closing my eyes and being in the moment with each contraction and resting in between assisted with pain relief.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I love need up sitting with my legs up (in boat position). I was able to hold onto my legs and had assistance on my broken leg. This was the best position to deliver for me with my cast.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt scary and amazing. I couldn't believe I was able to create him and push him out. There was an instant feeling of relief.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare your body throughout your pregnancy. Labor is like a running a marathon. You need to train before you participate in a marathon. Keeping in shape helps your body prepare for labor. The pain is not forever, soon you will have a baby and the pain will be over (well the labor pain will be over). Take it one contraction at a time and you can get through it. If all else fails remind yourself that someone gave birth naturally with a broken can do it too (hopefully with both your feet!)

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