Birth Stories

Walking, Swimming and Stairs At The Gym Helped Holli During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    This is my third natural birth. My first was at a birth center, and the other two were at home. All three times I didn't believe I was in labor until close to transition because I convinced myself that I was still a long way from "real" labor. I am a doula and have been to many births, I think this made it almost more difficult for me to admit I was in labor and just keep going about my business until I was about to start transition. With this labor I went to the grocery store because I really "needed" chocolate milk and bananas. While at the store I had several close and strong contractions, decided to pick up a box of Popsicles just in case things got serious, called my midwives to let them know I was MAYBE in labor and going to the bank. At the bank I had another few contractions (an elderly man asked me at some point while in line if I was okay and I said, "Oh sure") and then when I got home around 11:30am my midwives (knowing I tend to lie to myself about being in labor) met me there and after checking my cervix they asked my my husband was coming home for lunch because I was almost 6 cm dilated!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Things went really quickly after my husband got home about 12:30pm. I got in the birth tub (set up in my bedroom) around 1:45pm and started pushing around 2:15. I'm not sure what was difficult about this labor, it was really smooth. I think with all my labors the most important part was getting jittery with all the hormones during transition. When transition was over it left me a bit weepy because of the hormone shift. So with each baby I cried really hard just before pushing. The other difficult part with this labor was that once I pushed baby's head out my contractions stopped, I leaned forward to push again and nothing happened as I sat there waiting for another contraction to push baby out. So her head was out, and underwater just waiting for me to get another push. It felt like forever, I kept touching her head and saying, she has such a tiny head. My midwives said no one ever says their baby has a tiny head after pushing, haha. I think it was only a minute or less but it seemed like 3 or 4. Then she just came right out with the next push.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Walking, swimming and stairs at the gym. I also got really addicted to the warm therapy pool at the very end. I went to the gym every day just to get in the pool and float around. Not having the weight on my back, legs, hips was really great. I think it helped me stay positive and get the baby in a good position.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    My two older children (10 and 6) came home from school at 2:30pm and the baby was born at 2:44pm! It was really wonderful having them there. And my first born cut the cord! That was one of my very favorite parts.

  • I love her so much! It was awesome having my big kids around me and my husband and children all welcoming the new little member of our family
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Birth pool! Although I would say that this birth was not really very painful. Wait, I did have a lot of pressure on my bottom and having my midwife put counter pressure during each push really helped me focus on pushing, not saving my bottom.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Sitting in a bit of a squat. I caught the baby with the midwife so I was forward enough to reach down.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I love her so much! It was awesome having my big kids around me and my husband and children all welcoming the new little member of our family

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I love midwifery care. Even if you go to a hospital, hire a private midwife to do your in home postpartum care. After you give birth with a dr. you don't have care for 6 weeks. But having a midwife come to your home several times along the way to check on mama and baby is vital to recovery (emotionally and physically). I do postpartum care for mamas and their families and I would say hire a postpartum doula for a few days also. Having support after birth makes birth so much easier because no matter what happens you can have the confidence that support is there for you. And having a team care for your family builds so much confidence.

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