Birth Stories

Relaxing And Having A Good Support Team Helped Lauren During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    7 hours before my induction was scheduled! I was eating my "last meal" (a double cheeseburger - yum!) when I told my husband, "i think I might be having contractions". I was 41 weeks 4 days, so I was in denial that it could be labor. I'd already done everything to help naturally bring it on and nothing worked. I had accepted that I was just going to have to be induced, much to my dismay. So I went to get ready for bed and appeased my husband by having him time the contractions while I showered. They were about 5 minutes apart lasting a minute each! I couldn't believe it! Once I thought about it though, I guess those "Braxton Hicks" I'd been having all day might have been early labor! Overdue prego problems - denial!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I bleed a lot after delivery. I so craved the relief I'd been clinging to through labor of holding my baby, but instead I had to continue to focus while the nurses roughly pushed on my abdomen to stimulate contractions and my body shook out of my control from the meds used to stop the bleeding. I was just so done, but I wasn't. I pushed out a baby! I thought I was done! But it didn't last that long and I held my babe soon enough (daddy had been holding him skin to skin for anyone concerned).

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Took to heart the advice to remember that I had a choice in every part of birthing my baby. Remembered to RELAX and stay open through contractions and know that God MADE my body to do this. Let it work as He made it to. And get good support. My husband and one if my closest friends stood beside me as I labored and reminded me to give into what my body was doing. God was in control. I just needed to jeep hearing these truths. They spoke them.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It wasn't as hard or painful as I had expected it to be! As long as I focused, moaned, and relaxed, I could do it!

  • Ask other mommas who have done it for advice and remember that if at any point going natural puts your baby in danger, you have nothing to prove. Do what is the healthiest for you and baby!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Birthing ball and squats! Whenever my muscles felt tight or I felt labor slowing down, I rolled my hips on the ball and did a deep squat (think "M" shape). Such relief and kept baby moving into my pelvis.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I had to deliver on my back (doctor's preference. It was ok). BUT baby crowned while I was squatting. If it had been all in my control, I would have probably gone on all fours. I felt my body moving that direction.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Wonderful. Holding him made my shaking stop. Dont be afraid to hold your baby if you're shaking. They help make it stop! God's beautiful design!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Ask other mommas who have done it for advice and remember that if at any point going natural puts your baby in danger, you have nothing to prove. Do what is the healthiest for you and baby! Sometimes, that's not natural birth. But sometimes the doctors/midwives are afraid from what they've seen and your body is saying there's no reason to be. Be involved, pay attention, and be smart!

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