Birth Stories

Deep Abdominal Breathing Helped Samantha Achieve Her Natural Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My labor technically began with a slow leak in my bag of waters, but I did not start having contractions right away. My midwife was concerned about risk of infection, since my amniotic sac was partially ruptured, and she wanted me to be in active labor within 30 hours after I noticed the water leaking. I checked in with my midwife at the birth center and she suggested that I go home and get some sleep, then return to the birth center early in the morning to begin a natural induction of breast pumping and walking. I did three hours worth of pumping and walking (30 minutes of pumping, then 30 minutes of walking, then repeat!), and, thankfully it worked to kick my labor into gear!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    During this labor my contractions got very close together, sometimes as close as two minutes apart, and each lasting more than a minute, meaning that sometimes I had less than a minute of break between contractions! I also had one very intense double-peaking contraction, in which I thought the contraction was over and then it intensified again. My baby was born about 5 minutes after that contraction! This pattern was scary for me, because in my other two labors, my contractions never got that close together. This labor was shorter and more intense than my others, which presented unique challenges. I felt like I couldn't really get settled in my labor rhythm, but on the bright side, I had my baby in my arms very quickly!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I was very intentional about eating well, exercising, and practicing relaxation. I did everything in my power to stay healthy and low risk, because it was very important to me to birth at the birth center. I am a Bradley Method childbirth educator, and teaching a class series during my pregnancy was very helpful in preparing me for birth.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised by how fast this labor went. Once my active labor began, I only labored for one and a half hours before my baby was born! In my other two labors I had a "panic moment" when I thought I couldn't do it. That moment never happened during this labor, because it all happened so fast! Just like my second birth, I didn't have to push at all during this birth. My uterus did the work and I just breathed and let the baby slide out. It was amazing.

  • Trust your body, trust your baby, trust birth. Breathe deeply, relax fully, and know that your body was designed for this. Labor is hard work, but it is worth it and you can do it! Above all, listen to your body. It will not steer you wrong.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Deep abdominal breathing, relaxing my whole body, having freedom of movement and using a variety of positions (my favorite was kneeling and leaning over a birth ball). My husband's encouraging words were also extremely helpful. I didn't want to be touched much, but his words to me and supportive presence were crucial.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Standing and leaning forward over a night stand, with my husband's arm under my arms for support.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt like coming home. He was so peaceful and precious. He only cried out at the moment of birth. After that, he looked around, calm and alert. I felt so accomplished and amazed at how quickly and smoothly the birth had gone. My son, Nathaniel Asa, was perfect to me!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust your body, trust your baby, trust birth. Breathe deeply, relax fully, and know that your body was designed for this. Labor is hard work, but it is worth it and you can do it! Above all, listen to your body. It will not steer you wrong.

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