Birth Stories

Mama Natural Birthing Course Helped Bushra Achieve Hospital VBAC

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It all happened when I woke up at 1 am from my stomach hurting. I thought I needed to use the bathroom. My husband heard me moaning in my sleep. But,I didn't think it was anything until I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and felt a contraction. I got up and barely made it to the bathroom door and felt another. That's when I knew I was in labor! I also had to breathe through them which made me realize these were the REAL contractions. I walked out and told my husband I think we need to head out to the hospital. I think I'm in labor. We had an hour and a half drive so we didn't want to stay home too long. We walked out to the living room and I felt more contractions. When I sat on the couch, I felt water trickling down my leg. My water broke, and we decided at that point it was time to head out.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing about going natural to me was submitting to the pain and trying not to lose control.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I had a cesarean with my first because he was breeched and wouldn't budge no matter what we did. So I was really passionate about having my next one natural. I wanted to avoid any unnecessary interventions. I signed up for the mama natural birth course. I think it was the best decision I made for this birth! I really learned a lot from the class and was motivated to go natural even more. I watched videos on youtube and asked other moms of their experience. I wrote down affirmations to ingrain them into my mind. I told myself I can do this and tried to stay positive.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    What surprised me about my birth was how incredibly intense the contractions were and how fast it went. I got maybe a 10 sec break or so between them. I went into labor at 1:11 am and had the baby by 4:55 am.

  • I never thought I would give birth naturally, but I did it! You can too! I don't regret going natural at all. Educate yourself and surround yourself with the support system you want to have. And remember while you are in labor and feeling like you can't take it anymore, that it'll be over real soon and you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms! There's light at the end of the tunnel.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing through the contractions, applying essential oils on ankles and neck, counter pressure on my lower back for back labor, and hearing encouraging words from my support system. Also telling myself that this pain won't last forever. I'll be meeting my baby very soon.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on all fours throughout my entire labor, and laid down to rest and got the urge to push suddenly. I ended up delivering her on my back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt amazing! I was so relieved it was over and felt so emotional that she was finally here!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    My advice would be that you can do this! I know it sounds insane that you can somehow give birth to a human being but women have been doing it for generations. I never thought I would give birth naturally, but I did it! You can too! I don't regret going natural at all. Educate yourself and surround yourself with the support system you want to have. And remember while you are in labor and feeling like you can't take it anymore, that it'll be over real soon and you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms! There's light at the end of the tunnel.

Learn to have an amazing birth

(without leaving your couch)

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