When did you realize you were really in labor?
i had been having signs of slowly losing my mucus plug for a couple days, but i woke up with about an hour of contractions 10+ minutes apart, so i thought i should text the midwife and let her know. The weather had been horrible, snowing and even some freezing rain, and the roads weren't good, so i wanted her to have a heads up with her 90 minute drive. So she got ready to go. When i got up things had slowed down and i had slept more so i felt like i was being tricked. But she stuck around anyway, and gave some suggestions to help move things a bit. It wasn't until i rested in bed on my left side that they went back to regular and picked up again!
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
That its work! you have to focus in on the contractions and just breathe, and I'm so glad i had someone there as a Doula to support me and give me some counter pressure, though sometimes its hard to communicate where the pressure needs to be moved when you're still in a contraction! this time around i wasn't as fit as i had been in my previous two pregnancies, I didn't walk a lot, and i regret that! i was a lot more out of shape and sore, so that did make things harder, not just before but after as well! I'm still having sore hips that feels like it might be bursitis (though for the record, i have had one bad hip since i was pregnant with my son 9 years ago!). but anyway, the hardest part this time was being out of shape.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Well, I have had 2 other kids in hospital, so I had a VERY vivid picture of what i did or didn't want. I had 3 natural births, but i still had things i wanted to do differently. I think knowing what you want is the best thing you can do. Its hard to do that on baby #1, but the more you know, the better. Read everything that interests you! Get a picture of what you want your birth to look like! And don't neglect the fitness aspect! You don't have to be a gym buff or anything, but keep walking. Walk around your yard, squat in your house when you read or play with your kids or pets, do whatever you can do to keep moving.
What surprised you about your birth?
This one I was surprised by how it puttered along and almost felt like it was tricking me! With my other 2, I didn't actually go into active labor until after 4-5 cms and I was already in the hospital for a regular appointment and they wouldn't let me go home that dilated.
This time, I wasn't as dilated when my midwife got to my house, but it stopped and started on and off for a day or two. I also didn't go into active labor until I rested on my left side for a while! I was surprised that my contractions picked up in that position, and when I was resting just breathing through them, my water broke! With my daughter, it didn't break until she was coming down, so to have my water break earlier was new to me this time too! I kinda slunk off the bed backwards and into the bathroom! That was when we filled the tub and started really doing the work and I was still surprised that it only lasted 2 hours! I'm so lucky and blessed, i have GREAT labors.
We did it! It was over, we finally found out our baby was a boy and so glad that everything went so well and quick and smoothly! The work wasn't done, but the best part was baby was here! :)
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Counter pressure, being in the tub, a hot wet towel, leaning over forward and moaning in an O sound, strangely enough! And playing relaxing music, in my case classical.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Kinda in a squat with my arms over my husbands legs
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
Such a relief! We did it! It was over, we finally found out our baby was a boy and so glad that everything went so well and quick and smoothly! The work wasn't done, but the best part was baby was here! :)
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Don't think too much about things. Just think one contraction at a time. You don't really know if you will be in labor for a long time or a short time, but you don't want to think about it either way. You could be on your last contraction before transition, and not know it! Just focus on the one you're in. Don't skip fitness during pregnancy, Dont skip a Doula - that is a must have! And if you have the resources go for a home birth! The best part of this birth for me was not having a transition from hospital to home. That feels terrible! but just being home, and being able to relax completely without people coming in and poking at you every hour, and to just transition smoothly without the "shock" of being let loose from the hospital.
ALSO - with 2 other kids, it was vital that i have someone to help me at home while i rested. my job is to nurse, rest and be with baby. having a friend come over every day and care for my other kids, make meals, do some cleaning... that is so priceless. I couldn't have done it without her. Get anyone you can to help you out that way. That's something that's really missing in our society today is the help afterwards so you can just be with baby and rest. so important!