Birth Stories

Reading a Hypnobirthing Book Helped Megan During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had Braxton Hicks starting Monday with irregular times. I thought they were the start of labor. But when I was awoken to a contraction at 5 am on Thursday I knew labor was near. I finally gave into the thought that it was actually labor at 7 PM on Thursday. Only 3 hours and 22 minutes before I would give birth!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Not knowing if my contractions were real because the hospital insists on their 5-1-1 rule. That was a challenge trying to time them at home. It did keep my mind occupied and not concentrated on the contractions. When we got to the hospital the most challenging part was trying to find a bearable position. I couldn't cope with the contractions. They were so strong.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read a hypnobirthing book that really helped ease my fear. It helped me remember to think of the contractions as powerful and not painful. I also read all books by Ina May Gaskin. The collection of birth stories were so inspiring. I switched from the OB that helped deliver my first child (cesarean) to a fantastically supportive midwife. She had no issue with me wanting a VBAC and didn't give me any issues.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How much pressure there was when I was pushing. The pressure is almost indescribable. I also couldn't believe how loud I was getting through the contractions. I was extremely vocal and remember envisioning myself as a lion while pushing and roaring.

  • Stick with your gut. If you don't think your provider is the best fit for you... Switch. You don't need to be loyal to anyone. Do your research and know all the facts about anything that is going on.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I known as the bath tub been functioning properly that would have been my best pain relief at the hospital. I felt my best in the shower swaying back and forth. I was reminded by husband and nurses to keep my sounds low and keep my body relaxed. It helped me power through.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    After trying to deliver on hands and knees the student midwife felt she couldn't see the greatest so they had me turn over to my back on the bed. It actually was helpful because I could relax easier between contractions. A nurse and my husband held my legs and I held onto the bed rails while pushing. I pushed for 12 minutes.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    After finally feeling him come out there was such a relief that flowed over me. I first couldn't believe I really had just delivered him and without any pain meds. And then seeing my 9 lb 10 oz baby laying on my chest I was so overjoyed that he was actually here! We were a family of four and I was just so in love with my son.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Stick with your gut. If you don't think your provider is the best fit for you... Switch. You don't need to be loyal to anyone. Do your research and know all the facts about anything that is going on. Immerse yourself in information. Watch and read birth stories. And if you want to go the pain med free route don't even think of pain meds as an option. It helped me know that I just had to keep powering through. You were built for this. Built to birth!

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