Birth Stories

Reading Tons Of Advice Helped Toni During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had gone into L&D earlier in the day with what I thought were contractions. They sent me home saying that I was not having contractions. I realized I was in labor after getting home (40 minutes from the hospital) and the pain was really intense and coming in waves very close together. I opted to stay home until it was completely unbearable.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I honestly wasn't given a choice. I wanted to go natural my entire pregnancy but once labor started I wanted all the drugs! Ha! If I would have been laboring at the hospital I probably would have caved. Those hospital beds make contractions worse in my opinion, and my hospital makes you stay in bed connected to monitors. At home I was able to move around to cope with contractions.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    READ. I read tons of advice for getting through contractions. Labor is so different for every pregnancy so I had no idea what to expect (especially because I was told that I wasn't in labor when I really was). Once I realized I really was in labor, I put all of those tips to good use. I bounced on an exercise ball, I stood in a warm shower, I sat in warm water, I walked around my house, I did breathing exercises, I coached myself with positive affirmations.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How quick it was and my water never broke! Contractions started the night before and were every 2 hours apart. I went about my normal day with contractions every 45 minutes apart while I was getting dressed. I went to the hospital with contractions 7 minutes apart and they sent me home at 1 cm 90% effaced. By the time I got home my contractions were definitely 5 minutes apart and I probably should have gone back but laboring at home helped me go natural. My husband forced me to go to the hospital around 8:30 pm. I had lost track of timing my contractions so my husband started timing them as he drove. They were 1 1/2 minutes apart! I was 4 cm and 90% effaced when I got to the hospital. Within 10 minutes I progressed to 8 and 95%, 5 minutes later I was 10 and 100%. My body naturally began pushing at this point. I focused on relaxing and letting my body do it's job. It's amazing that it naturally knows what to do. I delivered on my own, no medicine, no doctor, and just a few nurses. My water never broke so my baby was born in the sac.

  • Like it was about time! Ha! My baby came early at 36 weeks so I was in complete shock that he was here. I was in awe at the miracle and wonder of him. I just wanted to hold him forever.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Warm water! I spent most of labor in water either a shower or bath. It helped me relax and allow my body to do it's job.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was so exhausted by the time I got to the hospital all I could do was lay down. I delivered in the hospital bed lying on my back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Like it was about time! Ha! My baby came early at 36 weeks so I was in complete shock that he was here. I was in awe at the miracle and wonder of him. I just wanted to hold him forever.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust your body and Momma instincts. I always thought they would kick in after I had my baby but they kicked in much sooner than that, I just didn't realize it. Your body knows how to labor and deliver and take care of your baby. It's all so much easier if you let go and allow it do it's job!

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