Birth Stories

Rachel's Successful Hospital VBAC

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After a week of prodromal labor I was really starting to doubt myself and whether I would know when it was actually time. However things became obvious when my water broke at 1:30pm on her due date.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I have an existing back problem that has caused me pain and spasms over the past decade. I hadn't experienced any spasms in the last two years so I was hopeful that it wouldn't be a problem. However, as labor wore on, my back got worse and worse until it started spasming with every contraction making pushing extremely difficult. My labor ended up being 22 hours long and every time I rested in any way (sat, knelt, or laid down) my contractions stalled out. So, my back ended up being completely exhausted and excruciating by the end.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Choosing the right birth team! I hired a doula for this birth and she helped me realize how stressed I was that my provider wasn't as supportive of a natural VBAC as I wanted. She helped me find a midwifery practice that I immediately felt comfortable with. As it turned out, I can say with certainty that without my doula and having changed providers to the midwife that I would have ended up with a second c-section.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It was really surprising to me how hard it was to tell when it was truly labor. I experienced prodromal labor in the week leading up to her due date, but in the last two days the contractions would get longer, stronger, and closer together for a couple hours and then stop. It was confusing and a little frustrating.

  • So, to be able to reach down, pull my baby to my chest, and hold her immediately was simply magical! I felt emotionally healed and overjoyed to hold her.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My doula really helped with counter pressure and massage during active labor, but the tub was key during transition.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I always imagined that I would give birth on my hands and knees or in any other position than on my back. But, after 21 hours on my feet and thirty minutes pushing in the kneeling position, I had nothing left in my tank. I ended up on my back with nurses helping to hold my legs. It ended up working out as I really needed my midwife's help stretching the tissues to get her out.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I had a c-section with my first daughter and due to some complications ended up passing out 3 minutes after she was born. I didn't get to hold my first child until I woke up over an hour later. I had so much sadness and regret over that experience. So, to be able to reach down, pull my baby to my chest, and hold her immediately was simply magical! I felt emotionally healed and overjoyed to hold her.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    I hadn't taken a birth class with my first pregnancy since I couldn't find a natural birth class in my area. Instead I prepared by reading every book I could get my hands on and spending hours on the internet doing research. With my second pregnancy I realized that all of that research felt disjointed and left me feeling anxious. Having this birth class reinforced what I had already learned, explained birth positions (posterior and anterior) which I had never understood, and gave me a sense of calm and confidence.

    The video going over positioning really helped me. My daughter was breech at 37-38 weeks and with the information in this course I was able to do some exercises and see a chiropractor to successfully flip her. After she flipped, she ended up in the posterior position. I never would have realized this or thought to ask before taking this course. It doesn't seem like this information is simply provided to you by your provider without you asking. I again was able to use the information in these videos to turn her around to the anterior position.

    I also found the video about choosing your birth team and birth provider to be extremely helpful. I liked my doctor as a person, but found that we didn't agree very much on my birth plan. It left me feeling extremely anxious to the point where I was having nightmares almost every night. My doula and husband along with that video helped me to realize that even though it was late in the pregnancy (38 weeks), it was still not only ok, but also a very good idea to find the right provider. If I hadn't have switched providers I know for a fact that I would have ended up with another c-section.

    Now that I have succeeded in having my natural birth, I feel whole again emotionally. I feel so strong and so incredibly happy! Thanks for these videos!

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