Birth Stories

Researching All Thru Her Pregnancy Helped Rebekah During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    At 32 weeks with my first, I started having what I thought was just intense Braxton Hicks, which turned out to be proper labor contractions. I was sent to hospital and put on a drip which lessened the contractions. From 32 weeks, I was in constant labor, just not progressing.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I desperately wanted to go natural. By 41 weeks, I was in full blown labor after a routine stretch and sweep at my antenatal appointment. I was excited because I believed it would be all natural and flow just the way I hoped. Things deteriorated quickly. I was severely contracting but dilation did not progress past 5cm. I ended up with an epidural, episotomy and 2nd degree tearing. 156 stitches, 8 hours of pure hell and not having enough support from the doctors/staff, I met my beautiful son for the first time, able to hold and kiss him, though very briefly as he was born in a bad way.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I researched all through my pregnancy, had an extremely detailed and did a birth plan, and was confident in myself and my ability as a woman to deliver my baby. My biggest downfall was believing too much that everything would go smoothly.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Well.... All of it! I didn't expect it to go at all as it had!! I was truly torn to pieces emotionally and psychologically by the time it was all over. I was horrified at the doctors and staff and their disgraceful attitude. But my midwife was amazing and so supportive. She did the best she could with what she had. I know this is about natural birth stories but I wanted to share mine and get it out there, not to scare any mama's to be, but to let you all know, please be prepared. I was too overly confident it's all go as I wanted. I was shattered when everything turned downhill and kept spiraling. I'm three weeks off having my second live birth and plan of having a Hypno birth, all natural, in a hospital shower. This time, I am prepared for anything. I fully understand now anything can happen. Of course I want it all to go to plan, but at the end of the day, as long as my baby girl is born alive and healthy, that's all I care about!!!

  • Be prepared... For everything. Go in with a very open mind and preparedness. Have faith in yourself as a woman and your ability to deliver your miracle into the world. Use your inner coach and listen to your body. If your midwife says push, and you feel you aren't ready, then don't!! Listen to your body! It will guide you!!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I went all natural through the first eight weeks of contractions, using exercise and stretching as relaxation and pain relief methods. Once admitted, I used lowest level gas and air up until I was forced to have an epidural. I found breathing, and not tensing up, just relaxing my muscles, during contractions did absolute wonders!!!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back with an epidural.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was the most beautiful, surreal feeling I've ever felt. To see my baby boy's beautiful little face was amazing!!! The thing that made it all worth it, (other than having my baby in my arms) was as soon as he was finally and very briefly allowed on my chest, he stared me right in the eyes and just held my finger. He didn't cry or scream. He just held my finger and looked at me until they whisked him away again.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Be prepared... For everything. Go in with a very open mind and preparedness. Have faith in yourself as a woman and your ability to deliver your miracle into the world. Use your inner coach and listen to your body. If your midwife says push, and you feel you aren't ready, then don't!! Listen to your body! It will guide you!!

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