Birth Stories

Swimming and Walking 3-4 times a Week Throughout Her Pregnancy Helped Lauren During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Rewarding experience and the safest birth for my little one if I went all natural. I had an episiotomy with my first and second children. My first was born in an army hospital where they gave routine C-sections daily. My doctor threatened to give me a C-section if I did not have an an episiotomy I was scheduled for an induction at 3 p.m. on the day I went into labor. According to my due date, which may have been off, I was 2 weeks overdue. I planned on asking for a c-section because I heard the Foley ball and pitocin were extremely painful & that the intense contractions from pitocin could cause harmful stress to the baby. I had 2 natural deliveries with my first 2 children, so it was either all natural or c-section for me! I was relieved & happy when my contractions started on their own at 5:35 a.m. that morning! They went from 11 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart in 2 hours. We went to the Natural Beginnings doctor/midwife practice, here in Austin, Texas, where they checked me to discover I was already 6 centimeters dilated! They brought me to the hospital next door to deliver.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    My first baby was born in an Army hospital where they believed the baby was in distress if the mother was in labor for more than ten hours. They gave routine c-sections. My first daughter was the only one born without pain meds out of 5 babies born the same night she was. The doctor threatened me with a c-section if I didn't get pitocin and an episiotomy, so I got the episiotomy. With my second, my son, who was born in a different hospital, the midwife told me that the skin was so thick top where the first episiotomy was that she could just do a second one or I could push for another 2 hours. I was in so much pain that I told her to go ahead and do it. The healing time was much longer with the second one.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read "Hypnobirthing" by Marie F. Morgan and "The Official Lamaze Guide" by Judith Lithuania and Charlotte Devries. My read one on the Bradley Method and we took the best techniques from each book, knowing me and what I thought would help. I swam and walked 3-4 times a week throughout my pregnancy. We brought electric candles, essential oils (lavender, sage and cedar), peppermint sticks for me to suck on, gum and Chapstick. I also had a smoothie while the contractions were somewhat far apart and we were at home. Also, having a plan for my older children during the labor and hospital stay and for the following week helped tremendously. I had peace of mind going into labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    With the last birth they told me they were not going to do an episiotomy unless the baby was in danger and that made me happy but also scared me at the same time because it was uncharted territory for me. How would it feel? Would I tear?So, my labor lasted for seven hours from start to finish. The nurse did a wonderful job telling me to rock my hips back-and-forth in between contractions to get the babies head under my pelvic bone. I was in a side lying position on my left and they have lowered the bottom half of the hospital bed. I have not cried or screamed up until the time my daughter crowned. I pushed one more time after the doctor put olive oil and warm rags on my perineum for a second time. I asked her to do this because I heard that it reduces tearing. She told me to wait and she realigned my body one last time so the baby would come out straight. I told her I could not wait and she told me just to give short breaths. Then she was ready for me to finish pushing. It hurts so badly, I yelled for her to "do something!" I meant for her to give me up in an episiotomy. She told me, "No, you need to do something. I need you to push!" I did and out my daughter's head came! Then her shoulders came out one by one. It was the best experience ever! I could feel her entire little body come out and I knew what she was doing the whole time. There was no tearing! I was surprised at how easy it was and how great I felt for having the courage to do it! I don't think it will take as long to heal as the first two even though I am six years older (than my first birth) now!

  • Believe in yourself! Read all of the methods. Take a class. Know that your body knows what it is doing!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Conscious Breathing, listening to my body, changing position whenever necessary, imagery.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Sidelying, on my left side with the bottom half of the bed lowered.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Unbelievable! She looked exactly how I pictured her!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Believe in yourself! Read all of the methods. Take a class. Know that your body knows what it is doing!

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