Birth Stories

Taking Three Intensive Natural Birthing Courses Helped Samantha During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My VBAC:
    I realized that I was definitely in labor at 7am after having experienced strong cramps that would come every 10 minutes, since 5am. When I noticed how patterned they were and how they were increasing in intensity, I knew it was really starting. I remained in bed to sleep between the contractions while I messaged our sitter to be ready to come at any time that morning to stay with our 1 year old.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Both of my labors were very long (36 hours and 22 hours) and I experienced back labor both times, which came with vomiting from the intensity. That was so hard, but I was never afraid and I always felt that what wasn't happening in my labor was natural.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I planned my vbac for my second birth with a midwife, a doula, and a supportive hospital and a supportive back-up OBGYN.
    I had my two babies, 22 months apart from each other. I had taken 3 intensive natural birthing courses total, between both of my pregnancies. I read everything I could get my hands on about natural birth and birth in general.
    I felt as prepared and educated as one could be and that helped me tremendously!
    Since My first birth ended in a very unexpected C-Section after 36 hours of natural birth and a transfer from a birthing center to a hospital. My son was head-down but was "persistently posterior" or "sunny side up" and was unable to flip despite all of my efforts. This caused me to hover at 8cm for more than 12 hours. I didn't want the surgery but I also didn't want to put undue stress on my baby.
    When I had my second baby, 22 months later, I did everything possible to plan for a Vbac! I read everything I could find on the subject. Then I read it again and again. I did my prenatal poses, squats, drank my red raspberry leaf teas, asked my midwife and doula all of my questions and visualized my vbac!
    I still feel like superwoman for being able to have the birth I envisioned! My baby girl is now 17 months old.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that I was having another long labor with such intense back pain and that I was slow to dilate. I had hoped for a quicker birth the second time around. My main goals were to have a safe and natural birth and not a repeat c-section!
    So I surprised myself when after finding out that I was still at 6cm after 18 +hours of intense labor, and I asked for an epidural. No apologies. I knew that I needed it if I wasn't going to persevere and have a vaginal birth because I was spent! Luckily, I also knew that the Anesthesiologists and the hospital offer what they called a "walking epidural" and I would still be mobile but would have pain relief.
    It was the best decision I made in that moment because it took the edge off enough for me to actually lay down on my side, and I fully dilated in just an hour!

  • My advice is to educated yourself fully and to trust your body and the provider you've chosen to help you. Your body is amazing and will do an amazing thing, regardless of how the birth goes.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I used my relaxation spa sounds, I rocked and swayed in a standing position, my husband provided much much needed "counter pressure" on my hips and low back and I used the healing power of the hot shower!
    Ultimately, the "walking epidural" was incredibly helpful.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I wanted to deliver on my knees but my midwife said that for my vbac she wanted to be able to have the best view of my birth while I was seated but upright. I didn't like the idea but agreed to try and it worked just fine for me.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was beyond elated. To have my healthy, safe, precious baby on my chest, and to have had the vaginal birth that I fought for, put me on the moon! I felt like a super hero! I was so in love that I forgot to even look if my baby was a boy or a girl.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    My advice is to educated yourself fully and to trust your body and the provider you've chosen to help you. Your body is amazing and will do an amazing thing, regardless of how the birth goes.

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