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Birth Stories

Taking Natural Childbirth Education Class With Her Husband Helped Annaliese During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up at 1:15 AM on Friday, October 6th with strong, steady contractions. My contractions were already averaging over a minute in length, and were about five minutes apart. My water never broke, and my midwife ended up doing an AROM (artificial rupture of membranes) on Sunday morning, October 8th.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I think because I was so committed to “going natural”, and because this was my first birth so I had nothing to compare it to, I didn’t find anything particularly challenging. I was tired, but never once did I think “okay, I need an epidural” or even ask for the nitrous that my birth center offers.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The natural childbirth education class my husband and I took was invaluable. I’m a strong believer in the truth of the phrase “knowledge is power” and taking a course gave me the power have the birth I’d hoped for.
    Additionally, my midwife had told me that she noticed within her practice that first time moms who did not take a childbirth education course were twice as likely to be transferred to a hospital and require interventions.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised by how long my labor lasted, over 65 hours of active labor. I was also surprised at my body’s ability to sleep between contractions, even when they were coming only two to three minutes apart.

  • Take a class! I cannot stress enough how helpful I found the course I took. I was initially very hesitant, thinking I could research everything online, and it would be a waste of money to pay someone to tell me what I could find on the internet for free, but I am so, so glad I took the class. I don’t think I would have had the spectacular outcome I did without it.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Initially, counter-pressure on my low back was essential during contractions (as I had back labor throughout), but eventually, about 48 hours in, that stopped helping and just breathing through each contraction and remembering to stay loose and as relaxed as possible was key.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered on a birthing stool. The upright position, letting gravity assist, felt best. I had rotated through a number of other positions, all fours, side lying, etc., but the birth stool ended up being my favorite.

    I did experience a lot of swelling due to the prolonged amount of time I pushed (about four hours total), both on a toilet and the birth stool, but I was definitely not aware of it at the time.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Holding my baby for the first time was overwhelming, to say the least. The relief, the rush of joy, the instant connection... it’s almost indescribable.
    I was a bit out of it after such a long labor, but I remember my midwife telling my husband that our baby had an APGAR score of nine, and me telling my mother, who sort of just appeared by my side, that “this is my baby” before I was assisted from the birthing stool to the bed to deliver the placenta and for our golden hour of skin to skin time. It

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Take a class! I cannot stress enough how helpful I found the course I took. I was initially very hesitant, thinking I could research everything online, and it would be a waste of money to pay someone to tell me what I could find on the internet for free, but I am so, so glad I took the class. I don’t think I would have had the spectacular outcome I did without it.

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