Baby Weight Chart: Is Your Baby On Track?

Use our baby weight chart to find out where your baby falls on the growth charts. Plus, get tips on how to help babies who are a little behind catch up.

Is your baby on track with height and weight? Find out with our baby weight chart! Includes tips on how to help babies who are a little behind catch up.

At some point, almost every parent wonders if their baby’s weight gain is within normal range. Is she growing too fast? Not fast enough? This baby weight chart can help ease your mind.

Switch to Metric

  • Girls Baby Weight Chart

    Birth 5.1 - 9.7 lb 17.6 - 21.1 in
    1 Month 6.6 - 12.6 lb 19.3 - 22.9 in
    2 Months 8.4 - 15.2 lb 20.6 - 24.3 in
    3 Months 9.7 - 17.2 lb 21.6 - 25.5 in
    4 Months 10.6 - 19.0 lb 22.5 - 26.4 in
    5 Months 11.5 - 20.3 lb 23.2 - 27.2 in
    6 Months 12.1 - 21.4 lb 23.8 - 28.0 in
    7 Months 12.8 - 22.5 lb 24.4 - 28.6 in
    8 Months 13.2 - 23.4 lb 24.9 - 29.3 in
    9 Months 13.7 - 24.3 lb 25.4 - 29.8 in
    10 Months 14.1 - 24.9 lb 25.8 - 30.4 in
    11 Months 14.6 - 25.8 lb 26.4 - 30.9 in
    12 Months 15.0 - 26.5 lb 26.8 - 31.5 in
    15 Months 16.1 - 28.4 lb 28.0 - 33.0 in
    18 Months 17.2 - 30.4 lb 29.1 - 34.4 in
    21 Months 18.1 - 32.2 lb 30.1 - 35.7 in
    24 Months 19.2 - 34.2 lb 31.1 - 37.0 in
    27 Months 20.3 - 36.2 lb 31.7 - 37.8 in
    30 Months 21.2 - 38.1 lb 32.5 - 38.9 in
    33 Months 22.0 - 39.9 lb 33.2 - 40.0 in
    36 Months 22.9 - 41.9 lb 33.9 - 40.9 in
    4 Years 26.0 - 49.8 lb 36.5 - 44.4 in

Switch to Metric

  • Boys Baby Weight Chart

    Birth 5.1 - 10.1 lb 17.9 - 21.4 in
    1 Month 7.1 - 13.2 lb 19.8 - 23.3 in
    2 Months 9.0 - 16.3 lb 21.2 - 24.8 in
    3 Months 10.6 - 18.3 lb 22.3 - 26.1 in
    4 Months 11.9 - 20.1 lb 23.2 - 27.0 in
    5 Months 12.8 - 21.4 lb 24.0 - 27.9 in
    6 Months 13.5 - 22.5 lb 24.6 - 28.6 in
    7 Months 14.1 - 23.6 lb 25.2 - 29.2 in
    8 Months 14.8 - 24.5 lb 25.8 - 29.8 in
    9 Months 15.2 - 25.1 lb 26.3 - 30.4 in
    10 Months 15.7 - 26.0 lb 26.8 - 30.9 in
    11 Months 16.1 - 26.7 lb 27.2 - 31.5 in
    12 Months 16.5 - 27.3 lb 27.6 - 32.0 in
    15 Months 17.6 - 29.5 lb 28.9 - 33.5 in
    18 Months 18.5 - 21.3 lb 29.9 - 34.8 in
    21 Months 19.6 - 33.1 lb 30.9 - 36.1 in
    24 Months 20.5 - 35.1 lb 31.8 - 37.4 in
    27 Months 21.4 - 36.8 lb 32.3 - 38.2 in
    30 Months 22.3 - 38.6 lb 33.1 - 39.3 in
    33 Months 23.1 - 40.3 lb 33.7 - 40.3 in
    36 Months 23.8 - 42.1 lb 34.4 - 41.2 in
    4 Years 26.9 - 48.7 lb 37.0 - 44.5 in

The information in this chart is from The World Health Organization (WHO) and is for educational purposes only. This chart should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. If you have any concerns about baby’s health, talk to your pediatrician right away.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about your baby’s weight.

How Do Doctors Use a Baby Weight Chart?

At each well-child checkup, your baby is weighed and measured, and these numbers are recorded on a chart. The doctor looks at these numbers to determine if baby is growing well for his age.

Each baby is different, and not all babies will fall directly in the middle of the chart. In fact, most won’t.

As long as baby is growing steadily and on the chart, there is usually no cause for concern.

Breastfed vs. Formula-fed: How Growth Patterns Differ

Breastfed babies gain weight differently than formula-fed babies.

  • Days 1-3: Before mom’s milk comes in, breastfed babies lose about 7 percent of their birth weight. Formula-fed babies, on the other hand, only lose about 3.5 percent of their birth weight.
  • 0-3 months: Babies resume patterns of rapid growth after the first few days of life, with breastfed babies initially outpacing their formula-fed peers.
  • 3-12 months: Once baby approaches three months of age, formula-fed babies begin to catch up to—and even tend to exceed—breastfed babies.

But until recently, many growth charts didn’t reflect this. In 2016, the CDC finally changed their charts to better reflect the growth patterns of breastfed children. (Note: The interactive chart above is based on WHO baby weight charts, which accounts for breastfeeding, since globally there are more mothers who breastfeed.)

Baby Weight Chart – WHO – Boys and Girls Growth Curve

Unfortunately, many pediatricians still go by the old version of the CDC’s charts, which can lead to confusion if a baby does not appear to be gaining weight accordingly. This may also result in unnecessary supplementation with formula, introducing solids earlier than generally recommended, or, in extreme cases, even the recommendation to stop breastfeeding altogether.

Is Your Child Low on the Baby Weight Chart?

Just because your baby is on the lower end of the scale doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong. Average baby weight is just that—average.

In fact, only half of babies fall between the 25th and 75th percentiles, meaning that half of all babies fall outside of that “normal” range, though they are still perfectly normal!

Paying attention to your unique child’s growth curve is a better indication of health. If baby is at the 25th percentile and then starts going down in percentiles, that may be a concern. If baby is at the 3rd percentile and continues to grow (but stays at the 3rd percentile), there is likely nothing to worry about.

My Baby’s Height Doesn’t Match His Weight

Not every baby will be both short and thin or both tall and chubby. Some are tall and thin; some are short and chubby. This means your baby could be in the 50th percentile for weight and the 12th for height and still be considered perfectly “normal.”

How Much Does the Average Baby Weigh at Birth?

The average baby girl weighs between 5.1-9.7 pounds at birth, while the average baby boy weighs between 5.1-10.1 pounds at birth.

For girls, the 50th percentile—right in the middle of the pack—would be about 7.1 pounds; for boys, the 50th percentile would be about 7.3 pounds.

How Much Weight Does a Baby Gain in the First Month?

The average breastfed baby will lose about 7 percent of their birth weight in the first three days and the average formula-fed baby will lose 3.5 percent of their birth weight, according to one study. If baby loses more than 10 percent, speak to your pediatrician and see a lactation consultant to make sure baby is getting enough to eat.

Over the course of the next two weeks, baby should gain back any weight lost. According to Dr. Jay Gordon, a pediatrician and author, the average baby gains 4-8 ounces per week in the first month.

What is the Normal Weight for a 3-Month-Old Baby?

The normal weight for a 3-month-old baby girl is between 9.7-17.2 pounds, while the normal weight for a 3-month-old baby boy is between 10.6-18.3 pounds.

For girls, the 50th percentile—right in the middle of the pack—would be about 12.8 pounds; for boys, the 50th percentile would be about 14.1 pounds.

To better understand if your baby is on track, think of it this way: Most babies will double their birthweight by about 4-5 months of age, and triple it by about 12 months.

My baby is Under 6 Months Old and Not Growing Well. Should I Introduce Solids?

The short answer is no. Solids are not recommended for babies under 6 months of age. The major health organizations, including the World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Academy of Family Physicians, all agree with this statement.

If a baby this age isn’t growing well, there is often an underlying reason that needs to be addressed, and adding solids won’t fix it alone (and may even cause more damage).

Slow weight gain may happen for many reasons, like:

  • Baby isn’t getting enough food
  • Baby isn’t absorbing food adequately
  • Baby has an especially high metabolism
  • Parents are on the smaller side

A doctor who is knowledgeable about the most up-to-date information on baby weight charts and nutrition is an excellent ally when navigating baby weight issues.

What to Do If Your Child is Behind on the Growth Charts?

There are many things you can do to support baby’s growth that are natural and healthy.

Call a lactation consultant

If you’re breastfeeding but baby is not gaining or growing well, that does not necessarily mean you don’t have enough milk. Baby can only eat what he can remove from the breast, and if he has a bad latch or a lip or tongue tie, he can’t remove milk well. Formula may be needed in the short term (because, yes, fed is best), but breastfeeding can almost always work with the right support (and it gets easier too!). A lactation consultant is a great first step to getting back on track.

Test your milk quality

If baby isn’t gaining weight appropriately, consider sending a sample of your milk to the Lactation Lab. This service will analyze your breast milk composition and tell you how much fat is in it. If your breast milk is low in fat, you can boost fat levels by adding alfalfa tablets and borage oil to your diet. You can also add food rich in omega-3s, like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed.

Better formula

If you do need to supplement, you don’t have to go with a brand that contains questionable ingredients. There are better brands out there and even homemade versions that can help keep baby’s gut health intact and keep him growing well. (Read more about the best formula here.)

Improved nutrition

If your baby is 6-12 months old and not growing well, make sure he gets enough breast milk or formula but also be sure to introduce solids for added nutrition.

Banana, avocado, squash, egg yolks, coconut cream, and even pasture-raised meats are all excellent nutrient-dense foods for baby that will help him head north on the baby weight chart.

Support digestive health

You can also support baby’s digestive health, which can help him absorb nutrition more readily. Breast milk is an excellent way to heal and soothe baby’s gut. Some babies need added probiotics to help them with digestion and absorption of nutrients. (The highest rated infant probiotic on the market can be found here.) You can also add an infant probiotic to baby’s diet directly by placing a drop on your nipple, finger, or pacifier before baby starts suckling. (Learn more about baby probiotics here.) In addition, you can offer fermented foods (beet kvass is easy, because it’s in liquid form) as well as prebiotic foods, like under-ripe bananas, to babies over 6 months old to feed the good bacteria.

Try baby massage

Many studies also link infant massage with healthy weight gain. In fact, in one study, premature babies who received a massage gained 47 percent more weight than premature babies who did not receive massage. In another study, newborns who were massaged not only gained more weight per day, but also appeared more aware and had increased motor skills.

Baby Weight Chart: Bottom Line

Just like a snowflake, every baby is different. As long as your baby is growing steadily along his own curve, there is usually nothing to worry about. But when you do need help, rest assured—there are simple, natural things you can do to support baby’s body in growing big, strong and healthy.

Genevieve Howland

About the Author

Genevieve Howland is a doula and childbirth educator. She is the bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 135,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives.

Cynthia Mason, CNM, APN, MSN medical reviewer at Mama Natural square

Reviewed By
Cynthia Mason, CNM, APN, MSN

Cynthia Mason, CNM, APN, MSN is a Certified Nurse Midwife who has attended more than five hundred births. She works in Regional Obstetrics and Gynecology for Cleveland Clinic.

Elisa Song MD Pediatric Reviewer Mama Natural

Reviewed By
Elisa Song, MD

Elisa Song, MD is a board-certified pediatrician, wife, and mother of two. As one of the country’s most highly regarded holistic pediatricians, Dr. Song founded Healthy Kids Happy Kids to empower parents to take charge of their kids’ health naturally!


  1. Thank you. I trust your blog because you are about health. I would advise parents to do their own research and look to trusted people like yourself instead of going to run-of-the-mill sites like whattoexpect etc where I have found horrible recommendations. Also your avg pediatrician is not about health and can recommend toxic things for your baby like medicines and formulas with horrible ingredients. Please parents we have to stick together and help each other because they are about money making not health. The diamond in the rough is about health. Thanks Genevieve.

  2. I started giving my son supported sitter baby food at 4mos old n his doctor said it wasn’t bad to feed a baby that type of food at 4mos old cuz it’s for supported sitters, he been eating baby food since he was 4mos old, now he’s in sitter baby food which is 2nd foods for 6mos olds, I started sitter baby when he was 5mos n 20 days n he’s fine, my son was 15lbs n 25 in a quarter inches long at 4mos too, he feels like he’s 17lbs-20lbs n 26-27 inches long, they also don’t want u to give kids under age of 8mos teether foods but it’s for babies that have been teething since 4mos but as long as u watch your child that’s under 8mos then it shouldn’t be a problem, if a toddler over age of 3 weighs less then 25lbs that might be something to talk to a doctor about so they can give a child that age that weighs that more fats in their diets but every kid n baby is different, some eat more then others so that’s okay, my son weight n height is 10% more then babies his age at the doctor I take my son too

  3. the weight charts are a good tool but my daughter was 5lds 6oz at birth and I worried my self sick going over the charts on what they said she should be at then her pediatrician said stop he keeps the chart and I needed to understand all babies are different and will grow at there own rate and if you look at the chart a baby will most of the time set a curve ( there growth curve) she was real low on the chart but he was not worried for she started and stayed on the curve she set being small was who she was and that was ok so please try not to worry and compare your child to another they are all different and they will all grow and change at there own rate in there time. 1 note before putting in a feeding tube I would get a 2st opinion but that me. hope it helps

    • My granddaughter who I got half the time was born at 4 lbs. 4 oz. she ended up becoming only 3 lbs. 5 oz. and took two weeks to get back to birthweight when they released her mother was 36 weeks gestation, but she still came out very tiny and Natalie she is 14 months and she’s only 26 inches long and 17 lbs. 14 oz. But she’s following her curve and that her mother is only 5 foot & 99 pounds

  4. baby girl 7.5 months, born at 5 pds 3 oz, 17.5 Inches, now 24 inches and 12.6 is that a healthy wight and height, parents are short

  5. my daugther neck will she have a normal growth and have a neck

  6. Thank you for this, everything I kept reading said my son was huge for his age but your chart says he is perfectly in the middle.

  7. I have a concern about my son being underweight. He’s almost 9 months old and weighs 16.8 pounds please help because his doctor is planning on putting a feeding tube down his throat if he’s not gaining weight like he’s suppose to but he’ll eat as much as he wants until he doesn’t want no more……???????

    • Recently went to doctor my son is 10.8 lbs they say he is very underweight. I’m stressed. Wondered what happened w ur situation. Please e mail back

      • My 3mo son was underweight and we started him on Enfamils Human milk fortifier and he is almost caught up in less than a month. It goes straight into pumped breast milk. If the baby is formula fed you may want to try a formula with higher fats.

    • I’m going trough the sane thing, my baby was staying at her same weight she wasn’t really gaining as much weight she was slow gaining weight, they did recommend being consistent every 2-3 hours feeding even though the baby was sleeping, so nothing was really working, they told me she needed to go to the hospital so they can observé how she eats well all they were doing was reminding me every 3 hours to feed her they were on top of me she did gain weight so they didn’t need to put tubes she was 9 pounds with almost 3 month’s next I had an appointment and she didn’t gain any weight so they said if i wasn’t consistent she wasn’t going to gain weight, they even mentioned calling DCF because they saw in the hospital she gained weight and at home she wasn’t really, so I started to be more consistent and writing down how many oz she’s eating a day until she gets to the weight she need to be witch reading this article not all babies are not going to be the same weight so sometimes doctors they need to chill. But just try being more consistent and writing down the oz usually with 22oz a day that should bring your baby to gain 1oz a day that has worked with my daughter.

      • Well they are correct if the baby gains weight when in hospital with you feeding him every 3 hours when they recommended 2-3 hours and gained weight there but not at home that means you weren’t waking him up to feed him. I had to do that with granddaughter her mom didn’t want to wake her but if I didn’t she wouldn’t gain weight she is still only 17 lbs at 14.5 months. But she also only 26” long so she is following her curve just fine.

    • So your son is 9 monthly so he need to gain 3 onz a day actually so just try to give him a total of 24-32 oz a day that should have him gaining 3 onz every day . Sometimes we follow what baby wants but if they are underweight we need to sacrifice more and be more consistent so they can gain that weight! Because My baby girl drinks 4onz -2oz-3oz -1oz she is not consistent with drinking the sane onz everyday she drinks diferente every time but Drinking milk like that She is still getting to 22onz a day sometimes 21oz and sometimes 26 onz a day but that is making her gain weight.

  8. I am kind of confused how do you convert pounds into kg?here in Zambia we use msg instead of pounds,so my baby when last checked was weighing 6.8kg ,is that ok

    • Multiply the Kg weight by 2.2 . This will give you the weight in pounds

  9. I think there may be a typo for the 18 mo boy weight.

  10. My daughter is a premature baby…so at birth she was only 2 kgs .How to calculate the norm for premies?

  11. We truly are “wonderfully made.” It’s amazing to watch my son grow so much in these short 9 months that have gone by. He just started balancing to stand on his own this week…it’s so much fun. Thank you for the information. I’m going to weigh him this morning, curious now where he is since his last weigh-in.

  12. My son age 2 year 7 month old what the actual weight and height.pls reply

    • That is a question that your provider can answer for you.

  13. Thanks for info, love your site, calms me to read unlike other sources. My baby is under the 5th percentile while he was in the 50th wen he was upto 3months old, dunno what went wrong though. Will talk to the doc.

  14. My baby girl is 3years old and her height is 39 inches.
    What the normal weight should be for her.
    Please let me know ,thsnks

  15. My daughter has 10 months and her weight is 7kg, she is very strong,charming, happily and proceeding with her development stage by stage,is her weight OK?

    • My son also 10 months but 7 kg only. Dr told he is underweight

  16. When my baby girl was 3 days short to 4 months of age, she weighed 5.62kg. and now when she is 4.5 months old, she has 5.7kg. Is this weight gain normal??

  17. Thanks for sharing the weight & length chart. My one month son’s weight is 13.9 lbs, means quiet healthy! Happy to see. Thanks again.

  18. My baby is 3 months and weighs 19.6lbs.. so healthy… breast milk is the BEST thing to give a baby. She’s 19.6 lbs and 27inches long. It’s awesome.

  19. It is not correct to say that a baby under age 6 months should not be introduced to solids.
    My LO was introduced to solids as soon as she turned 4 months per the instructions of her pediatrician.
    I was told that a baby can be introduced to solids, once she/he is able to support their head and is able to sit supported/unsupported.

    However, it must be mentioned that even at age 6 or below, whether introduced to solids or not, the real source of “food” must still be breast milk/formula without doubt.

    • Debashis is right. It is not uncommon for babies to start solids BEFORE six months. My daughter started at four months as recommended by her pediatrician because she needed to gain weight. It worked very well and she took to solids like a duck to water. Starting out with baby cereal, then on to purees and yogurts, and now she eats all kinds of solids including fruit, veggies, toast, pasta, chicken, etc. Baby-lead weaning has been very effective for us. Having said that, starting your child on solids before six months should really be done only after consulting a pediatrician just to be on the safe side. It isn’t necessary for most babies to start before six months and the earlier they start the more likely they are to gag on the food for a while.As Debashis says, solid food should not be a replacement for milk / formula either, not before they are a year old.

  20. my baby is 2 year and 2 month and weight is 17.52 is it ok?

    • I would discuss any weight concerns with his provider.

  21. This blog is very meaningful. In order to measure the growth of an infant, the infantometer can use. As one of the major growth parameter, this is used. This equipment is mainly used to assess the length of an infant as a parameter of growth. IBIS Medical is one of the major manufacturers of the neonatal products which have a worldwide distribution network.

  22. Please advise.
    My boy is 1 month and 24 and he’s weight in 6.5 KG is that normal?

  23. ma baby is 9months old n her weight is 12.5 n height is lb 76 at the clinic thy say she is over-weight thy evin gave me a letter to go n see dietiarian pls help

  24. the chart has to be up to the adult age Mean from 1 month to 18 years

  25. Hi Mama Natural,
    I found a typo in the weight chart. Boys 18 months.. 18.5-21.3 It’s probably 18.5-31.3

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