Birth Stories

Birth Affirmation Videos Helped Star Have a Different Mindset

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Contractions continued after hot bath, then I saw the mucus plug with a little blood.
    I was only 2cm dilated after 24 hours of contractions but the midwife said my cervix was paper thin, and took me in.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The duration, I was disappointed all my techniques didn't work (dates, yoga, red raspberry leaf tea every day!). I didn't expect 35 hours! Couldn't sleep, I continued drinking my red raspberry leaf tea and eating snacks but I couldn't keep anything down. Don't know how I managed. At the end my body would sleep between contractions from exhaustion, I even snored haha. The Midwife had to break my water to move things along.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I had so many techniques planned but all I could manage was relax through surges and save my energy. Birth affirmation videos on youtube were what helped. It gave me a different mindset, I trusted my body, I could sing or "Om" through surges.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was mostly surprised at how it wasn't so bad, how I could sing through surges but staying quiet worked best. I was very surprised when my hormones kicked in, and it was pleasurable to bring the baby's head down to the opening... The last part, "ring of fire", wasn't so fun but I took my time and was so very pleased I didn't tear (although my doctor said all women tear on their first, smh).

  • I was quiet for once in the birth, I was in shock but so glad that he stopped crying when on my chest. He broke the ice when he peed on me, and opened his big eyes at the sound of daddy's voice.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Everything was bearable but the back pain. Having my husband push on my lower back through every contraction helped. His wrists were sore next day.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I wanted a water birth but it stalled contractions, I needed gravity. I ended up delivering in a sitting position looking down at my baby's head through a mirror and feeling the crowning with one hand.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was quiet for once in the birth, I was in shock but so glad that he stopped crying when on my chest. He broke the ice when he peed on me, and opened his big eyes at the sound of daddy's voice.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    It's never too late to switch, I went from a hospital to a birth center at 34 weeks after seeing Misty do it too (youtube: bumps along the way). Lose all expectations, this is coming from a type A personality, most plans will go out the window haha.
    Don't go to a hospital, you will want to cave and it's better to be surrounded by a team that won't let you.

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