Birth Stories

Having an Ultimate Birthing Team and a Midwife Helped Alexandra During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I gave birth on 7/7, but on 7/4 I went into intense labor with my contractions three minutes apart for six hours, then it suddenly stopped. Resumed my labor three days later!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I wouldn't say there was anything in specific that was challenging. Obviously, it was the most intense pain I had ever felt, but it wasn't necessarily a challenge, it was more a learning experience. I remember as my contractions got worse, my body was learning how to work with them instead of against them and when I started to push I was learning how to use each contraction with my pushing. It was all very rewarding, not only after, but during!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read books. I drank red raspberry leaf tea excessively. I ate dates. I worked out. I did a number of things that I thought would gear me up, but the reality is, none of those prepared me for labor, I was still shocked at how intense labor was, even after reading many, many birth stories and shoving dates in my face. Best thing I did was round up the ultimate birthing team ever. My mom, sister and husband! Also, a totally badass midwife. I had so much support, as you can see in the picture, as soon as I gave birth, my husband was putting my babe on my chest and I was holding my moms hand, my sister was behind the bed giving me cool towels and encouraging words. Just a small example of all the support they gave me.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    After I delivered the placenta it was the greatest feeling of relief!! Also, damn, that thing is huge....and kinda green!

  • Gather up the people you feel the closest to and have them help ya through it! Either way, you've got this is the bag, but it definitely helps having your own cheer squad.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    WATER! I labored for a majority of the time at home, in and out of my bath tub. When I got to the hospital I did the rest of my laboring in a birthing pool. It was SO helpful! Being in warm water helped me to relax and dilate!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    When it was time for me to push my midwife encouraged me out of the birthing pool ( looking back I think it was because I had pooped in it! No shame! ) and had me try several different positions. I squatted, I leaned over the bed, I was on hands and knees, then I finally birthed my boy laying on my back with my feet on a squat bar! I pushed for 45 minutes but it felt like 10, I honestly felt like I flipped on my back and immediately pushed out my son.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was so exhausted it felt like 'thank god this is over'. I didn't feel an immediate, overwhelming sense of love for my son when he was placed on my chest. That took a solid week, actually. He's two weeks old today and it's something that is still growing stronger each day. I've had little moments where I look at him and cry tears of joy because I love him so much. But that took a little bit, and that's okay!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Gather up the people you feel the closest to and have them help ya through it! Either way, you've got this is the bag, but it definitely helps having your own cheer squad.

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