Birth Stories

Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea And Walking Helped Kate During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke at 10 am after I got up. I kept reading that it doesn't happen like in movies or TV but mine was a big dramatic splash all over the floor that woke my husband up! I had had no other signs of labor and this was 3 weeks before the due date so I really wasn't expecting it. I didn't start contractions till about 5 pm.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The feeling of my body trying to pull itself apart to make room for this new life was a tremendously intimate and indescribable pain. I had planned a home birth but because he was coming so early and I had an eccentric umbilical cord placement that we'd been watching my midwife wanted us to go the hospital. I begged for an epidural several times but my husband and my nurse helped me each time to find a better position or get me in the tub.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I attribute my smooth labor to red raspberry leaf tea and walking. Most days I walked about 30 minutes, some days it was more and some less but I tried to listen to my body.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was totally fine all that Sunday, rushing around getting ready for the hospital. We'd packed some crosswords, books, my rosary, I thought we'd be able to do stuff between contractions. Instead by about 9 pm I couldn't really talk or open my eyes I was so focused. My husband held my hand the entire time and would let me know when the next contraction was coming. He squeezed water in my mouth but I couldn't even tell him I was thirsty. The hospital was a teaching one and by the time I was pushing there were probably 8 people in the room with bright lights but I didn't notice any of it. The pushing was actually the best part and for me the least painful even though he ended up being sunny side up.

  • The tub was amazing. I'm not a bath person so I didn't think I'd like it but the first time I requested an epidural my amazing nurse suggested I try it and it helped so much.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The tub was amazing. I'm not a bath person so I didn't think I'd like it but the first time I requested an epidural my amazing nurse suggested I try it and it helped so much.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my side with nurses holding my legs. I labored almost entirely on all fours with my face in a pillow but they had me try on my side and doing a little crunch and that's what got him out.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    This was actually my hardest part. They didn't like his color at birth so he was on me for about two seconds before they took him away. My husband was right there with him and they were still in the room but I was inconsolable, crying and begging for them to bring him back. As soon as they were done my husband brought him straight to me and I just kept crying. He was healthy and perfect and so tiny (5lbs10oz) and I was completely in love.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    I was saving it for the 3 weeks I had off before the due date!

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