Birth Stories

Essential Oils Helped Lyndsi During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke on a Saturday. I was leaking up until that Monday which was when I had an early Dr appointment. Before my apointment I began having contractions. About 15 minutes apart. I didn't realize my water had actually broken. With my first baby it was a gushing and obvious sign. But this was summer and I just thought it was normal vaginal leaking and maybe sweat.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I had decided on a VBAC very early in the pregnancy. I read a few books to help me prepare for a drug free birth this time. Books written by midwives describing the use of essential oils, birthing balls, hypnotic birth, positive birthing affirmations, even an orgasmic birth. I was fortunate that my OBGYN, and hospital was open to my birth plans. But due to my water being broken for over 24 hours there was an infection risk, and my labor wasn't progressing fast enough to do vaginal labor. I still to this day think back on if my decision to have a c-section was really the best option given the circumstances. I was so optimistic about having a natural birth, that when my birth event was over, I was kind of embarrassed to tell people of how it really went down. I didn't want to be told that I gave in to the c section crazed hospital system.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I focused on my baby. Whatever needed to be done to get her out safely was my goal. And to reaffirm myself that my body is capable of great things. I also prepared essential oils to help with pain and different stages of birth. Of course my birth didn't go exactly as planned, but I still was able to use some of my natural remedies for some parts of my birth and postpartum.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised at how fast your plans can change. I didn't have the natural birth that this post is actually wanting to know about. And I'm sorry if this is a waste of time. But I did assert my authority regarding decisions of vaccinations, and other common hospital practices that I disagreed with. I didn't get to have my ideal birthing experience, or "orgasmic" birth I had been reading about. But I definitely made sure everything else involved with having a baby in the hospital was my call, and things I felt was safe and best for my baby.

  • Go for it. Trust in your body and God given gift of being able to create. And if your plans don't go the way you hoped like mine, don't be ashamed.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    For contraction pain I used a birthing ball. And also I used essential oils like black pepper and basil. I inhaled it every time I had a contraction and I really felt like it helped. I also had gas in my shoulder which was common with c section recovery. I used peppermint essential oil on my shoulder and it helped with the pain. While in the hospital for recovery I was successful in not using any pain meds. I also diffused different oil blends that helped with bonding, purifying the air and uplifting. The hospital nurses really enjoyed my room as well because it smelled so good.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was in position for surgery.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was given my baby immediately. And up until the time we were discharged my baby was held by me or my husband, even at night. Following my surgery I didn't take the medication to help with nausea that happens when your coming down off of the crap you have to take to have a c section. So I was throwing up quite a bit. But with my husbands help I was still able to have that skin to skin time.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Go for it. Trust in your body and God given gift of being able to create. And if your plans don't go the way you hoped like mine, don't be ashamed. With all the crazy hormones you have after having a baby, the last thing you need is to feel criticized for how the birth may or may not of gone down. Do what you can to assert your natural intentions where you can. I didn't get the 100% natural birth I wanted, but I'm proud of what I was able to control and have a healthy and happy baby today because of it.

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