Birth Stories

Hiring The Same Certified Doula That She Had with Her First Two Births Helped Cheryl During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was almost a week overdue with my third baby, and had a membrane sweep the day before. I was having very irregular contractions, so I wasn't sure if it was true labor. At around 1pm, I called my doula to come help me labor at home, as it felt like contractions were getting more intense. The contractions were still irregular, though, and my doula suggested getting in the shower or tub until she arrived. I hopped in the shower for a little while. When I got out, I had 2 more contractions. After the second, I shouted at my husband and told him we had to go to the hospital RIGHT NOW. He was surprised, as I hadn't seemed like I was in active labor yet. His response was "now we're cookin'!"

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Being overdue was very challenging. With this being my third baby, I had every expectation that she would arrive early or on time. I was miserable, both physically and mentally. My OB recommended a hospital medical induction later in the week, but I was desperate to avoid Pitocin. My first was induced, and the Pitocin made me nauseous. I asked if we could try a couple of membrane sweeps first. Luckily, the first one worked!

  • Clara-birth
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Even though this was my third baby, I hired the same certified doula that I had the first two times. Each birth was different, and her advice and support was critical to having 3 successful, positive experiences. She helped me reach my goals for epidural-free hospital births with minimal interventions. She also helped guide my husband in supporting me. I highly recommend hiring a certified doula to help reach your birth goals, whatever they may be.

    I also have an OB and hospital that is very respectful of a mother's wishes for natural birth, and are willing to respect our birth plan.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Once active labor finally started, I was surprised at how quickly labor progressed. The plan was for my doula to help me labor at home until transition, then go to the hospital. However, she had to meet us at the hospital. My husband was speeding and weaving through traffic, desperate to avoid a car birth. He called the hospital and told them "we're coming in hot!" When I arrived, I was 10cm, fully effaced, and baby was at 0 station. Baby girl was born after 2 pushes, 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Luckily, my OB arrived just in time. The nurse later told us that they didn't believe my husband when he called, haha!

  • Hiring a certified doula and choosing a supportive OB/hospital can go a long way to help you reach your goals. Additionally, reading positive birth stories and reading up on your birth options can help you be prepared. Your body is amazing, and you can do this!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Laboring at home allowed me to change positions, use the exercise ball, and use the shower. I also used "ahh" breathing with an open jaw, visualization (at the beach), and prayer to get me through the contractions. The most helpful strategy, however, was to rock my hips back and forth with the warm shower on my back. This seemed to really bring baby down quickly.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Reclined, with my feet in stirrups. Unfortunately, I really wanted to sit up more and use a birthing bar, but the nurse was concerned about the position of the monitor.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Such a relief! I was just so happy that she was finally here, and labor was successful.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    As I said, hiring a certified doula and choosing a supportive OB/hospital can go a long way to help you reach your goals. Additionally, reading positive birth stories and reading up on your birth options can help you be prepared. Your body is amazing, and you can do this!

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